Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: (ME) for short

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: (ME) for short

Before you read anything below watch the video to completion:

Question asked of me: Jack can you explain what is going on with ME/CFS? Fibromyalgia? I saw in the comments that you say its a tough fix but its possible. I'm sure it has to do with water chemistry and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and the gut. Because it causes such temperature dysregulation, is Cold Thermogenesis and sunlight something still to consider to regenerate the DC current and restore the flow of electrons? Thanks Jack!

Nature had the foresight to make decisions in hindsight using sunlight. Why? Because light has more non linear properties than anything in the cosmos. It should be both fascinating and humbling to scientists that the massless, timeless, and phenomenal manifestation of light are the irrefutable requirement for all physical structure on Earth and in the cosmos. It turns out these abilities are why ME is mis-understood. The only constant in a universe of relentless flux because of how light works in us.

The problem with these "discoveries" is that they become systematized and programmed by paradigms.?The public needs to realize that "systems and programs" are for computers.... and they are not designed for living things like us. We are designed to be wirelessly connected to the sun and fully connected to Earth to work properly in nature to remain well.?

We simply need to connect with nature and feel the zeitgebers..........and Mother Nature will take care of us.

My answer: If you read the last few blogs in my OSF series of blogs at you will see the reason a system goes south is because there is not enough electrons present within the cell membranes or the mitochondria of that system. Fibromyalgia is a loss of electrons in the muscles and collagen fascia of the entire body that dehydrates us (mitochondria) and lowers our piezoelectric current. This lowers the dielectric constant in cell water and it is become magnified when things like blue light and nnEMF dehydrate our cells. It usually starts in one cell type but it can spread fast if your base line redox is low. It also will alter proton recycling in the mitochondrial matrix. So if you are "young healthy 20 something" who works out in a blue lit gym, or a blue lit Harvard lab, you by definition, have a lowered redox potential. You also live at a high latitude and in a city with high population density when you were struck down. You likely have no idea how those two things dehydrate cells to set the stage for ME/FM/CFS. Dehydration of cells due to mitochondrial damage is the key initial starting point for ME. It can lead to a local loss in physiologic control over certain muscles too, just by a lack of red light from the skin above the muscles. The goal is not to avoid foods, molds, or toxins, with this issue, but to fix the structure of the tissues and gut by replacing the electrons lost to build the capacitor in cell water back.?This turns your energy engine, the mitochondria, back on to protect your cells once again.?

Let me be clear: It is not about the offending agent (virus/fever/mold) or the organ affected: It is about the loss of electrons, loss of proton recycling, in the mitochondria of muscles and collagen that causes a loss of organizational structure and function in those cells. That is why muscles and fascia don't work properly in these patients to distribute energy throughout the body through the cytoarchitecture. You must renovated melanin, via alpha MSH, in your interior and exterior before you employ Cold therapy or grounding or you can "short circuit" your recovery.

You mentioned the gut and EM: The gut microbiota is not static over the span of the day in Boston. It is diurnal just like we are. People forget the gut is a giant tube from our mouth to our anus open to the environment and it feels electrical changes from your local environment.?

The sun’s light is a cathode ray. When it hits the Earth in daytime, the Earth acts as an anode in this cosmologic circuit and this allows for more evaporation of water on the planet's surface and inside the lumen of our gut to create more protons both in the air and inside the gut during daylight. The protons from Earth dissipate in the atmosphere and give it a more positive charge and in our gut the pH drops for mechanical food breakdown. Simultaneously the evaporation effect in the air will liberate more electrons from Earth that our tensegrity system (collagen/water) in our feet can harvest when they are connected to the Earth. As more protons flow into the lumen this makes the tissues of the gut more negative and hydrophillic and this increase the amount of the coherent domains in the water of cells of our tissues to increase their physiologic capabilities.

We collect and harvest these free electrons from the surface of the Earth and use their energy by storing them or use to do physiologic work. Either mechanism lowers the number of work mitochondria needs to do because it lowers the resistance of our inner mitochondrial membrane. This reduces the electrical resistance of mitochondria and this helps stimulate autophagy and not apoptosis in our tissues. It also changes the microbiome because mitochondria used to be bacteria.

