My worst experience I had and my personal public call to action
It was August 2023. I was at Tamil Fest here in Toronto (the last time I attended the event and didn’t attend in 2024 and skipped it completely). Unfortunately, one of our country’s worst ever and most disgraceful politicians in our country’s history showed up at the event as well. It was in the form of Pierre Poilievre. The Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the current Leader of Opposition (undoubtedly, the worst ever in Canadian History) He and his party were spreading lies through their party flyers that were published in both English and Tamil. They claimed the idea that they “cared about human rights” which was a lie itself! I was mentally, psychologically and emotionally affected by this experience and it affects me even today in 2024 and it really hurt my feelings considering I was personally permanently betrayed by Conservative/Far-Right Politics since 2019 onwards in Canada and around the world.?
I would have honestly never dealt with this experience and would have felt much more happier if I personally was around any MPs from the Liberal Party, NDP or Greens and even better I would be much happier if I was around The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau , Jagmeet Singh , or Elizabeth May.?
With recent events worldwide. This is an painful experience that I can no longer keep to myself any longer and must share with all of you.
Besides the Conservative Party have the worst possible record when it comes to Human Rights compared to other Canadian Political Parties. Through the disgraceful actions of the Conservative Party and Pierre Poilievre. They have betrayed Women and Girls across Canada, 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities, Indigenous Communities, many diverse Canadian Communities, many Human Rights Supporters and Advocates, Young Canadians (including Gen-Z Canadians like myself), Climate voters, Middle Class Canadians, Working Class Canadians, Unions, Labour Organizations, etc. and have continued to act in support of Climate Denial, Residential School Denialism, betraying Multilateralism, betraying the United Nations and its institutions, and betraying the ideas of Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, worsening the lives of 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities, worsening the lives of Women and Girls across Canada through their inappropriate and discriminatory policies and rhetoric and even worse, striping basic rights of Women and Girls, 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities, worsening the lives of Working Class Canadians, Unions, Labour Organizations,? etc.
And even more disastrously, the Conservatives want to get rid of the CBC?! It’s disgraceful and it must be stopped completely!
And please do not use the Economy, Groceries, Housing, and Affordabillity as excuses at all as the Conservatives don’t even care about resolving it sincerely.
And Poilievre hates our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well sadly.
In other words, Poilievre and his party will not care about us at all regardless of where live in Canada whether its in our cities, suburbs, rural communities or Indigenous Communities
Pierre Poilievre is the complete opposite of what the late Lester B. Pearson, the late Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the late John Turner, the late Tommy Douglas, the late Ed Broadbent, the late Alexa McDonnaugh, the late Jack Layton, and even the late Brian Mulroney even stood for when it came to Canada and the way they envisioned it.
Even worse, Pierre Poilievre in 2008 shamefully opposed the apology given to Residential School Survivors and even worse opposed giving any compensation to Residential School Survivors and dishonoured all Residential School Victims in the process. A vote for Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives is a vote to dishonour each and every Residential School Survivor and would also dishonour the memory of all Residential School Victims who died in these Residential Schools and would also automatically dishonour the memory of the late Murray Sinclair who died last month on November 4th, 2024. As a result. Truth and Reconciliation as well as many Progressive Policies that have benefitted Canadians and our values are sadly on the ballot in this upcoming election.?
And take note, British Columbia already defeated John Rustad and the BC Conservatives because of the very same racist and discriminatory rhetoric used by the BC Conservatives against Indigenous Communities and various diverse communities and that itself cost John Rustad and the BC Conservatives the 2024 BC Provincial Election and Pierre Poilievre is regretfully very similar to John Rustad and how he would likely campaign next year in 2025. If BC could take a brave stand against Rustad. Then Canada must take a brave stand against Poilievre.
If France was able to successfully defy the Opinion Polls and defeat the Far-Right in France through Peaceful Protests and strategic voting. Then Canada must do the same. We must forget about the opinion polls, get out the vote, vote strategically and have record-breaking voter turnout in next year’s election across all 10 Provinces and 3 Territories.
That means we must strategically vote for the candidates that have the best chance to win against the Conservative Party. That way, we can move Canada forward in a Progressive direction because that's what Canada needs!