Mystery of Existence
1. Shaivite maxim says, " . . . that which appears without (expansive energy outside the individual) only appears so because it exists within."
2. Human birth, like any other living organism, is perpetual and artificial by design of the creator. By birth one becomes part of infinite nature. But the individual is deluded and feels himself living in isolation. There is only one homogeneous medium enveloping all.
3. Nothing can exist in creation without Supreme Indestructible Reality, the Ultimate Truth, and its eternal nature at core. While Ultimate Truth, the unique individual shared by every object of creation without division (no exception), is a non-doer; by HIS mere presence, the eternal nature (subatomic) illuminates all that exists, becoming the cause of diverse nature, we call the Universe. Both co-exist and are invisible and unknowable.
3.1 In Sanskrit, the Ultimate Truth is called Brahma (??????), and the eternal Nature ādyātma (????????). Each object of the Universe is characterized by eternal nature to function according its own in-born nature (Svabhāva? - ???????). Eternal nature is therefore called Embodied Soul or Ultimate Consciousness.
4 Eternal nature characterizes the Ultimate Personality (or higher self – so defined in scriptures) in the material medium, we call manifest world. In Sanskrit it is called Puru?a (??????). It has no expression of its own. It gets its expression from eternal nature. It is the space or ETHER resonating at AUM (?). It is a homogeneous medium and abode of all realized souls.
5. Permeating the material medium, Puru?a (??????) becomes causal body of three material worlds on and around Mother Earth - namely land, oceans, and sky. It constitutes diverse heterogeneous nature (animate and inanimate, humans inclusive). In Sanskrit it is called Prak?ti (Mother Nature). Puru?a is responsible for birth, sustenance, and destruction (death) of every object of creation. The eternal nature becomes immutable (unchanging) embodied soul in material medium and dwells in the hearts of all living entities.
Human species
6. Limiting this discussion to the human species; nature is all about material evolution. We humans are in the highest state of evolutionary order, born on a highly evolved planet, Mother Earth. We dwell in a body, unique our own, which is a replica of the Universe by design, our transitory residence. Our lifetime exposure to nature constitutes our body, but we are not aware that we co-exist with other objects in nature, sharing the same core that expresses our body, and they have influence on us.
6.1 We are all born with our own unique inborn nature. We have deluded views of all other objects relative to our own unique nature (energy principle – time and space). The unique inborn nature is immortal, unmanifest or subtle body (astral complement of gross body). It is pure core but comes with Karmic Imprints of past life (????? ???? - DNA). Each object resonates at unique photonic energy (depending on DNA). All communication between objects is by means of vibrations (relativity).
6.2 Like all other planets, man is also in delusion, unaware that by birth he has become part of the whole with common core, and the entire world is functioning in unison, every moment going by universal laws of matter and energy. All expressions come from embodied soul. The unique individual is only ONE, shared by all objects of creation, without division. He is eternal, immortal, and never born.
6.3 There are two vital breaths (Ida and Pingala), part of nature, which cause thought and action. It creates an illusory personification that ‘I am man’, ‘she is woman’, and ‘it is an object’ (animate and inanimate) only in mind of unique person. As man grows with his exposure to nature, the neural machine on top of his shoulders manifests every experience (theory of relativity) of man, every moment expressed through mysterious invisible mind.
6.4 All expressions are sensory perceptions of infinite nature (men and women inclusive). . All updates to mind come from embodied soul and are stored by unmanifest nature. It also means that the embodied soul updates the subtle body (DNA) to include fruits of present birth (in Sanskrit, āgāmi Karma – ????? ????). The facial expressions of man and DNA have one to one relationship.
6.5 Physical body is synthesis of vibrations. Man is always in a dream state with these Karmic Imprints (DNA) getting stimulation from energy within and giving him a feeling of past and living in present, but he is not aware. He thinks the life that he is experiencing, is real. The immortal core (astral complement), part of each object (male, female, and neuter) is of same design (genderless – set of meridians) but comes with DNA specific to unique person (subtle body). It accumulates fruits of ongoing birth and changes its body in the next birth. This is a perpetual process.