During the daytime, the electric field of Earth is higher than it is at night when light is absent. Magnetic fields, however, are higher at night, and this is likely why sleep is linked to a loss of the DC electric current in diurnal animals. The change in the DC electric current changes the activity of bacteria in our microbiome as well.??What happens when you work in a lab with a 60 Hz power grid 24/7? What about the fluorescents and LED lights in that lab plugged into that power grid? Do you think these have no link to ME? Think again. This article may be hard for those with ME to understand so ask a family member or friend to read it for you slowly.

Perhaps these circadian cycle changes should have been expected in the microbiome by us physicians, but most scientists did not expect it either. Almost all life on Earth has an endogenous circadian rhythmicity that is genetically determined, but that also responds to changes in light and dark. I bet your job in that lab ruined that rhythm. For human beings, reliable changes occur between day and night in hunger, body temperature, sleep propensity, hormone production, activity level, metabolic rate, and more. AM sunlight resets the periodicity of the SCN clock in your eye that controls this process. Nothing replaces sunlight in this respect.

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These findings on daily rhythmicity in the gut microbiota have really piqued my interest because disruption of our circadian rhythmicity by electric light during day or night has been my research passion for several decades. As scientists investigate the links between our internal daily patterns, electric light, and health, new information about the rhythmicity of our microbiome might hold clues about how this all works together.

The crucial question is whether the microbes simply respond to their host human’s circadian rhythm or whether they can actually alter our rhythm somehow. Does the electric power grid inside ruin your electric circuit in cells connected to your mitochondria? Yep.

So let's consider an analogy for you to consider: if you cannot deliver a DC electric current in your house does anything plugged into your wall sockets work when you try? If you never change this problem will your light bulbs go from dim to bright? Is it the muscle pain or fatigue you have right now as important as finding the real cause or the real problem today around us all? Do you know why people are "so acoustically sensitive" in ME? Ammon's horn in the cochlea relays in the human brain use more energy than any other sense we have!!!! So if you have a lowered redox for any reason doesn't it stand to reason that your brain will react like a dimmed light bulb in a bad power grid? Isn't your brain sitting in a sea of CSF in your skull? Might this be why sounds drive EM patients nuts when their MRIs are fine? Why didn't you find these answers? Might it be that you relied on experts in "Ivory towers like Harvard?"??

You know muscles and fascia are designed to work optimally in us on planet Earth. So what is the real issue ruining their ability to work like a thixotropic gel? Is it the lack of electrons that leads to the poor functioning of this power grid system? Yes, this is the big issue and it is why physicians struggle to diagnose ME. We have no good tests to follow the story of electrons from the environment to our mitochondria. Muscles and collagen deliver electrons well when the system is organized as it is designed. What captures electrons best in cell membranes and mitochondria? DHA is the only thing in evolutionary history that can do it well. It buries the energy from electrons it captures in collagen and water. When the light energy is stored it is not thermalized. When it is released it is thermalized and we can still capture it in cell water. What happens if you happen to be dehydrated due to blue light and nnEMF exposure? You get worse!!!!! What should you consider doing? You need to limit blue light exposure and nnEMF exposure while adding DHA to your system to improve the cell membranes to capture energy you now are losing back to your environment. Capturing and assimilating excited electrons by sunlight over your broken network is the job of DHA, collagen, and cell water. It is why physicians cannot diagnose the problem.

It will take 2-3 yrs to repair the damage once it occurs system-wide. Oxidation causes you to lose DHA and become dehydrated in this situation. Not eating enough DHA, and drinking enough water to replace it causes the system to slowly decline in function. If your environment chronically dehydrates you below your perception level you and your doctors will be stumped. Do you really think that a lab at Harvard is a place that is healthy for mitochondria? What did that Ivy school education teach you???

The loss of electrons and/or movement of protons is what causes these cells and their mitochondria to underperform.

