Myth of Canada Immigration to Indian Parent’s
Jyotpreet Kaur
Northern BC, Alberta, & Saskatchewan: Pioneering a More Inclusive Future #EveryChildMatters #NoFamilyLeftBehind
Myth of Canada Immigration to Indian Parent’s
“University education is the gateway to a successful and happy future” (The value of education, Learning for life, 2015). Indian Parents are the most generous parents in the world and wants to give their children the strongest wings to fly above all and that is why “88 percent of Indian parents are willing to send their children overseas for post-graduate studies” (Salil Panchal, 2015). Also, about 93 percent of Indian parents surveyed said they are open to pay more for their child’s education in an international university than in India” (Salil Panchal, 2015). ?Additionally, as ?India has become wealthier, more of its citizens are leaving its shores.?An estimated 17 million Indians were living abroad in 2017, making India the largest source country for international migrants globally, up from 7 million in 1990 and a 143% increase, according to an?India Spend?analysis of?data?from the United Nations Department of Economic Affairs.
If we talk about immigration to Canada, inspired by increasingly prohibitive migration arrangements of getting green cards in the United States and permanent residency (PR) in countries like Australia, New Zeeland, UK and Europe, the quantity of Indians acquiring perpetual habitation in Canada has dramatically increased since 2016. Given current patterns, Indian researchers and specialists will probably keep on considering Canada to be an appealing elective area to make their vocations and raise a family. (Stuart Anderson, 2020). The quantity of Indians who became lasting occupants in Canada expanded from 39,340 of every 2016 to 80,685 of every 2019, through the initial 11 months of 2019, an expansion of over 105%, as per a National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) investigation of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada information. Entire year Canadian insights will probably show in excess of 85,000 Indian migrants in 2019 (Stuart Anderson, 2020).
Despite, Canada being lucrative destination of immigration because of its aligned process to get permanent residency (PR) (Stuart Anderson, 2020). Still the professionals are not satisfied once they are in Canada, as Canadian economy is driven by small and medium size industries (SME’s) despite being highly developed economy in the world, which affects the perception of Indian immigrants psychologically?(Nickels, 2019). Therefore, the superior lifestyle, ?the better profession & pay, ?the better health ?and infrastructure facility ?etc. are the myths for Indian parents, as they are never able to pick out the flaws when they immigrate their child to Canada in search of better living.
In 2017, 25,575 Indian students got themselves enrolled in Canadian Universities whereas 86,900 numbers of Indian students took admission in Canadian colleges (Education, 2018). The courses offered in colleges are mostly certifications that lead a person to be skilled in some of the other streams whereas, academic and professional programs are taught in Universities?(Ontario Ministry of Training). If we overlap the information provided above,?the crux is like that by sending their children to Canada most of the Indian Parents take away their chance to be experts in some field or to be professionally renowned because of the education they are gaining after landing in Canada is mostly for skilled worker jobs only. And as the Canadian economy is based on SME’s, Canadian entrepreneurs believe in skilled labour over an ex-pat because of the pay scale difference (Nickels, 2019) hence Indian students turn to be second class professionals in Canada and they are?never ever able to earn what an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) & Indian Institute of Management (IIM) student got as a placement package after completing their education in India. The average package of an IIM Ahmedabad is 50,000 Cad with the highest salary of 170,000 Cad per annum?(Standards, 2020) and this figure is quite similar on an average basis only, as the highest package achieved is never a case in Canada for Indian students while pursuing their first jobs. Therefore, there is a loss of opportunity for Indian youngsters when their parents send them to Canada in the hope of better pay.
Furthermore, to fulfil the wish of Indian parents to send their adult kids to Canada become reality because of the comprehensive ranking system (CRS) on the basis of which an Indian will be able to apply for Canadian PR while sitting in their home country?(Canada C. A., 2015). A person is able to score maximum CRS score if he/she is single, have five years of work experience with masters education and on top of all if he/she scores CLB 9 in IELTS general exam (Canada C. A., 2015). If a person is that qualified in India he/she is living the life of the upper-middle-class and if that person immigrates to Canada as a bachelorette,?then it is very hard for them to search for a life partner in Canada who will be able to match with their thinking and lifestyle. Because as stated above most of the Indian kids end up being skilled professionals and the person who immigrated from India under express entry system is a more weighted person in terms of earning, thinking, lifestyle etc. hence it is difficult to find an uncompromised matrimonial match for an Indian immigrated singles here in Canada (Canada C. A., 2015). To support the above arguments, I have analyzed my own big fat Indian family comprised of more than 150 numbers of first cousins and the findings is like that most of my sisters are engineers with two masters in common and some are Ph. D holder too. They all got married in different parts of the world like Australia, the USA, the UK and Canada with the will of their parents as marriages were arranged marriages and their partner's qualifications are less in comparison to all of them. The jobs performed by their partners in respective countries are like a real estate agent, driving licensee agent etc.
