My Year 2019 - a bit late
2019 was an interesting year for me. At the start of 2019, I had to face the reality that my business model wasn't working anymore. Events I had created and sold out previously, weren't successful anymore. This was partly because restaurants and hotels were organising their own events and my ideas being copied by other event organisers - that's just life.
So, if I didn't want to give up, I had to re-direct my focus. Over the years, I noticed that I was pretty good at delivering training in different aspects like Social Media for Business, Microsoft Excel, Interview Skills and Content Creation. I have been lucky enough to have been working with Cork City Libraries, Ballyhoura Development, Really Useful Training & Development and Professional Training over the last few years.
As event management is still part of my speciality, I was excited working with CAIS on the 2019 Irish Cheese Awards. I had the pleasure of working closely with the team at the Metropole Hotel, Cork who has been a delight to work with, especially Raymond Kelleher and head chef Stuart Dardis and I can only recommend the team for any event you might are planning in the future.
It was also wonderful creating individual outings for clients including a mystery pub food tour, cheese tastings amongst others. And talking about pub food, I was delighted to be working on a project in finding the best pub food in Ireland.
One of the highlights of my year has to be winning Business Woman of the Year at the 2019 Blarney Business Chamber Awards. Being voted for by business associates was one of the best feelings of 2019.
So here is to an exciting 2020