MySQL Vr 8.0 - InooDB Cluster on Windows Server

MySQL Vr 8.0 - InooDB Cluster on Windows Server

Within the world of Relational Databases, in my view, we can divide into two aspects, databases with free codes, with emphasis on MySQL and PostGreSQL and market databases, with non-free source code, sold by the company. In this case I highlight the database of the company ORACLE, MS SQL SERVER from Microsoft and DB2 from IBM. For many years I was a DBA of MS SQL SERVER, working with mission critical databases with TeraBytes of data with hundreds of simultaneous users and I have always been well served with this technology.

One of the major factors that I highlight in MS SQL SERVER is its high availability capacity, such as ALWAYS ON (AG). Well, I did some work with the MySQL database in previous versions and to be quite honest I never recommended it for mission critical systems, mainly due to the use of MyISAM technology, which in my point of view, has always proved fragile in terms referential integrity and other aspects such as performance and auditing.

Well, from the new MySQL 8.0 Community version, I understand that there has been a great advance, especially when we use the INOODB technology and mainly with the InnoDB Cluster.

I decided to describe in a few steps how I configured the MySQL Cluster and Router and in my view, an indication that works well, and that in this sense it becomes a very good option in terms of database technology with free code and the best, without paying a license fee, because in the case of proprietary databases, this cost is very high, reaching over US $ 7,000.00 per core.


1 Download from, the MySQL tools

In this case, I highlight to perform the Download:

? MySQL Community Server

? MySQL Cluster

? MySQL Router

? MySQL Shell

? MySQL Workbench

Download all the files and place them in a folder for future installations of your MySQL instances that will be your future Nodes in your Cluster.

The WorkBench is the client software that you access the databases and manage with a GUI tool. I particularly prefer and use Heidisql (, as I can more easily manage databases of other technologies such as MS SQL SERVER, MariaDB and PostgreSQL. WorkBench is a great tool too, especially for those who work creating data models.

Also download VisualC++ from the Microsoft website and install it on the servers where your MySQL instances will be running, as it will be important to configure your Cluster.

I've worked with MySQL Cluster on Physical Machines and Virtual Machines (HyperV and Virtual Box from Oracle), on premise and in the Clouds and in all cases it always worked well. 

In my view, the ideal to have high availability would be the installation of 4 MySql Instances in two independent VMS or in two independent physical machines, with the Cluster managing these instances.

The ideal would be to keep these 2 VMs or 2 physical machines in different Racks, which through cloud services such as AZURE, Oracle, AWS and Google, this configuration is easily achieved. In my case, I used AZURE without any difficulty.

Well, let's do a small summary of how to install the Cluster and Router:

1 Install the 4 MySQL instances on the 2 servers.

2 In DOS, in the BIN folder, execute the following command to create the DATA folder and some internal settings:

mysqld --install mysqlInstanceAG2 --defaults-file = f: \\ mysql \\ instance1 \\ my.ini

3 In DOS, in the BIN folder, execute the following command to create the MySQL service in Windows Service:

mysqld --initialize-insecure

4 Go to Windows Service, locate the MySQL service created and start the service.

5 Open Hidesql, create a new instance, initially with IP and standard port 3306 and connect with the Root account, without a password.

5 Click on query and execute the following command:

CREATE USER 'super' @ '%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your password';


Change the Root password. ALTER USER 'root' @ '%' IDENTIFIED BY 'passwordroot';

 6 Connect again and change the IP to the IP of the server where your MYSQL instance is installed. Enter the new Root password.

NOTE: HERE A SECURITY ISSUE. You can leave the default MYSQL port, 3306, but I strongly suggest changing this default port, as any hacker knows that the default port for MYSQL is 3306, in the same way that MS SQL SERVER is 1433. With the use of a different port from the standard, we have a greater difficulty for effective attacks. This configuration is very simple to perform at the Firewall level, even on the server where MySQL is installed. Just search for Firewall, advanced options, INBOUD, create a new rule, for TCP, releasing a port, for example 9001, etc. When connecting to the MySQL database server with the client tool Heidisql or WorkBench or PHPAdmin, you must indicate this port, in the access interface itself. There are very simple and quick presentations on Youtube to set up the MySQL Cluster, but I understand that you are worried about security. Attention to this problem.

Continuing the installation ...

7 Start mysqlsh.exe. It can be directly in windows explorer. Go to the folder ... \ MYSQL \ instance1 \ bin and double-click on the mysqlsh.exe icon

A DOS window will open.

8 Execute the commands below in order to check if our instances are prepared to work with innodb Cluster.

You must first connect to an instance

\ c super @ numIPIPseuServer: portaMYsql

Enter the password 'SuperConfiguredUserPassword'

9 Run this command to check all instances:

dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance1MYSQL: porta1liberadafirewall')

Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper'

 dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance2MYSQL: porta2liberadafirewall')

Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper'

 dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance3MYSQL: porta3liberadafirewall')

Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper'

dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance4MYSQL: porta4liberadafirewall')

Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper'

NOTE: Check the report. You need to indicate that you have no table incompatibility problems, but that you will probably need to run a command to support clustering. All tables must have primary keys or unique indexes, so that the database is compatible with the Cluster. If not, you will have problems. In this case, you can for example create a new int, auto increment field with a unique index and return the Cluster configuration.

