The Mystery of Gratitude
The Mystery of Gratitude
Expressing gratitude
Has become man’s biggest albatross
Being thankful
Whether to God or man
For little mercies and favours
A seeming simplistic task
Has assumed herculean proportions
Should this so be?
Vaunting has eaten deep into man’s conscience
Ego has taken the place of lowliness
And common sense
Has remained an ostentation
Why give thanks?
The inscrutable Master so commanded
And being unsearchable
The purpose, unless diligently sought
Shall like seeking water in the desert be
Wherewith mirages only shall the lot be
In the depth of thoughts
Being thankful for all you have
Being thankful for all you receive
Does only one thing: magnifies the subject
In the depth of thoughts
Musing over what you have not
Multiplies equally those very things
Consequently, if you give thanks
For all you have received
You receive much more abundantly
That which you are thankful for
On the reverse consequently
If you dwell on the things you have not
And pine away in sighs of need
You only multiply same
Which would you rather do?
Give thanks for all you have
And increase more therein?
Or pine away at what you have not
And grow in lack?
Your ignorance hitherto
Now is excused
Should you stumble on this reminder
And in obedience to the Author
Practise thankfulness
And become a mysteriously blessed creature
But if you
After learning this
Remain doubtful of its efficacy
And multiply murmurings over needs
You have none but self to blame
I choose the path of obedience
The road least travelled
And will give thanks
For all that I have
And give thanks in all things
It’s a key mystery of life
The secret of uncommon increase
Bestowed on the mortal
By the only Immortal One
Think on these things…
July 12, 2016