The Mystery of Easter Island
The photo is from Sudbury, Ontario, when I was a wedding photographer. The Big Nickel is a famous landmark, and the super stack in the background has been decommissioned. But....
Let's discover how extraterrestrial beings have influenced humans. It's challenging to know the intriguing story of our history in detail. However, we can unravel the Anunnaki era by examining worldwide stone construction. The ancient stone monuments on Easter Island have Petroglyphs said to describe the Anunnaki as "Sky Gods" with wings to represent beings that fly. Folklore calls them the ones who fly to the heavens. Moreover, they say the continent of Lemuria, or Mu, was in the South Pacific Ocean close to Easter Island. Such a tale makes sense because whoever carved the 1,000 Moai statues from the bedrock used unknown methods similar to those we see worldwide. One partly unfinished statue in the quarry is 65 feet tall and is estimated to weigh 200 tons. An unfinished obelisk in Egypt is estimated to weigh 1,200 tons and bears the same scoop marks of technology.?
The ancient builder's construction secrets are visible in the stone monuments and temples. The curious question on Easter Island is, why did they make so many Moai stone statues? Perhaps an Anunnaki business sold them to residents of Lemuria for architectural purposes. We wouldn't find them elsewhere because they disappeared with the Lemuria continent. When you look at the Egyptian obelisks and stone coffers found at the Valley of the Kings, they have the same wings symbol. The symbol could be an Anunnaki trademark or of a construction company since they are in the stone works of this era. Let's explore lost histories, alien influences, and unknown energy.? This is an excerpt from my book, Humanity's Forgotten Origins. If you are interested the link will take you to Amazon to look inside the book. Keep an open mind and be ready to unravel ancient mysteries.