As a result of this command, a message should appear indicating that there are no incompatibility problems, but you will need to execute a command, in each instance, to change some default parameters as they are not compatible with the Cluster.

NOTE: To avoid problems from now on, install VisualC ++ on each of the two servers.

10. The commands to be run are these:

dba.configureInstance ('super @ ipyourinstaceMysql: port1freeInFirewall', {clusterAdmin: 'usercluster', clusterAdminPassword: 'passwordcluster'})

Enter the password 'passwordofSUPERUser' You will request two

authorizations: Answer Y and Y, for both questions.

Do the same for the other instances, changing in this case only the port, but if it were the other server, you would have to change the ip number and the port.

11 Run these commands again in the 4 instances to see if the problems have been corrected:

dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance1MYSQL: porta1liberadafirewall') Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper'

 dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance2MYSQL: porta2liberadafirewall') Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper'

 dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance3MYSQL: porta3liberadafirewall') Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper' 

dba.checkInstanceConfiguration ('super @ IpserverInstance4MYSQL: porta4liberadafirewall') Enter the password 'passwordusuarioSuper'

Note: You must bring as a response with no error and indication that the instance is OK.

12 Now we are going to connect at the first instance, still inside the DOS window of mysqlsh.exe. For this we will type:

\ c super @ ipservidorinstanciaMysql: portaliberadanoFirewallDestaInstancia

Enter the password 'passwordSUPERuser'

This message will appear: THIS MESSAGE WILL APPEAR: "Fetching schema names for autocompletion ... Press ^ C to stop. Closing old connection ... Your MySQL connection id is 15 Server version: 8.0.19 MySQL Community Server - GPL No default schema selected; type \ use <schema> to set one.

" You will be connected to your ipad: suaporta ssl JS>

13 Now we will execute a command to create the Cluster with the first instance.

NOTE. If we do not release a specific port on the firewall, the MySQL will use a default port 3306, but we will create a new specific port for internal connection between the servers. In this case, it cannot be the same port that the hidesql client accesses mysql.

We will release the following new ports on the firewall for the Cluster Group (INBOUND TCP): Cluster1_AG xxxx1, xxx2, xxx3, xxx4. These ports will be used for the instances to communicate within the INNODDB CLUSTER.

Let's run this command, still in DOS on mysqlsh.exe:

 IPinstanceMYSQL: portaliberadafirewall ssl JS> dba.createCluster ('ClusterName', {localAddress: ipinstanceMYSQL: Internal PortFirewallXXX1 ', expelTimeout: 600, autoRejoinTries: 10})

Note: At this point, you must indicate the internal port released in the Firewall (ex: xxx1) so that the instances communicate and not the port that the hidesql client accesses the Mysql server.

If all goes well, it should result in: "Creating InnoDB cluster 'nomeCluster' on xxxx: yyyy '... Adding Seed Instance ... Cluster successfully created.

Use Cluster.addInstance() to add MySQL instances.

At least 3 instances are needed for the cluster to be able to withstand up to one server failure. "

14 To see the status of the cluster running, run the following commands. It will also create the cluster object to add another instance to the current cluster.

var cluster = dba.getCluster ()

cluster.status ()

You will see that there is a cluster created with an Online instance, in R / W (read and write) as the primary. 


cluster.addInstance ('super@ipnewInstance: ExternalFreePortinFirewall', {localAddress: ipnewInstance: InternalFreePortinFirewallXXX2 ', waitRecovery: 3, autoRejoinTries: 10}) enter password 'passwordofSUPERUser'

 NOTE To add a new instance in the cluster, even if it is configured on another server, just put the IP number of the other server where the 3rd instance of Mysql will be installed. First, do a PING test because the two servers must be connecting.

When I press ENTER, there will be some questions that will ask me if I want to clone the second instance with the data from the Primary instance.

Answer ′c′.

If everything goes well, the message will appear:

"** Clone Transfer

    FILE COPY ################################################ ############ 100% Completed

  PAGE COPY ################################################ ############ 100% Completed

    REDO COPY ################################################ ############ 100% Completed

NOTE: xxxxx: yyyy is shutting down ...

* Waiting for server restart ... ready

* has restarted, waiting for clone to finish ...

** Stage RESTART: Completed

* Clone process has finished: 59.62 MB transferred in about 1 second (~ 59.62 MB / s)

State recovery already finished for ''

The instance yyyyy: 9130

'was successfully added to the cluster. "

16 Run this command to check the status of the Cluster with the ONLINE instances, BEING THE FIRST IN R / W AND THE OTHER WITH R / O OR BEING READY ONLY.

All right!!!! Cluster is configured.

17 Go to hidesql, connect with xxxxxxxxxx: port1 and xxxxxxxx: port2 AND SO ON. Click on each instance and click on the Query window. Run the following command to check the Cluster and its instances:

select * from performance_schema.replication_group_members;

Check which is the primary instance. Create a new database in this instance, tables and data and verify that the same information has already been replicated in other instances.


NOW, we need to configure the Router, ...

For those who have come this far, send an OK, which I will make available the next article on how to configure the MySQL Router, which works as the MS SQL SERVER Listener, that is, in case of one of the Cluster's nodes falling, the Cluster itself will indicate a new node as primary, but it will not warn the application.

This is the task of the Router, that is, the application must always point to the Router, which will take care of always pointing to the Primary Node OnLine.

Hug to everyone. I hope this article is useful to you.

sandro servino


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