The Mystery of the 7 S's - Collective Sensemaking - the alchemy between the Senses, Synchronicity and Serendipity
Hannelie Venucia

The Mystery of the 7 S's - Collective Sensemaking - the alchemy between the Senses, Synchronicity and Serendipity

“The fire lights up successfully because it burns not for itself.” — Agni Yoga

A collective spark beyond other sparks are created when resonant heart-centered human beings synchronistically gather together to sense into what wants to unfold, with the intention to co-sense and co-create something amazing which they could not do by themselves and from which they will unexpectedly benefit (Serendipity) in ways they could not even imagine. The collective flame is much more potent than the light projected outwards from a single lighthouse.

It is heart-warming to see how humanity is evolving regardless of perceived challenges and turmoil happening around us. A huge shift in human connection and relation is made possible because of developments and innovations in technology and communications. The opportunity to play, work and convene together, no matter where we find ourselves, is now available at the touch of a few keyboard buttons. Moreover, we can all benefit from the gifts we receive when we connect, share and become involved in life on a much deeper level than in the past.

It is wise to take a moment to reflect on where we come from, as we journey through life, without getting attached to anything specific. We hail indeed from a world that valued the ‘thinking cap’ where conferences, indabas, consultations, debates, negotiations, and deliberations ruled. Think tanks, brain storming and war rooms – do you notice the combative aspects? Not much collaboration supporting these concepts; it rather represents a battle field? These eventualities are usually loaded with the need to impress, convince, coerce or persuade others of our point of views and perhaps sometimes hidden agendas, whether in the workplace, society or politics.

Fortunately humanity has progressed to more conscious and compassionate-like engagements such as dialogues where we share ideas, conversations where everyone is welcome, and conscious conversations which have a more purposeful and aware intention and focus. We discover fresh, revitalizing, energizing and uplifting forms of congeniality and togetherness bursting into blossoms as our attention comes back into the present moment. Here we have the opportunity to participate in meaningful and expansive experiences, in which we not only use our ‘thinking caps’ as we sense into what is busy unfolding. Yet, to participate in something does not mean we automatically contribute; we can still be a ‘consumer’ and/or ‘taker’, and might not give the concept ‘participating’ any justice.

It might be sensible to first have a closer look at the concept and phenomena ‘sense’. The dictionary defines sense as a feeling, a recognition, awareness, sensation, perception, or consciousness. As a verb it is presented as notice, feel, observe, discern, recognize, be aware of, identify, make out, comprehend, apprehend, see, appreciate, realize, intuit, divine, or catch onto. Thus sense is not either/or as in left or right brain activity; rather both/and scenarios we experience as a whole person.

I would like to invite you to gently consider that the concept ‘sense’ is almost undefinable. Many people relate sense/s to our 5 physical senses only. Indigenous peoples of the earth clearly demonstrate that we actually have access to more than 30 senses. Scholars such as Rivlin, R. and Gravelle, K, (1984) have discovered that we have more sensory abilities than the 5 senses we are aware of and that all of these sensations give us images of ourselves and our world, and provide the essential raw material from which knowledge, thought and creativity arise. We only now discover that we actually have inner and outer senses, extrasensory abilities and have access to a collective sensibility.

And yes, I have indeed used the word sensible deliberately. We use the word sensible to describe something that is purposeful, useful, doable, practical, functional, and workable. Furthermore, we say things such as a sense of direction or a sense of urgency, and neither is related to our thinking abilities; more to a gut feeling, an orientation, or using one of our 5 physical senses. The most famous phrase is trying to make sense. Shall we determine from this statement that sense is a natural understanding of something and that it has meaning or value or is wise and sound to do? Sadly, here the focus is on the make part first; we have to do something to ascertain value or meaning.

None of these concepts are incorrect, yet there are other ways to encounter and explore the possibilities that sensing brings us - to sense into something - meaning we use the full spectrum of human capacities available to us. We enact all our sensibilities; feelings, inner knowing, responsiveness, receptivity, emotional response, awareness, cognizance, attentiveness, mindfulness, alertness, thoughtfulness, consideration, understanding, appreciation, openness, synthesis, and approach-ability.

