My work in Snooker
Noel Flannery
I am a performance mindset coach with sports stars and CEO's. Transforming their performance in every area of life.
Briefly about me..
Unlike most coaches on my side of things ive been the man in arena,
I was a Race driver as a young man and I was obsessive about details and what it took to get an edge on the opposition.
I realized the winning was not done on the day but in Work ethic/ Belief and never ever giving up.
You get those three right I said to my self and I will be unstoppable.
Events can only be lost on the day never won.
I buried my self in sports phyc books at the time (25 years ago).
This gave me one of the many edges I had.
Many British and Scottish titles followed.
During a work stint in Florida years ago I over three years gained a Qualification In
Peak performance mind coaching..
I am the only instructor with this qualification in Europe.
Since them ive
Coached and managed Elite ams and World Professionals to many Club, British, European titles incl a World title ( race car)
I work in a few sports, Tour Golf, World darts, World Snooker and I still look after some race drivers too.
I also started work recently in Football also which I love with National division professional team.
Its not just mind training I teach but everything I have learned from over 25 years
in Elite sports as competitor, manager and mind coach.
I know how to win and I know what it takes to do so..
What My players learn to have...
With our work togeather..
1/ A deep-seated unshakeable belief in your self .. Unaffected by circumstances around you.
Just missed a red and left it hanging in the pocket and you have to sit and watch your opponent clean up?
Like most players, you may have at times successfully dismantled your own well being whilst your opponent cleans the table.
Well that won't happen any more you will become unfazed by such occasions.
This is called Emotional mastery..
Its not a thin crust of confidence that can shatter it will become very ingrained in you.
You'll be more like a stick of rock , snap you open and there to be seen its deep deep down inside you.
When you play well you are confident but that's actually not true,
Your confident and that's WHY you're playing well..
Confidence comes first.
We don't get what we want but what we are.
2/ You will get to know your self, so few players in any sport at any level really have any clue of where they are at iv found, Or only notice there struggling when it's too late to act.
They also inevitably have a much worse opinion of themself and their abilities than is actually true.
This take on themselves is very destructive its partly why their form goes up and down.
Sound familiar?
You will learn to monitor your self, to be self-aware (our feelings) and then with this knowledge,
I will teach you skills to act on these feelings you will be then in charge of the space you are in regardless of what is going on around you..
From this comes consistency and the possibility of dropping into states of Peak performance or the Zone if you like.
For we cannot choose to go there merely give our selfs an opportunity to drop into that.
We become what we think about.
3/ Goals are vital without them we are just meandering around with no clear direction.
You don't jump in the car without any idea of the destination we are going do we?
We don't say, ok im going to essex, no its much more than that we have a clear address
a clear destination.
You may have goals already and that's great we will work more with that.
You also learn their real purpose not so much for them to be achieved but that they stretch us
they are a pathway to the greatest version of you.
Imagine your future clearly in great detail and it shall be so..
Whats that world trophy feel like in your hand?
The first national title I won the trophy that sits before me now in my home
for months I obsessed over the act of my fingers wrapping around the stem when I received it.
I had worked harder than anyone else, I believed in myself more than anyone else, I never gave up.
So what else could possibly happen on the day than me winning it?
When you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand.
4/ You will learn how your mind works and the effect it has on how your body works.
Every practiced whilst being in a bad mood? Que action was terrible wasn't it?
You will learn why that is so.
Your body can only replicate the space you are in.
My more advanced elite players we work on meditation technics which is massive.
I also have brain motoring equipment to actively measure your focus during play.
With this I can see what parts of your brain you are using and explain to you why and the effect that is having on performance.
I charge my player's from a cut of there winnings so if they don't do well I don't get paid.
That the faith I have in what I teach.
I spend enormous time with each and every one of them in person, or on the phone,
via written reports after each session on Email.
Between events, it would be normal for us to have a day or two together, its in my interest to do all I can for all of my players. I know no other way.
At events, I personally attend as much as possible, coaching, advising..
On events im not there you have access to me on the phone every eve after play we discuss your day and how I can help shape the next better.
Its not unusual I get a call at 3am from players who can't sleep that's not a problem at all any time.
Each of my players has 24/7 access to me.
You will become a better more consistent Snooker player,
Your best stuff will come to the fore more often and your worse stuff less destructive.
Does it not make sense to have your mind skills are matched by your potting skills?
Get in touch and arrange a meet to discuss further in person.
Kind regs Noel Flannery
0044 (0)7871006457