Mystery of Black Holes
Sunny S Koul
Creative Writing / GuitarPlayer / Cartoonist / Wall Cartoonist /Independent Researcher on SpacetimeTheory / Ufo Enthusiast / Piano Learner / Science Fiction Writer
What are black holes and why do they exist? This question survives us in hunt for researching the existence of black holes but at the same time put strain on our mind to think that black holes do exist in real and hence they are not monster but follow some rules and principles of thermodynamics laws and the rule of quantum mechanics. Black holes may, on the other hand, defy the laws of physics but they are still working on the principals of mathematics. But when we move further to understand how black holes work and is there any end of it's horizon then we lost our mathematical sense and it seems we are dragging inside something queer and what we call 'singularity' - the term 'singularity' doesn't mislead us rather it drives our mind to research more about black holes. First question that comes in our mind is - how do black holes form? Are they the remnant of the star or the property of space? The current scientific theories tells us that the black holes are the remnant of stars and it depends on the star's magnitude. There are two types of stars in which one is massive (bigger than the size of our sun) and other one is smaller than the size of our sun. Bigger stars including 'supermassive supernovas' that turn into black holes because it needs enough mass to become black hole and other one is forms neutron stars (those are smaller one).
However, black holes have four types - stellar, intermediate supermassive and miniature. Black holes have strong gravitational that pulls everything in it including light. There is no way for any object including light to escape when enters inside the black hole. Question here is -- what exactly lies inside the black holes? But before proceeding to this question we need to know what is black hole's event horizon. Event Horizon is the threshold of black hole where one can escape from this threshold but with greater speed almost the speed of light and this is due to the intense gravitational pull. This is exactly like when we lift off the rocket launch sites then we need a thrust / force to take off the rocket from the surface and what we need more fuel. Same the case with the event horizon, if we want to escape from the event horizon, we first need to travel faster than light and require enough energy / velocity to escape from the event horizon and which seems not possible for us especially with the current technology. Spaghettification is the process of being stretching and bending of an object when looking from outside (i.e. from event horizon). And when we talk about time inside black hole then we confront with the passage of time as time stops inside black holes. This means black holes are adhering the concept of entropy where there are random distribution of particles inside it. But the problem to understand black hole's geometry is 'time' as we know space and time both are not the different entities but why does time stop when an object falls into it especially when conscious thing falls into it. This, somehow, extends the magnitude of the black hole and it's size increases. But the question is - what happens to the object that falls inside the black hole? Does it lost forever or appear in other side of the universe / spacetime? Or perhaps, one might travel to the 'singularity' where laws and principles of physics / mathematics fails? Can we say 'singularity' is the hub of quantum probabilities where all the forces and geometry of spacetime reconcile the structure of space? Does space a part of black hole or it itself is a black hole? Confusing, but it might give us an idea to frame in a single picture as?collective. This idea drives us to the realm of quantum mechanics and rules out the possibility of boundary condition of the universe. Yes, this is true that the boundary condition of the universe leads to the 'singularity' which has no boundary. But the fact is - singularity, what we call, is the way to the other dimension or spacetime or perhaps, it maybe the portal to connect all dimensions. Well, I am not pushing my thoughts in the concept of 'infinite dimensions' because this concept might contradict the existence of space and we know we don't have exact data about space and why does it exist. But at the same time black holes are the possibilities to have concept of 'multiverse' and the 'shortcut path' which we called 'wormholes' but we couldn't get any experimental proof yet to describe how wormholes look like but theoretically in Dr. Albert Einstein's general relativity theory there is a mathematical proof of the existence of wormholes. Wormholes are the shortest path in the spacetime in which one can choose the fastest root to travel from one place (point) to another (point). This opens the doors for 'multiverse' where there are infinite possibilities of the existence of universes and all may differ from each other. We don't know how time works in other dimensions but if time works in the similar manner as it works in our universe / space then consciousness plays an important role.
The thorniest problem in cosmology is the relationship between time, consciousness and space as we don't have enough data to show how these three entities work and amass matter and radiation and even some other things like particles, strings (in string theory), geometry etc. But with the computer simulation we can find how black holes work and what's going inside it. There are many possibilities but as we know nature is full of mysteries and mysteries inspires us and that makes us more curious.
What you guys think?