What are muscles made of? Water and collagen. You need to Read Gerald Pollack's other book about muscle and his latest book about water. So how does DHA muscle water all join to make sense of this? Sunlight. Sunlight can acts like a particle or a wave in our tissues depending on weather the electron is bound to a semiconductor or if it is freed and able to delocalize. You know Boston does not get many photons 8 months out of the year. Do you think that might be part of your problem? Photons or electrons increase the cross-links of collagen to allow you to transmit electrons over its carbon backbone. The more cross-links you have the better your cell's piezoelectric ability the higher your DC electric current the better you regenerate tissues. It actually improves the cell water in your body as well to improve your muscle function and cognition. People with ME live in a chronic low-energy state because they cannot regenerate their tissues due to a chronic lack of sun and poor water production from their mitochondrial matrix. When you have FM/EM you have very few cross-links in collagen by definition. Collagen growth in humans is stimulated by the red frequencies in sunlight via our fibroblasts.

Doctors have no way of testing this easily. It means you have fewer electrons and a lower net negative charge in your tissues/cell water. Water has fewer coherent domains to carry this negative charge. Sunlight the grounding to the Earth is like Triple AAA is to your dead batteries in your car. The Sun and Earth wirelessly recharge you to reverse EM. You have to realize you cannot charge a dead battery when your tissues are dehydrated. This is why Triple AAA always checks the water in your automotive battery when it cannot jump a battery. In EM, your cell membranes and mitochondria are not sticky to electrons when water is absent so you become unable to wirelessly use sunlight or the Earth's magnetic flux to repair your cells.

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Water and DHA are directly tied to the photoelectric effect: Life catches the electron with DHA. It is common knowledge that the ultimate source of all our energy and negative entropy is the radiation of the sun. When a photon interacts with a material particle on our globe it lifts one electron from an electron pair to a higher level. This is how the photoelectric effect works. The picture below shows how electrons fall back to the ground state and how many things happen during this event.

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This excited state as a rule has but a short lifetime and the electron drops back within 10^–7 to 10^–8 seconds to the ground state giving off its excess energy in one way or another. Life has learned to catch the electron in the excited state, uncouple it from its partner and let it drop back to the ground state through its biological machinery utilizing its excess energy for life processes. Instead, life depends on catching an excited electron quite precisely (DHA) — by means of specific light-absorbing pigments connected to proteins or lipids in you like DHA — and then tapping off its energy as it falls back towards the ground state (pic above).

Life uses the highest grade of energy, the packet or quantum size of which is sufficient to cause the specific motion of electrons in the outer orbital of molecules in the neural cell membranes. It is on account of this that living systems can populate their high energy levels without heating up the body excessively.

Energy is?trapped directly?at the?electronic level?by the pi-electron clouds in DHA. Charge separation helps move protons in cell water. Neither one work well in people with CFS/ME. DHA is highest in the central retinal pathways of the eye that connect the retina to our SCN clock. Neuronal function in this circuit requires mitochondrial water production to operate well. It is stored not only as vibrational and electronic bond energies in DHA and the proteins DHA has selected for in neuronal cell membranes.

Energy is also stored in the?structure of the system. This means your muscles and collagen can not store them as you could in health because the atomic structure of the system is not optimal due to a deficiency in your environment tied to light at some level!!!!?

Where do the electrons or DC current begin in humans? It is not the muscles. It is the CSF around the brain and the water in your muscles & nerves. Nerve firing requires water production in the mitochondrial matrix of neurons. ?You need to collect the photons of the sun using the collagen in your skin which is under the power of Vitamin D. Skin cells need DHA in their cell membrane to capture the photon power of the sun to transfer it to the electrons in the pi electron cloud of DHA in the skin. The electrons then give off photons by falling back to their ground state through the collagen network. This is the fascia around the muscles. This is bad for YOU!!!! So understand specifically the collagen network can not transfer electrons that are energized by the photons of the sun in FM patients. This is why they all have terrible Vitamin D levels. These electrons release that energy to water and collagen in the fascia which travels in your ligaments to the dura and it electrifies the water in your brain called CSF. Here the energy is transferred from the fascia to water. This energy is transformed by re-energizing electrons in CSF to power them up from the energy they captured from the sun's light. So CSF electrons are energized by sunlight. The sun's power got there over your muscle skeletal system. So if your MS is broken can your CSF get that energy? NO. This is why energy levels are poor in FibroMyalgia/ME cases.

