As the year is ending, it is good time to be grateful and remember all the good things which we have. Here is my A to Z
- I am thankful to the?Almighty?for all the?Blessings?bestowed among me.
- I am blessed to have?CommLab, great?Colleagues?and??Customers?from all around the world.
- I am thankful to the power of?Dreaming?and advising my goals. I am indebted to my?Experiences?and?Expressions.?
- I am fortunate to have lifelong?Friends?& beautiful?Family.?
- I am?Gifted?in many ways. I manage change well, I am proactive, I get results and I love Giving!
- I am blessed to have good?health?and work every day to maintain it - sleep, walk and food and emotional zone.
- I am grateful to my?Intelligence?to decide when to pursue and when to give up.
- I experience?Joy?in little things.
- I am blessed to have the thirst to acquire?Knowledge?from people around me and leaders by reading 50 books a year!?
- I love?Learning?gives me certainty and courage to face life.?
- I keep my?Motivation?high with good habits.
- I am ready for?New?and creative?Opportunities?to excel and grow!
- I welcome both?Pain?and?pleasures?and both are essential to having a productive life.?
- I have the?Quest?to conquer the world - be the best I can be; and making a quality difference.
- I try hard to?Respect?the differences in people and build quality relationships this skill will make me a good human and a?Successful?leader.
- I?Trust?that life is happening for me, everything that happens serves a purpose. I look at the Universe for the?Vision?and?Wisdom. I look forward to the Xing in my life!
- Thank you for reading my A to Z. May Your life be full of love, happiness and prosperity!?
- Be?Zappy?be?Zealful?be?Zesty!?????