My world was turned upside down....
It’s been said that the hardest step to take in any journey is the first step. That’s true in a sense, but once you’re moving you will need something else, a sort of magical ingredient called resilience.
Many of us will start on a goal. We’ll see some initial successes and forward progress (very motivating) and then we’ll hit our first run of “bad luck” or some big obstacle. And then what? When you start, you know you will be tested. You know you’ll have to keep going even when you don’t want to until you succeed.
Well, that’s the theory...sounds good, but... then there is real life.....
Giving up seems like a very attractive option when you’re faced with setbacks. That’s when the rationalisations start up again: “I just don’t see how it could have worked…” “It’s too hard.” “It wasn’t meant to be.” “Sales is for people who are insincere” “I am too honest that is why my sales are low” and so on. Perfect excuse to just stop.
So what breaks our will to continue? FEAR!
I was in a not so easy situation with my career, a contract has been signed by both parties who had gone into it with best intentions. The contract was long and the prospects good as both parties were excited. An unforeseen situation arose and things quickly deteriorated. All of a sudden things went very quickly from bad to worst and I found myself without my career. I held my head up high, cut myself off from all stakeholders and did what was best for me, removing myself from the situation. The mud was still flying and like it or not I was in the middle of a big fight.
Now think about one big section of your life, friendships and your purpose suddenly disappearing. I would like to tell you I coped really well but the truth was it was not an easy time. I was living in uncertainty and had lost a big part of my identity because I stood up for my values and beliefs.
Feeling uncertainty about my situation, with huge amounts of time on my hands I was in a situation I had never experienced before. I had always been extremely busy with a corporate life and a young family. I was a high achiever. To go from black to white in one day was an amazing experience. To be honest the first month was particularly difficult.
At some point I recognised deep within myself that it was me I must depend on as that is all I had at the end of the day. I had attached my identity to my career and suddenly it had vanished even though I had put one hundred and ten percent into it. The unfairness of the situation sat with me like a large brick sitting on my chest and at times I felt that I could hardly breath. I had done nothing wrong but I felt I was being punished. I was tired but could not sleep and I was unable to keep a simple appointment time in my head.
I started to doubt that I would ever be able to hold down another job, let alone a career and my feelings of worth started to spiral out of control. I had to move forward and in order to one foot must go in front of another. Plans for me needed to be made regardless of my situation.
Jack Cantfield’s email arrived on a Tuesday. Just in case you dont know Jack Canfield is an American author, and motivational speaker. He is the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which has more than 250 titles and 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages. In 2005 Canfield co-authored The Success Principles.
It offered a change to attend a retreat with him in a Villa in Tuscany. A private retreat with no more than 30 people. I had already made my decision about attending as I scrolled down the page to see what the cost of the retreat was. When I saw the cost I almost fell over. It was very expensive for me. My inner monolog was somewhere along the lines of “who do you think you are to spend that much on you !”
Keep in mind that I was stuck in uncertainty. I sat in a bucket of tar along side my career and future financial security.
It was interesting that I spend more than the cost of the workshop on educating my two boys at private school on a yearly basis, yet I felt I did not deserve it. The thought of attending this workshop sat in my mind for days. I would toss it around like a ball that was simply too hot to handle. Finally the following week when shopping with my husband I mentioned the workshop. I could not look him in the eye when I told him the cost and he casually agreed it was expensive.
My husband knew I had always held Jack Canfield in high regard using his work on my own platform when training staff. He knew that this would be a turning point for me. He knew that I was drowning in the bucket of tar which was my work situation that I was stuck in. We both knew I needed to do something for me and quickly or an already poor situation was going to get worst.
That night my husband approached the subject and I can tell you I could hardly look him in the eye. To ask for something for me felt like asking for the world to stop turning. No one expected me to feel like this, let alone me. It was not what my family was saying or what they wanted. It was for so long I had put everyone and everything above me that it felt impossible to ask for anything for me.
