My Year at J.Levine’s
My mother used to say, “GO KNOW.”
A few years ago I wanted 2 special bar mitzvah gifts for family, so I walked to my local Judaica store and lo and behold, the shop was no longer there. I thought, how can this be?
I googled and saw that JLevine’s was also nearby, and I found my 2 perfect gifts – both completing my mission and falling in love with JLevine’s! It instantly became my go-to whenever I needed a Judaica gift. I got to know the staff, and my attraction to the store grew. Today, as technology promotes remoteness in human interactions, there is still a warm cozy “hamisha” store with real people who are there to engage and to help others.
Just before Passover in 2016, I popped into JLevine’s to buy something for my Seder table. Observing its array of unusual Jewish merchandise, I noted also its intellectual and diverse clientele, and their interaction with a staff that provides just the right personal touch… ingredients that have all but disappeared everywhere else in retail. To no one in particular I said aloud, “Boy, I'd love to work in a place like this!” A very nice man replied, “Then can you work on Friday? My 2 top sales people will be away for the holiday.” Instantly, I said, "Yes, but who are you?” and mentioned that I’d need to leave by 4 pm to attend a Seder. He smiled and said, “We close at 2!” DUH! Of course, he’s Orthodox! He said, “I'm Danny Levine, the owner and great grandson of the founder.” I said, “I’ll be here!”
On that first day I sold a few items and in the process I made a slew of new friends and connections. By day’s end I felt my life undergoing a renewal. I excitedly told every customer it was my first day, and I overheard Danny say, “Isn't she great!” I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude, thinking he was the one who was great. He took a chance, trusted me, and allowed me this unexpected opportunity. When I was leaving, Danny told me he would have a good Pesach, partly because of me!
I continued to pop in to say hello, make my occasional purchases, and renew the bonding experience. Later, Danny offered me a “real” part time job. I was thrilled to step away from sitting at a desk and a computer as a Small Business Consultant / Executive Recruiter / Career Coach for a few hours each week. Thus began a new chapter in my life’s journey.
Each day is different. The ebb and flow of the Jewish holidays and constantly learning are all part of the fun. JLevine’s’ clients, who come in for prayer shawls, Ketubahs, wedding gifts, Shabbat candle sticks and Kiddush cups, to name just a few of our items, are interesting and diverse, from many religions and from the four corners of the globe. Yet they all have one thing in common…a respect for Judaism - many are in various stages of conversion to the Jewish faith. I interact with executives, housewives, TV and theatrical professionals, Rabbis and individuals from the LGBT community…all races and all ages.
My role at JLevine’s is as diverse as our client base, involving everything from sales and service to merchandising, receiving, and inventory management. Customer service includes trading emails, sharing recipes, offering NYC tourist information, connecting customers in need of help with others, and even dispensing a little dating advice. It all comes down to “marketing.” I market JLevine’s business, I market customers in need to others, I market a respect for the world’s religions and individual perspectives and, in the end, JLevine’s markets tolerance, compassion, caring and inclusion. We are a business, for sure, but we’re much more: JLevine’s is a nice experience to be shared by all.
I knew that G-d was in the store looking out for me on that day just before Passover 2016 when Danny and I met.
Paula Marks
CEO Hire Resources