MyHomeworkRewards 2022 Recap

MyHomeworkRewards 2022 Recap

It is that time of the year again! It seems like each year goes by faster than the last which is why it is increasingly important to pause and reflect on the accomplishments of the last year.

MyHomeworkRewards is on a mission to provide #affordable, #personalized online #homeworkhelp for #students in #highschool, #college, and #university. This year we have made tremendous progress towards this mission!

I will highlight a few of those accomplishments below:

1. Our partnership with the Homework Helper App

We share a lot of core values with Rachel Puleo and her Homework Helper app! That is why it was a no-brainer to partner up to bring together MyHomeworkRewards and the Homework Helper app. The #HomeworkHelperApp allows students to get on demand homework help with amazing tutors. This service really compliments MyHomeworkRewards. While students are working on personalized homework questions online on MyHomeworkRewards, they will get hints, recommendations to review modules to brush up on the topic and easier versions of the question if they continue to need support. Now, students can connect with a qualified tutor online in subjects like math and science through the Homework Helper app to get on demand support. Tutors can answer questions, clarify material, and walk through the problem with the student live! Getting this timely support is very important for students. We do not want students to get stuck and give up losing valuable study time. With the Homework Helper app, students keep making progress towards their goals! The Homework Helper app is currently undergoing updates but in the meantime students can continue to get on demand support through the Homework Helper Hotline! As a bonus, MyHomeworkRewards students get a discount on their first session with a Homework Helper tutor! Login to get your code! ?

2. Hosting Interns & Co-op Students

A large part of our mission is to provide students with work experience that will complement their academic performance and get them ready to join the workforce. MyHomeworkRewards has hosted high school and university students from Canada, the United States and even internationally! All our placements are online and provide enough flexibility that students can continue to complete their schoolwork. Students have contributed to our modules and to our social media pages! During their placement, students gain valuable work experience and develop time management, communication and on-demand technical skills like programming and digital marketing while building their confidence. Taking on co-op students also creates an opportunity for staff to take on a mentorship role to provide some oversight to these students. Creating #mentorship relationships is very valuable for both the mentor and the mentee. Here is a quote from Nancy. Nancy completed her 12-week work placement with MyHomeworkRewards from LDATD a content developer working on the high school English curriculum.

My experience working for was one of the best experiences that I’ve ever had … is a wonderful boss and is always attentive to anything that I needed when working there. I also had loads of fun with putting together the lessons and learning how to code!        

We continue to take on students! If you are interested, please contact your school’s co-op/internship coordinator or email us at [email protected]. We also work closely with Virtual Internships providing international opportunities!

3. Website Updates

We operate on a continuous development lifecycle where we develop new #courses (lessons and practice questions) and new features. 2022 was no exception! We released our Grade 10 math course online which includes topics like solving #linearequations, #quadratics, #factoring, #trigonometry, #geometry and #measurement. This course is designed to give #grade10 high school students the foundations they need to be successful in either the academic or applied streams. Our modules include definitions, key concepts, and equations along with step-by-step solutions to practice problems. Students can easily navigate through the lessons to find what they are looking for. They also contain interactive widgets so students can test their understanding. Finally, there are practice questions that students can try to ensure they have mastered the concepts! Answering these questions also counts towards student’s weekly goals and enables them to earn awesome rewards just for doing homeworking online!

What course would you like to see added to MyHomeworkRewards? Let us know via email, social media or our website. ?

A new feature we added this year was our Quizzes. This idea actually came from feedback provided by tutors at Homework Helper! Our practice page is designed to create a fully personalized experience by picking the right question for each student. Our software does the hard part while student simply answer questions and improve their grades. Practice is great when studying for exams or reviewing multiple topics at once. However, there are times where students want to practice a specific skill like factoring or SOH CAH TOA. The quiz feature let’s student create a dynamic quiz based on topics of their choice. Tutors also use #quizzes as a way to assign #homework to students. They can create one quiz and share it with multiple students. Then they can track their progress and fill any gaps during the next tutoring session.

What new feature would you like to see added to MyHomeworkRewards in 2023? Let us know via email, social media or our website. ?

This year has brought new challenges but also new opportunities. Here at #MyHomeworkRewards, we continue to make strides in providing better educational services for students. There have been numerous accomplishments and this post just highlights some of major ones. Of course, none of this is possible without the support of our staff, partners, users, and advisory board. A big thank you to everyone for their support. I hope that you can take some time this holiday season to slow down, be thankful and reflect on your own accomplishments this year.

Gabriel Aversano, Founder, MyHomeworkRewards?