The sun's photoelectric power allows light to be transferred in different forms to power up the electron and give its energy to CSF to give it to the brain and then to fall back to its ground state. Energy is also stored in piezoelectric collagen everywhere in the cells. You can not do this anywhere where DHA is missing. This is found in energy gradients, fields and flow patterns, compartments, organelles, cells, and tissues. All this in turn enables organisms to mobilize their energies coherently and hence make available the entire spectrum of stored energies for work, most efficiently and rapidly, whenever and wherever energy is required. Energy is moved from electronic storage to any type of energy needed to be based on the tissue systems design. All forms of energy however have to abide by mass equivalence because it is a universal law Nature.??

This is why you are broken and why it is so hard to fix FM/CFE/ME patients. They don't realize their light choices in their environment are what is killing them slowly below their perception. The problem is your mitochondria always pay attention to this destruction. Your disease is a manifestation of this counterintuitive reality of nature.

Fibromyalgia = myalgic encephalomyelitis = chronic fatigue = mold/fungus susceptible = chemical sensitivity = electronic sensitivity patients = dehydration = Low Vitamin D even in strong sunlight = blue light toxic = any other mitochondrial disease stimulus = you lose mitochondrial energy efficiency.


The DC electric current comes from the transmutation of solar energy and magnetic flux to electric signals your cells can use to regenerate by raising melatonin in your body. Melatonin levels link to repair programs of mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA. Electricity is a form of light that comes in nonlinear package. It is less compact and less organized and its scale of action is changed. Nature had the foresight to make decisions in hindsight using sunlight and not electric plasma from the solar wind. This is why Earth has a magnetosphere outside the ionosphere (a sphere within a sphere creates electric tension) that blocks most of the high energy harmful solar wind and directs the smallest sliver of visible light (260-800nm) onto the planet.

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The 260-290 nm light is affected high up in the ionosphere by ozone to make even more oxygen when high energy UVC and UVB light hit it. This thins out the UV light allowed to penetrate the atmosphere to get to the surface. Why is this filtering mechanism so important to understand? Because light has more non-linear properties when we get into and above the UV spectrum of light than anything in the cosmos. When you filter light down to a manageable slice, like the visible spectrum is, atoms can organize around these frequencies to allow for an evolution linked to the redox potential of sunlight. Even within that small sliver of visible light magic is possible because of the ability of light to do so many things we fail to consider. Can you give me an example?

Resonant Recognition Model (RRM), proposes that protein activation inside of cells is electromagnetic in nature within the frequency range of infrared and visible light. ?Irene Cosic has written extensively about it. ??The RRM postulates that protein interactions entail a mechanism of resonant energy transfer between involved molecules at the frequency specific for each observed function/interaction inside a cell. This theory is based on the findings that certain periodicities within the distribution of energy of delocalized electrons along a protein molecule are critical for protein biological function and/or interaction with their targets. ?Free radicals are cappable of delocalizing electrons inside of our cells to force them to move. When electrons move charge transfer begins. If charge transfer through these macromolecules is introduced via ambient light, then charge moving through macromolecular backbone can produce electromagnetic radiation, absorption and resonance with spectral characteristics corresponding to the energy distribution in light that activates things in cells. ?This means light is fully capable of replacing damaged or non functional proteins in cells to restore function. This should be music to the ears of anyone with ME.

It should be both fascinating and humbling to scientists that the massless, timeless, and phenomenal manifestation of light are the irrefutable requirement for all physical structures on Earth and in the cosmos. The only constant in a universe of relentless flux because of how light works in non-linear counterintuitive ways to your common sense.

Magnetic flux, from the Earth, is always orthogonal to electric current for one reason: Local geometry can then be preserved and this is where gravity emerges. When intersecting or lying at right angles, a matrix can preserve length or distance and this is important with respect to scale and to motion. At large scales this orthogonal relationship is tight and remain. At the smallest scales, this relationship dissipates. This is why gravity exists at cosmic levels and is feeble at the smallest scales. At the larger scales in the cosmos where humans exist and observe nature most using wavelengths in electromagnetic fields defines our sensory experience. With wavelengths such as these propagating in a field of action, that preservation is precision in motion. This notion of intersecting things that nature isn’t used to goes beyond the normal quantum bliss. When you begin to intersect things that haven’t been mixed before, new possibilities arise in biology, and maybe in the world's ecosystem too. Within those new possibilities are new solutions to longstanding problems and new opportunities that can reshape outdated protocols. This is how epigenetics fundamentally organizes and evolution occurs by changing large-scale geometry of waves by shrinking them in small scales and creating new matter using light. With respect to gravity, life is bonded to the Earth by gravitational dipoles induced within us at our mitochondrial cytochromes. The net effect in health is like that of a magnet on an un-magnetized ball. We, therefore, assume gravity is always attractive when in reality it maybe be repulsive (pushing theory of gravity by Nicolas Fatio de Duilier) based upon the charge that our bodies hold.