Movement from the Indian subcontinent to Canada started during the late 1800s. The dominant part was Sikhs from the Punjab area are immigrating to Canada every year?(Canada G. o., Library and Archives Canada, n.d.). The economy of Punjab is debt-ridden?(Singh, 2019). Unemployed youth, wastage of human resources, farmer suicides, stagnant industrialization & drug addiction are keywords attached with a description of Punjab now a day. Unemployment is one of the major issues in Punjab (Singh, 2019). This may be the reason why Indian parents from Punjab send their kids to Canada, but this is not the blanket that covers all the area and parents from a different region in India.
“Canadians of East Indian origin are much more likely than the rest of the population to have a university degree. In 2001, 26% of adults who reported East Indian origin were university graduates, compared with 15% of the overall adult population?(Canada S., 2007)”. “Canadians of East Indian origin are particularly likely to have a post-graduate degree. In 2001, 9% of people who identified themselves as East Indian had a post-graduate degree, double the figure in the overall population (Canada S., 2007)”. Despite that, work power participants of East Indian cause are bound to be jobless than work power members in everybody. In 2001, 8.6% of East Indian work power members were jobless, contrasted and 7.4% of those in the general populace. (Canada S., 2007)
Moreover, in today pandemic situation caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) again, immigrants won't able to get the similar advantages gained by a Canadian citizens. International students who arrived in January 2020 wont able to get any liberty from the Canadian government as 540 hours needs to be completed before doing any claim of lay off from part-time job which is not fair?(Canada G. o., Canada Emergency Response Benefit, n.d.)
New polling numbers suggest a majority of Canadians believe the federal government should limit the number of?immigrants?it accepts?(WRIGHT, 2019), and that is why people from India choose to stay in Toronto and Vancouver as they lack belongingness in the rest of the parts of Canada (Canada S., 2007). If we talk about women employment, there is a “'double-negative effect on the earnings of immigrant women arising from a possible combined negative impact of gender and birthplace on earnings. The paper finds that a double-negative effect on earnings does not appear to hold across the board for all immigrant women, but is quite marked for highly educated women; and that a conventionally estimated rate of earnings adjustment for immigrant women appears much less than that for men and is not at all statistically significant, so that any initial earnings gap relative to native-born women changes very little over the worker's career”?(Beach & Worswick, 1993).
In conclusion, suffering faced by Indian people in Canada, and the perception formed for Canada by Indian Parents are not perfect and before sending their kids to a foreign land they must weigh the cons in comparison to pros because then only they are able to understand that opportunities in India are more in number and grand in nature. On top of all the students need not face cultural shocks, homesickness and other hardships and still be able to achieve a better lifestyle in India only with respect to Canada if that is what their parents want.
People got a psychological shock when they immigrate to Canada because the standard of living of immigrants is lower in comparison to what they have in India. And Indian parents were under the impression that greater opportunities are easily available in Canada for their children. However, the Canadian economy is driven by small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) whose employee strength is like 10 to 250 employees at the maximum that is why subject experts are not in demand in Canada. For example, a port and harbour construction consultant with five years of rigorous experience in water infrastructure in India is considered to be an expert professional and compensate accordingly, but after immigrating to Canada people come to know that megaprojects and companies are not part of the Canadian economy which will force them to firstly, change their stream of work secondly they will end up working in SME’s whose pay scale will be less in comparison to large multinational corporations (MNC’s).
Additionally, people who live and complete their education in tier-1 (A1) cities have enough exposure of infrastructure facilities and services like metro, transit, malls, university, school, coaching, international restaurants, cineplex etc. but, majority of people who immigrate to Canada is from tier 3 (B-grade) cities of India, which are considered as a rural area in India and their perspective towards Canada is totally different from the people who stay in tier 1 & tier 2 cities of India. ?People immigrate immediately after completing high school at their native place. Therefore, Canada seems great to them and when these people visit their native place their world view towards Canada influence the people of the homeland. And same happened with parents as they are under the misconception of Canada being a better place to stay for their child and hence Indian parents immigrated their child to Canada and that is a myth of them about Canada being a better place to live on despite the fact that need to be generalized for all.
Works Cited
Salil Panchal. (2015, August 13). Upfront. Retrieved from Forbes India:
(2015). The value of education, Learning for life. HSBC.
Stuart Anderson. (2020, FEB 20). Leadership. (FORBES) Retrieved from
Nickels, W. (2019). Understanding Canadian Business. Canada: McGraw-Hills Ryersons.
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Ontario Ministry of Training, C. a. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Standards, I. P. (2020). PGP Placement Report IIM Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad: IIM .
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WRIGHT, T. (2019, June 16). The Canadian Press. Retrieved from Global News:
Beach, C. M., & Worswick, C. (1993). Is There a Double-Negative Effect on the Earnings of Immigrant Women? (Vol. 19). University of Toronto Press.