myneflow's background

myneflow's background

myneflow is a Latin America tech company that employs the best software, design and data science talent in order to offer the best-in-class digital ecosystem for reporting, process automation and artificial intelligence tools. The company was founded by Felipe Bola?os in february 2023 with a vision to integrate organizations into its purpose so employees enjoy what they do and express their creativity through their work with increased productivity.

Soon after, Felipe recruited tech and business specialists, growing the company to 3 people in march 2023. In that month the company concept, branding and product development was started in house. In May 2023 the company onboarded new employees specialized in insurance and banking analysis. Also, the branding processes included the help of Captcha Studio, a digital studio from Argentina, and Ricardo Martoz, a marketing consultant from Drive 360 in Mexico.

In June the branding was finished. The company trademark was registered and published through official communication channels in El Salvador. Also, tax registration was done. During July the first client was attended, an auto retail named Carros Hermanos. The project consisted of an automation of recurring buying transactions of vehicles. This allowed them to get a better order and structure, and a formal reporting using a dashboard in power bi. The company analyzed information through many custom filters such as auto brands, models, years and even colors to identify market trends. At the end, Carros Hermanos got a 32% revenue increase in the next month, thanks to the myneflow ecosystem.

In august 2023 myneflow competed in an International Business Competition (CIES) of ESEN (Higher School of Business and Economics). The competition was hard, but all the work paid off when finally myneflow got first place in the business category, the one with the hardest requirements. This allowed myneflow to raise $1,700 to keep operations going.

In the next months myneflow is going to be in further product development, brand positioning and internal processes building. The business landscape is in constant evolution, and myneflow is going to be a reference in the ecosystem thanks to a complete vision to make the business world more impactful and create meaning in the workplace. In myneflow we believe digital experiences are not just for entertainment, they can be productive and fulfilling too.

myneflow is the best-in-class business solution to automate business processes with artificial intelligence. We offer a digital ecosystem that includes: an information portal, analytics workbench and ai lab. We offer you to connect your as-is business processes with information tools in order to: make decisions 25% faster, increase revenue up to 30% and provide 32x faster reporting times.


Where business embodies the art of making smart decisions through technology. Those who put their trust in intuition, but also in the information that allows them to act assertively. Those who advance with firm steps and a clear vision of the entire organization. Because if you want to go fast you have to go alone, but if you want to go far, you have to go accompanied.

Our Why

We increasingly live in a world of rapid and dizzying progress, where everything is urgent and we are always behind what is happening. This is where we have to question whether we are really running the race we want to run. For this reason, we believe that every organization must be aligned with its strategy, without getting lost in the day to day. And this is where Myneflow is the best ally to create digital experiences that unify the entire team to have the right information at the right time and thus make the right decisions to execute the business strategy.


Ensure that all the actions of an organization are aligned with its purpose through technology.


Align all the information of a business through digital experiences that are aligned with strategic objectives and optimize profitability.


A completely digital business world where all teams enjoy their work and can make a true impact by expressing their creativity.



