The Mysteries behind the Torque Converter
There are daily questions asked to me about torque converters and how they work. There are many factors that come into play. But First you need to know that a certain amount of fluid pressure has to be met inside the torque converter. At this point that pressure that is met then looks for the resistance against its self before moving the vehicle. That resistance against the pressure is where stall or slip to an RPM comes into play. Once the fluid pressure over comes that resistance, the torque converter then locks up and begins to move the vehicle. The fluid pressure is controlled by manipulating the fins on the inside of the torque converter and more drastically by the diameter of the torque converter. Because we are taking a mechanical out-put through a liquid and back to mechanical again. This calculation then becomes a physics equation. Like standing on the outside of a Merry-go-round, the fluid inside a torque converter is pumped through out it using centrifugal force. The larger the diameter torque converters will be effected more so by the increase or decrease of resistance. So, lets say that you are standing on the out-side of the Merry-go-round and it is turning at a fixed RPM. The least amount of change will effect your ability to hold on to the Merry-go-round. However, when you take one step in towards the center of the Merry-go-round, the pressure pulling you outwards drastically drops. In order to reach the same pressure inside the smaller diameter torque converter you must spin the Merry-go-round faster to both meet the pressure needed and to over come the resistances against moving that vehicle.
Knowing the above allows you to figure out that stall range is variable and will directly depend on the entire set-up of the vehicle. All of the information about the vehicle is needed in order to match the set-up. The torque converter is by far the most complicated component you can purchase for a vehicle. (engines set-up Vs. Weight of the vehicle Vs. Rear gear with the run out of the tire) This is a good starting point. for more information and videos on this subject please visit our web-site We have a method of matching up stalls that pinpoints stall range with an accuracy of 99.5%. Let us help you pick the correct stall for you application and most importantly for how you want to drive your vehicle.
Service Worker at City of Concord, NC
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