In a sensing journey, as we sense into what is about to unfold or merely ask questions such as what wants to happen here, we open ourselves up to much more than when we have access to in conversations or when we simply engage in dialogue. Believing me, well-intended conversations or dialogue have their place, but they have limitations in some ways which we will consider later in this exploration, as the objective is to come to some conclusion or solution or outcome during such experiences, even in the event where we are simply a sounding board for someone else. There might be a sense of urgency and pressure to achieve something that generally stymies invention, insights and creativity which is not time bound at all. A seeking/ searching/ push outward-based action repels; it is not an attractor field. When we look for a solution we look for a specific form which quickly becomes the norm and we exclude all other possibilities.

A platform or forum where people freely share is not necessarily considered a conversation or dialogue or discussion. In these latter examples we do not only listen. Two or more people exchange ideas, explore them together, converse, etc. The individual perspective is usually the point of departure, thus each participant's personal experiences, perceptions, opinions and ideas that might be limiting.

In a Collective Sensemaking journey however, a mystery with many dimensions, levels and faces starts to emerge. We begin the journey without a preconceived or projected expected outcome. In such an encounter we have the opportunity to hold the space while others share and we do not try to validate what is shared or attempt to come to a conclusion. Being fully present and available to the moment enables us to truly perceive and receive whatever wants to emerge through the process rather than to focus on a specific topic or subject. Here we enter an experience of insights and revelations that dawn upon us unexpectedly. We are able to collectively co-sense and conceive something amazing together and have the opportunity to consider infinite possible forms and expressions.

The journey does not stop here though. Inspired, synchronized and meaningful action is a natural outflow. Yes, it is not an outcome, but an outflow. We have no idea where this impulse is going and trust the unfolding process. It is like a river flowing down from the source in the mountain towards the ocean. We are open to the signs along the way, thus to synchronicity, and we respect serendipity. That means that when we benefit from the unexpected we receive the gifts life so generously bestow upon us and we do something with the opportunity as we begin to see it as part of a bigger, synergistic, collective wave that has meaning beyond the personal, individual level. To truly comprehend, process and enjoy such an experience requires some wisdom which we call synerwise.

Synerwise means we sense and act in concert together and benefit from the collective wisdom available not only in the moment, but from that which is busy unfolding in the collective and on an individual level. Gratefully, synerwise relations and actions are never hard work and more like play. What we require comes to us spontaneously and almost effortlessly through insights, revelations, synchronicity and serendipity. We only need to be open, present, aware and available. It is much like an orchestra. There are infinite possible melodies and compositions which can be expressed through a variety of different instruments, tones and rhythms. Together these elements resonate and harmonize; each having their place and bringing a unique aspect without which the music’s beauty cannot be fully expressed.

In a collective experience we are part of the bigger field and access other dimensions and layers of congenial sensemaking, human interaction and engagement. It offers us the possibility to benefit from a deeply enriching encounter where we have the opportunity to evolve, grow, glow and flow.

So what is possible when resonant heart-centered humans get together in a Collective Sensemaking journey where they trust the natural flow of the moment that something unexpected wants to present itself?

Firstly, we take off from a very different place then in a typical conversation or dialogue. The element of surprise and the unexpected is always evident. We discover that something wants to be known through us and to us. It is a both/and reality and not an either/or world. Existence wants to express itself through us which has infinite forms, permutations and configurations of expression and form. It is not a forum to share and validate opinions as we realize we have access to a larger context of reality versus our personal station of life with its limiting filters, opinions, emotionally charged experiences, preconceived ideas, hidden agendas and deeper hidden motivations.

We play with LIFE; we listen, intuit, feel and sense into what is about to emerge and then evolve and expand it together within the group as we tap into our collective sensory abilities. It is an inner sensing journey before it is an outer ‘making’ journey. It is a fulfilling experience as we ignite, trigger and stimulate our genius and brilliance. There is no need to defend or justify an insight or for a debate. We unflinchingly trust the power and integrity of our insights. We are present, clear, audacious and delighted without being aggressive, authoritarian, dominant and pushy. By enacting our various levels of awareness - mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, sensory, and extrasensory – a larger feeling and experiential reality is possible.

We share into the field and become aware of the impact of our words, tone and attitude. We soon realize our possible reactions are based on our own inner state, not because someone attacks or challenges us. Each takes responsibility for what is coming up and embrace it no matter what it is; the irritation and the joy, the elations and the depths. In this place of trust and flow we don’t judge our own experience or that of others, nor do we get attached to or identify with it. We simply notice because there is no particular expected outcome or response expected.