People hate discussing the nuances of light because they don't understand it well enough. This link shows you physics thought they had light all explained and now they realize they did not. And this new finding has massive implications for how mitochondria really work. If they did they would see that the non-linear aspects of light completely diagnose what is wrong with today's major branches of science. Chemistry and physics are experimental sciences with the theoretical basis, while biology is a quilt work of time scales stretched out over billions of years. So what is biology? Most define it by evolutionary change. I don’t. It is the study of change without change (by photons' energy because it has no mass we can follow) by transforming energy within cells into different forms. Evolutionary systems cannot be governed by time because each instant the environment varies in its signals, so why does biology require reproducibility in their experiments? When you think about it from this perspective you see how stupid our mindset is today. Physics says time is affected by the succession of probabilities each moment, doesn’t it? In quantum mechanics, certainty is always replaced by probability, and everything alive uses a mitochondrion or chloroplast to use light and electrons quantum mechanically; it seems biology has a huge problem at its core doesn't it if its successes call for reproducibility today? Maybe this is why your physician was impotent to figure out your problem.

Life is not a thing as most perceive it to be; it’s an iterative process. While most of the origin of life theories have focused on the molecules of information transfer, evidence is accumulating that life is primarily rooted in mechanisms for energy capture?and storage. Life is clever. It has figured out how to transform electrons out of everything we eat and keep them under control in cells until we need their energy. Electrons must flow in order for energy to be gained elsewhere in the body. Protons also can flow in coherent domains in interfascial spaces inside cells. This process is broken badly in ME disease. Electrons can be stored in tissues (protein/lipid semiconductors), but when they are stored they cannot act like a wave. They only exhibit particle-like behavior. When the electron leaves any tissue, it becomes delocalized, and its energy has to be thermalized (to heat) to affect energy flows elsewhere in a cell. That heat usually affects water in cells. That heat builds coherence in cells and allows for proton conduction in cells. The electron, as it leaves our atomic lattice in proteins/lipids becomes more wave-like. Its very existence appears to crystallize out of Schr?dinger’s mist like a genie emerging from his bottle; if that does not shock you, realize that the genie is also capable of emitting light an electron carries when it wants to end the photo-electric excitement in its life.

It's too?easy?to excuse yourself because of your mitochondrial ancestry when your modern lighting choices are the real culprit in this illness mess with ME/CFS/FM.

Evolution is a hard, inescapable mistress of energy flows tied to light. The problem with her is she just has no room for compassion or good sportsmanship in her games as the video showed. Energy flows from light drive adaptation to the environment and one has to win the energy game to leave an offspring. This makes energy and the light we allow become the controlling arm behind the evolutionary trajectory. Because Mother Nature uses energy she creates some unusual circumstances for scientists/physicians. This explains why they remain befuddled to explain modern chronic disease epidemics. Evolution triumphs and fails at the same time because as it leans too much upon natural selection, the plodding accumulation of error begins to fill up our nuclear genome, simultaneously, while energy flows slowly from our mitochondrial respiratory proteins. As the energy flows slow and light changes, adaptation becomes a future illness when you don’t understand the environmental context that drove energy flows lower within mitochondria.

Shawn The Realtor Guy

Shawn Yu @ShawnRealty, Oregon Principal Real Estate Broker, Portland Korean Realtor. ???? ???

1 年

Seeing the talk of the extreme case patient story, your article hits me at another level. It’s mind boggling how many other forms of deases the modern society has that is linked to this electron blockage and how many are suffering from it. Thanks Jack as always.


When One learns better One's whole world can change!! Blessing our world's optimal health in the name of Jesus Christ! Thanks for using simplified terms & endearing fortitude to convey this wonderful gift to all of mankind!!! Godspeed! Rev. Dr. Leela Alvarez PhD Heartbase Network Founder Global Poly Trauma Advocacy


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