Myth Buster No. 4 - Remote and hybrid work dilutes company culture...

Myth Buster No. 4 - Remote and hybrid work dilutes company culture...

Further to some thoughts that occurred to us in a tete-a-tete with Financial Express, (see media article?here)?we decided to pen down a series of Myth-Busters so that the adoption of Remote or Hybrid Work is neither marred nor mis-directed.

This is the fourth in the series.

At times, beliefs in this myth are underpinned by deeper insecurities emanating from a need for control or a need to micro-manage. A true self-evaluation can help one think through whether this is the case. It is a well-accepted fact that micro-management causes much harm, from low morale, high turnover, inefficiency to instability.

Of course, at other times, some may have genuine concerns around weakening of culture. They should rest easy, however.

Culture is an ever-evolving concept and is rarely constant.

All cultures dynamically adapt to changes. In fact, a transition to a hybrid or remote work environment designed and orchestrated with this in mind can actually elevate a business and its culture and corporate identity.

It leads to increased role and goal clarity and a shared responsibility.

Moreover, with ‘work delivery’ becoming the primary arbiter, there is an increased feeling of responsibility to ‘deliver’.

As this sinks in, there is an overall improvement in culture while ‘perception-management’ as a means of advancement takes a back-seat.

It takes work and expertise, but the long term benefit is an improved cost structure with a happier and responsible workforce that is delivery focussed.


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