In such an environment we engage and act from a resonant heart-centered space and attract whoever and whatever will expand and enrich not only our own personal experience and perception, but who we might resonate with. We do not have to prove ourselves or justify anything as we share spontaneously into the field. It is a synchronistic and synergized process; not linear, chronological and sequential. This way we open ourselves and the larger resonant field to surprises.

We discover there are many roles within the bigger group; such as holding the space, interpreting, integrating, articulating, noticing, grounding, harmonizing, cross pollinating, and connecting new dots. Some insights and out-flowing actions arise immediately, others almost imperceptively, and others much later. Our mere presence brings a unique quality, color, texture, fragrance and flavor into the group. Our posture, attitude, and demeanor impact the entire resonant field. Our ability to stay fully present and available to others and to the larger field, strengthens the field and makes it possible for more to emerge and become known. The overall intention and motive is to be present and open to the mystery of life together with resonant others.

We are not sure what will happen; there are no guarantees. And as we trust the process, the unexpected arises and surprises us – mostly something we could not preconceive - and that is exactly it. There are no pre- words in such an encounter with the mysterious; no preparation, no presentations, no predefined goals or outcomes, no preconceived ideas or prejudices.

The only thing that we are sure of is that the quality of our experience is entirely up to us on an individual level. How deep we are willing to sense into what is about to emerge and to what level we want to get involved in and to synerwise, determines the richness of our experience. How far we are willing to go and whether we are willing to enact all our intelligences and abilities, is dependent on the level of intimacy we are comfortable to share. Intimacy is about much more than sexuality – it is about the level we are willing to share at and expose all that we are - allowing ourselves to be seen, heard, felt, understood and experienced. Thus the whole person -total, unhidden, naked, and revealed - both our brilliance and our wounded parts without apology, shame or guilt.

The wonder of Collective Sensemaking is that there is no comparison, right/wrong or good/bad type judgments. We encounter each other with respect no matter where we are in the process of sharing our whole-total self. We are all channels for existence to express itself through. Judgment can only arise when we see ourselves as separate from existence or when we validate against our own set of filters.

Collective Sensemaking Journeys and experiences are hugely fulfilling. We access a point of inner and outer coherence through synchronicity and serendipity. Insights and revelations come and flow towards us as we become magnets for ideas and possibilities to manifest through into the physical world. On a personal level we get to ignite, engage and stimulate our inner spark and all our senses – inner and outer - our intuition, imagination, our 5 physical senses, extrasensory abilities, and the collective sensibilities available to us. How awesome is it to be able to tap into the unlimited sources of the collective field? Something splendid wants to become visible, known, and take on form. And we are an embryonic womb for that process…

This is exactly where the making part comes in. An immense opportunity to catalyze and direct our creative energy and abilities in a purposeful and meaningful way arises. The Artist/Creator within us can come out and play. We move from a place where meaning is searched for on an individual level to an unlimited space where what we synergistically give birth to something on a collective level that has significance for all of humanity, and which has personal value, symbolic meaning and practical application.

To begin with, in such a situation we depart from a station of life that has access to all the possibilities available. This is a Be/Presence – Have/Attract – Create/Make/Do/Direct Reality. The meaning of life is in our being, thus our state of being and not in something we need to acquire, achieve, have or do. We know who we are and presence that with awareness and joy. We know what abilities and talents we have, and are aware of the bigger field we are part of and its unlimited possibilities. Enacting our abilities to sense into what is busy emerging, we similtaneously attract insights and revelations; they mysteriously and magically find us. There is no seeking involved. We only need to stay open, present and curious.

Furthermore, we attract and magnetize what we require. We joyously give our abilities some response; thus we give them something to do. Together with others we now put these ideas into action in a synchronized way, knowing well that we are nourished and supported by the bigger resonant field, no matter where we go or what we do. This knowing brings clarity, calmness and comfort that allows our inner child to come and play. Lightheartedness, laughter, a sense of wonder and awe, and playfulness open us up to be receptive to much more. This relaxed state invites our Jester inside to bring about humour and the Muse inside to bring about inspiration.

