My Work Stress Made Me Stupid
Theresa Destrebecq
Facilitator, coach, and learning experience designer bringing your professional book learning to life in community with other readers/learners.
When I started working for my not-so-great-boss, I knew that things were going to be difficult, but I knew that I was strong, smart, and capable, and that I could overcome any challenge that was thrown at me.
My predecessor had lasted 6 weeks before going on medical leave and eventually asking to be demoted.
I was tough.
That wasn’t going to happen to me.
I put my heart and soul into my first year, but it didn’t change my tenuous relationship with my boss. The harder I worked, the worse our relationship became.
When that first year came to a close, I reflected
>> Do I ask for a transfer?
>> Do I start applying for other positions?
>> Do I recommit to overcoming this challenge?
I decided to recommit. (What I realize now, is that I didn’t recommit to being a better leader. I recommitted to my EGO.)
About ? way through my second year I started to wobble. My initial “RAH-RAH, I can overcome any challenge,” turned into “OH, SHIT! What have I done now?”
The harder I worked and the more committed I became to PROVING myself, the less I was BEING myself. I completely lost sight of my values and who I was there to support. I started to make poor choices. My boss had to clean up more of my messes.
I acted without thinking.
I acted without listening.
I inserted myself into situations where I wasn’t wanted or needed.
I broke people’s trust.
My integrity did a nosedive.
In my attempt to prove myself, I lost myself.
Stress made me stupid.
It is making you stupid too. (Seriously--biology can back me up on this.)
How can you get back to BEING yourself and BEING a contribution, instead of PROVING yourself?
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I am a Work Relationship Coach, supporting professionals to navigate difficult work relationships, so that they can keep the job they love, and continue to make the impact they long to make.
I host a group on FB called Thrive at Work, where I tell stories, give advice, and challenge you to take action. You can join us at