Myth-busting guff won’t solve this problem.
>> A tragedy, as your future and mine depend on fixing it.
Here are two dire, paradoxical problems you and I can't ignore. They may not seem to be about you - but they are.
1. Far too many senile old farts like me run things today. Our number compared to the young rises every year. We have made a devilish mess of things.
2. We need talented, knowledgeable, determined young people to sort things out. Especially because the clowns in "human resources" won't hire oldies.
What are the most popular careers today?
- Delivery Driver...
- Project Manager...
- Store Manager...
- Customer Assistant...
- Store Assistant...
- Software Engineer...
- Sales Assistant...
- Customer Service Advisor...
Six of those 8 jobs are menial, ill-paid and aren't in the position to make real change. And their opportunities to progress seem to become more and more limited by the day.
How are we going to train people who do make a difference?
Where will we find these paragons? Who is in charge of doing so. What have they done?
Have you seen anything good? I've seen nothing but some dire poster campaigns looking for apprentices. Young people who will develop worthwhile skills. None of the advertisers understand the art of persuasion.
Look at?this email. It starts with a silly name - unless you're into bees -and?the reader is worried?about myths. Then it?goes?negative without addressing the concerns mentioned.
If you want to persuade anyone to do or believe anything, say why, in detail while you have their attention. Otherwise you will fail.
So let's look at this copy.
“What are these myths about apprenticeships?”
Your readers aren't told, nor why they should care.
“Is this opportunity right for me, the bright young person?”
You aren't given the answer.?
What would have worked would be showing?people immediately - people look at people - instead of featuring that silly design.
What is the HIVE360 skills academy? And why should you care?
Nothing relevant there.
What are they actually selling? A zoom meeting.
They could say “This one hour could change your life - or your business”
But instead you get three question; questions that validate doubts without reassuring you.
Then you're told about someone called Penny Guard. Who is she? Why should you be excited to see her?
Who?are?GBS apprenticeships??Why?are they the authority on the subject? Where are the clearly explained benefits?
Phrases like “must see” and “unlock an invaluable training fund” are just cliched?puffery without proof.
How, pray, will this woman “transform my business”? Is she addressing the young people, the employers, or both??
The phrase “minimum impact on your time” is just infuriating. Why not "every minute?is?an investment in your future"?
The people who commissioned this half-cock attempt almost certainly work with local government - the fashionable obsessions and ignorance about marketing?of those in control of things nowadays prove?it.
This shows when finally you see?a person. The one thing you know people look at - but?too far down to draw eyes to the email.
But there's no caption or anything interesting said?about her, though she is Asian - a predictable?bow to political correctness.
Your world and mine is run by people who are good at getting into power - but lousy at everything that matters.
If you want training, by the way, you’ll find something much more helpful in the form of Ask Drayton.
And while it’s not free -?you pay only $1 to find out what it can do for you and your colleagues ?- young or old.