MYPI Newsletter

MYPI Newsletter

Programs, logo of MYPI, Ongoing Projects Details

Mentorship 2023/2024:

The Mentorship 2023/2024 round is underway and ready to launch. More information will be coming soon. The team has been working tirelessly to match mentors and mentees and prepare materials to engage participants in quality activities and lasting experiences.

This program plays a key role in supporting our youth with their schooling, career and daily interactions.

Youth Enjoying art activities

Mental Wellness is Important for our wellbeing!

We have been very busy this year and our program is expanding. We encourage all youth and families to take advantage of our 8 free sessions for the adults/parents, and 12 free therapy sessions for the youth ages 11-26. We have Muslim providers who are highly qualified and culturally responsive to meet the needs of our unique community. For more info, please contact: [email protected] for therapy and provider inquiries. These services remain extremely confidential as we do our best to meet your needs.

We held a retreat for our Mental Wellness Program participants. Dr Omar Reda provided our team with an outstanding workshop to support our team and providers through their journey with helping others.

We launched our Peer-to-Peer project which is now merged with the Leadership Cohort project, through which participants will be trained to provide support and various services to the community.

In partnership with Masjid Taqwa we launched a new round of Halaqa sessions. These monthly sessions are held at Masjid Taqwa and will be lead by Imam Shakir and Imam Ali. These sessions will be discussing topics brought to the table BY the youth and FOR the youth.

We continue to break stigma, build awareness, and educate our community. This July, we held an online info session with Sr. Amina Tamachi, MA, LPC, ADDC, NCC at Minaret Therapeutic Services to inform the community about the amazing services we offer in collaboration with the MYPI Mental Wellness Program and Minaret Therapeutic Services. If you missed the session, visit this link to view at your own convenience.

Our LPCC Sr. Wejdan Felmban continues to offer her sessions on various mental health topics. In July, she led two sessions on Understanding Window of Tolerance held at Masjid Abu Bakr. More programs and sessions by Sr. Wejdan are coming soon. Stay informed by visiting

Adopt-A-Family Program Supports the Needs of New Families to Colorado

We are very thankful for all the support and volunteers during our July Food Drive. This event focused on providing meals and services to the newly arrived families. With the support of our amazing volunteers, we packaged 50 boxes of basic food needs and provided them to the families attending the legal clinic.

Alhamdulelah our program also provides the following programs:

Digital Literacy: We completed an end-of-year evaluation for our Digital Literacy program, and celebrated the end of the round and success of the participants with a picnic at Rotella Park. We are training students to teach other women in their community about digital literacy. The 21 participants who completed the program now feel much more confident in safely using and accessing digital tools.

Reading Buddies: This program, in partnership with Adams 12, served English language learners from our largest concentration of new families and provided them with reading buddies to support them with reading and building their oral language skills. Masha Allah, we had 23 students participate in this program. A picnic at Rotella Park was held to celebrate the end of the round.

Legal Services / Clinics: We are holding monthly clinics to provide legal assistance to families in need. Our July clinic was held at the end of July at Masjid Ikhlas in combination with MYPI's Food Drive event.

Adopt-a-Family held their annual End-of-Round celebration in July. Families receiving services along with program ambassadors attended this fun bowling and celebratory event at AMF Sonesta lanes. We had nearly 80 attendees who enjoyed learning about the culture of bowling, sharing a meal, and connecting with friends who share the same experiences, language, and culture.

Pathways to Success

Alhamdulellah, we completed our Python classes for Spring 2023. This extremely popular and valuable course was offered for the 3rd time and our students have expressed deep appreciation and gratitude for the learning. This year we had 16 students complete the Introduction to Python course and 8 students return for the Advanced course.

We will be starting new classes in August. Stay tuned for dates and registration info!

Leadership Cohort:

This program has launched and applications are now closed for our Leadership Cohort. Peer to Peer participants will be joining the Leadership Cohort as part of a requirement. We have confirmed our speakers for the Leadership Cohort.

We have 19 youth that are registered and actively taking part of the program. The first session was held on July 9 that covered Organization Skills at Masjid Ikhlas. The second session was held on July 21st was about Public Speaking/Self Care at Masjid Ikhlas from 9- 11:30am. The third session is about Financial Literacy and it will be held at CVA on August 12th. Time is TBD. The fourth session will be about Time Management/Goal Setting/Intentions via Zoom at the end of August. More details to come soon.

Youth Impact Leaders Updates:

We have three projects planned for our Youth Impact Leaders:

  • -Planning the Leadership Cohort Activities.
  • -College Prep Workshop Series
  • -Fun / social event for a Walkathon to raise money for orphan sponsorships.

We are grateful for the continued support of our community. Your donations help us provide essential services to families in need and youth throughout Colorado. You can also become a MYPI sponsor when you enroll in a monthly recurring support plan. MYPI sponsors receive discounts, early notifications for special events, and more.


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