The dormant power – Angel of death (so called in scriptures)
7.0 Everything in nature is the expression of the embodied soul at the core of creation. The infinite body of the Supreme Lord in material medium is Universal Mother Nature. The stupendous aspect of every object of creation, is that the individual body is a replica of the entire Universe. The dormant power in it becomes part of the whole by birth, and unfolds all faculties expressed through mind through five koshas.
7.1 The sages of yore observed this aspect of creation and have come to conclusion through scriptural wisdom, that man is not his nature but beyond, the indivisible part of Ultimate Truth – only ONE – never born. They have developed the science of yoga to make man experience wholeness that he is bestowed upon.
7.2 The nature of each person (as against unique individual) is transcendental, going by Universal Laws. In the case of humans, who are in an advanced state of material evolution, the subtle bodies either come back to nether worlds or merge with Ultimate personality, depending on where they are in the evolutionary process and their attitude to life. The one who experiences this phenomenon loses proprietorship and becomes observer.
7.3 Yoga teaches man, a faculty called awareness through āsana, Prā?āyāma, Mudra, Bandha and Meditation exercises to awaken his dormant power, the causal body of what all he does in his life. Thus, he comes to know that he is not doer in the body.
7.4 While all systematic practices suggested in Yoga develop a sound Prā?ic body for man to lead harmonious life in tune with nature, all meditation exercises make him experience grace that go into his routine to awaken the dormant power.
7.5 Once dormant power is awakened, it systematically disintegrates body to free unmanifest nature of DNA (karmic Imprints) and it loses its independent identity and merges with Puru?a the Ultimate Personality, the phenomenal essence at the core of material nature, and the karma ends.
7.6 Having experienced the immensity of the nature of unfathomable depths, man gets dwarfed and loses all his artificial complexes and finally his own identity to become one with ‘oneness’. This is a near death experience for man.
Spirit and awareness
8. Man (collective consciousness) conquered the whole world and is exploring outer space. He is not aware that all science is part of his universal body, which has a replica in his body as a person, unique his own; and his spiritual intellect is accessing all knowledge about nature, through sensory organs of his own body. The embodied soul ignites the neural software deciphered from sensory perceptions from vibrations received from the outer world.
8.1 But, getting a feeling of an isolated person (false EGO) by unmanifest nature personifying him as his body, he gets a sense of achievement (or non-achievement), and thus all illusory complexes are built around man with his body consciousness.
8.2 There is no knowledge so purifying as knowledge of self, and there is no practice better than yoga that makes man scale to ineffable heights. This knowledge cannot be esoteric as some quarters (commercial) suggest it to be, because we are all part of the same core. When mind troubles us, we cannot be this mind, we must be beyond. Should we not introspect?
8.3 Those who have experienced bliss cannot stop sharing this knowledge, because the source of creation is untainted love enveloping all. They also know that there is only ONE individual in the entire creation, we call God (unknowable), knowable to man as ultimate bliss – His true nature.
a. It is Supreme Mother Nature that speaks through us (without exception) only to bring to our conscious perception, that all evils and virtues are part of material nature; and that we are beyond the material nature, what we experience with body consciousness. Both are essential for material evolution. She has been our teacher since birth.
b. She was also a teacher to all our teachers who brought us to the present state in life with the sole purpose of making us live in prosperity. Some of them may be aware of this, and some of them may not be aware of this. This special article is brought out on Teachers’ day, in reverence to Supreme Mother.
c. Please visit references given below to know more about artificial intelligence, nature of God, passions and remedies, Eternal Love etc.; to understand subtle aspects brought out in this topic
Om Namo Nārāya?a
Place: Hyderabad
Date: 05 September 2020
Author: Vasudeva Murthy Vadlakonda
Mail ID: [email protected]
a. Author is a mere scribe. The script is by Angel of Death, Mother Kundalini, expressed through mysterious but evolving mind, purging all mysteries.
This article is dedicated to Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati, founder of Bihar School of Yoga, Yoga Research Foundation, and Rikhiapeeth.
Suggested further reading
a. Artificial Intelligence, Part -1:
b. Artificial Intelligence, Part - 2:
c. Eternal Love:
Retired but not tired of learning
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