Not my words - But, Its your Ship!
In the early 2000's US Navy (Retired) Captain Mike Abrashoff wrote a book entitled - Its your Ship that I had the pleasure to read in 2004. Here is a link to an executive summary of that book.
I simply pull out my annotated, underlined, highlighted and a little tattered version when I hear the various issues of the day and re-read sections to see what the "Good Captain" might have to say. Well, I reread the summary first then go to my hardcover copy of the book.
Much of his observations are self-evident when you think about them. Leadership and management are two sides of the same coin - working with and properly motivating - human beings is at best - interesting!
What is always interesting to me is how only one side the human coin is viewed at times without ever turning over to view the other side or even examine the third edge - the rough edge.
Ask yourself, as a manager at any level, what motivates you to engage with people? What provides purpose and scope and depth to your daily life in this capacity. Why does that matter? To whom does that matter? When does or should it matter most?
Recently, I was reminded that each of us sees things via the lenses we choose to wear, verses the lenses we more often - need to wear, in order to understand the totality of a coin and its established or more importantly its intrinsic value, so the same is true with people. We have to flip the human coin over and examine the opposite side and even turn the coin gently on its edge. Examining all sides of the coin does not negate a desire or need to spend that coin to achieve an objective; rather, if we expend the coin and don't appreciate what is took to acquire it before we expend it then something of greater value may will be missing or lost in our analysis!
This world, this nation and more importantly our neighborhoods are in crisis. I wonder, can we flip over our coins and view them with fresh perspective noticing the peaks and valley's of their reliefs? Do we see Lady Liberty in our own image, what ever that image is, stepping forward to advance the cause of "justice for all"; and, are we skilled like the eagle in whose claws grips tight the food they return to their young, the next generation, that sustains them until they can fly free and strong able to care for themselves and the next - next generation, etc.?
The future is our ship! It is - our ship! How we choose to sail it in stormy waters or calm glass like seas is about how and why we are prepared to set sail in the first place not knowing if the wind will be at our backs or blowing us off course. It is precisely how one navigates the currents of life that returns them to safe harbor or sinks them in mid-voyage!
Just some thoughts, just some thoughts!