My husband started to ask what was the workshop about and then corrected himself and stated very clearly that the subject matter of the workshop was unimportant. What was important was that I wanted to go and therefore I needed to go for me. The wheel began to turn and everything I wanted with my three weeks overseas started to come together.
I could feel my mood lift and I could feel my confidence start to reappear. I felt purpose or though I was terrified. Things started to shift and every idea I had about the trip magically worked without any effort. Again I looked within and my strength became to re appear from trusting myself again.
I asked myself how had I been treating me over the last 10 years. The answer was I was certainly kinder than I had been in the past. If I was to be honest I did not always treating myself well. I had been constantly “on call” for work without one day off over 10 years, I often had speaking engagements at night and my work days could often be drawn out with any real down time. I realised that even though I was great at managing my time I was not giving me time out.
In fact when I did my Master NLP training a few years back I asked myself what did I like ? This was such a foreign question that for over a week I did not have an answer. I had always loved work but that is not an interest, it is work. I had always loved my family but that was family not an interest. What did I like ? The answer hit me one morning tomatoes !
Ah my friend said to me when I told her my revelation about the going to Italy fabulous you will love it there as it is the home of the tomato ! Another good reason to go.
The day I paid for my workshop was the day that my true learning came about. I must back me to be the best version of me. And for me ….”It has to hurt for it to work !” I knew I would get what I needed from this workshop because I had skin in the game.
I was fascinated by my week with Jack and there were many learnings and amazing realisations. The retreat was far more spiritual than I had anticipated as I had known Jack best for his book “Success Principals” rather than his work in the many “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series.
No matter what you’re afraid of, the thing that keeps you from living up to your potential is fear. Fear will always be there. The key is how to manage it, or how to “fall down seven times and stand up eight” as the old Zen saying goes.
A few tips that worked for no particular order!
- Ask yourself "What is the fear teaching you?"
- Manage your fear by being in the present moment (because fear is always based on what ‘might’ happen in the future).
- Manage fear by taking action.
- Reframe fear by choosing to turn it into excitement. Choose to see failures and setbacks as ‘scenic detours’ full of adventure and hidden gems, and do not be afraid of them.
- Remember that your fear lies 100% in your imagination. It’s imagination gone bad!
- Back yourself - spend some time, money and effort on doing one thing that will PUSH you out of your comfort zone and propel your results
What appears to be the end of the road may simply be a bend in the road.~ Robert Schuller
When you start to worry, keep taking action and don't let the fear control you. Just keep moving. Bend when your mind says you must break. Jump up, dust yourself off and keep moving. Keep moving.
When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of an old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened. ~ Winston Churchill
There will always be things you don’t want to do, or things that scare you, and being resilient means you become flexible, like water, and go around your obstacles (or through them, like a raging flood!) instead of letting them stop you.
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Yoda - The Empire Strikes Back
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Feel free to private message me as I would love to hear from you !
CEO G2L Unity
5 年Hands up all those that turned their laptop or device upside down so to see the photo right way up (my arm is raised lol). I loved this article Sandy as not only did it show that on any journey, there are always various hazards to navigate but also the importance of support. Your husband clearly rocks and was extra rocket fuel you needed to break out of the atmosphere and out to new worlds.
I help introverted small business owners to win sales without feeling pushy ? EThical, HOlistic, Scientific sales training and coaching ? Founder & Director of Sales Ethos
5 年And here I thought you posted the photo upside down by accident! :D
Carrying on my Nonna Tina's legacy one dish at a time
5 年Love this!
Simplifying The Complexity That Is Change // Navigating Through Constant and Unprecedented Change With Ease // Organizational Change, Leadership Capability Uplift, Workforce Resilience, High Performing Distributed Teams
5 年Great read Sandy. As Sheryl Sandberg said 'ask yourself what would you do if you weren't afraid?'
Relationship Expert - Internationally Accredited
5 年Sandy Colombo ? loved reading your story and your true learning in this case. Setbacks and doors closing can be some of our biggest gifts. I know they have been for me.