The making/creating part could simply be a new way of being, of relating, of thinking, of feeling, of breathing, of moving, of sensing, of doing, of envisioning, etc. Perhaps a new way of looking at ourselves, others, life and the world. Fresh perspectives are rather invigorating and fruitful.

In a Collective Sensemaking Journey we are centered, relaxed, grounded and secure in who we are. We realize that we can presence, relate, envision and act from our core and center no matter what situation we find ourselves in. Our center is the center of everything and we are part of the bigger field. Thus we are both the wave and the ocean. There is no need to judge, justify, measure, prove, compare, defend, convince, or persuade.

An empowered and wise version of us, the Sage within, leads us in the journey as we enter a field of coherence and resonance. This is a timeless space which contains everything, and where everyone’s creators, jesters, muses and sages relate, act and play together. There are no hierarchies or leaders and followers, rulers and subjects, bosses and employees; simply fellow Sensemakers. We all benefit from the experience as we step into the world of not only infinite possibilities, but also the world of flow, serendipity (The art of benefiting from the unexpected aka Ilkka Kakko) synchronicity and synergy. We become oriented, synchronized, aligned and attuned and synthesized to the wider context and attractor field. Context means to weave together; thus our making/creating part consciously weaving a reality together.

The 7 S’s of a Collective Sensemaking Journey are synchronicity, synergy, sensemaking, spontaneity, surprise, serendipity and sagacity. We need wisdom to be able to truly become aware of, trust, experience, respect, claim and appreciate the gifts coming forth from such an encounter.

We live in amazing times and we can choose to either perceived it as VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) circumstances or as an opportunity for our spark to come and play with other sparks; thus our Sensemaker, aka inner Artist/Creator, Jester, Sage and Muse. We co-sense and make the impossible possible together with other resonant heart-centered Sensemakers. Together we create a fire and flame that can light up the entire globe. Yet, understandably, one of the most unsettling aspects of a VUCA time is that nothing that we are used to works any longer. We constantly need to re-orientate and re-align ourselves, find our core and center, and have the inner strength to not get immersed in a wave of negative down spiral talk and behavior.

Times of transition on the one hand are the fertile soil for fear-based reactions; insecurity, uncertainty, confusion, intolerance, conflict, division, judgment, control, indifference, denial, isolation, struggle, halfheartedness, provocation, procrastination, exhaustion, force, oppression, distraction, greed, irritation and doubt. Auspiciously,on the other hand it is fertile soil for possibility-based responses, interactions and actions, new ideas, discoveries, new models of understanding, and new ways of being, thinking, feeling, sensing, relating, creating, behaving, moving, and knowing. It is all about choice.

To tap into the latter does not come easy when we are alone or surrounded by people who are stuck in the former. Conversations and dialogue are not always the best way of accessing and exploring the possibilities available. The nature of such engagements are open to too many unnecessary possible misunderstandings and past experiences which influence our perception and ability to be receptive to the possible. We can also easily get entangled in our own stories.

Exert from The Mystery of the 7 S’s – Collective Sensemaking – the alchemy of between the Senses, Synchronicity and Serendipity by our own resident Minstrel and Sensemaker, Hannelie Venucia. Book release date 22 July 2017. To hear about it all and how things magically come together, especially the mystery and alchemical parts, and to participate and benefit from a personal Collective Sensemaking experience, best to enjoy this living-book.;;

Personal Message from Hannelie "Having had experienced of many Collective Sensemaking encounters together with my Co-Sensemaker and dear friend Ilkka Kakko and other amazing people in the past months, from which I am directly benefiting unexpectedly, I am reminded of these fine, wise words: "Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are -- chaff and grain together -- certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away...." -- Dinah Craik

Collective Sensemaking events are possible in a variety of settings and ways within groups, organizations and communities. We will be delighted to assist you in hosting your own internal and external Collective Sensemaking events and encounters. Awakening our personal and collective sensemaking abilities is one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences ever. Joining a resonant heart-centered Collective Sensemaking event is absolutely fulfilling and inspiring. All we need to do is to stay curious about the wonder and awe of life itself, to embrace surprises and the unexpected, and to stay open to whatever is emerging without trying to define it prematurely."

For our next Collective Sensemaking Online Experience kindly visit our website:

You are welcome to join us and get a taste of this magnificent way of being part of the bigger impulse emerging whilst benefiting from the unexpected on a personal and collective level.


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