The Mystical Experience in Connection

The Mystical Experience in Connection

When you think about the word 'mystical', what comes to mind? Maybe you think dragons and the mists of time, something mysterious, or the opposite of concrete. Google "mystical meaning" and here's what comes up from the Oxford Dictionary:

1. relating to mystics or religious mysticism. "the mystical experience" 2. inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination. "the mystical forces of nature"

?I refer to the transformation I've undergone since birth as a mystical one. I've experienced and still am experiencing a mystical transformation. Do I understand all of it? No, but here's my point–ALL of us experience transformation throughout our lives and it's the mystical that fascinates us. It's the mysterious events that happen in our lives that we remember.

One modern mystic was Thea Bowman... READ MORE
