My wing-tail passing over: the story of my first business trip after six months on the ground.
"All the things you probably hate about traveling (the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi) are warm reminders that I'm home." These are the words of Ryan Bingham, the main character of the book (and movie) "Up in the Air," but they could easily be mine. In 2019, I took 68 flights and spent over 100 room nights out of home, traveling for business mostly. I knew all the flight schedules, all the loyalty program details, had my favorite hotels in various cities, knew my way around airports – gate numbers, lounges, etc.
I loved every piece of it. Traveling was, like Mr. Bingham says, "home." So I must admit it was a strange feeling to book my first flight after the lockdown. I can't remember the last time I've been on the ground for six consecutive months.
Traveling-wise, 2020 started as usual for me. In January, I managed to spend one week in New York City and another one in Dubai. In February, I spent a week in London and another back in Dubai. I was already looking forward to two golfing getaways in March (one being to the majestic St. Andrews Old Course). But the world had different plans for all of us. The Czech Republic locked down very early in mid-March, so these trips got canceled, and I had little idea for how long I would stay grounded. I only knew I had to fight for the survival of my company, a story that I told here:
So it was a big thing to finally book a plane to Dubai when the Emirates resumed their service to Prague. I was actually on their third flight and gladly took their special offer for a discounted upgrade to business class using miles, which I had plenty. I was looking forward to traveling again, to all the experiences I liked: airports, aircraft service, hotels, Dubai… But found out that the post-COVID travel experience is different. Quite different.
First of all, the fun is gone, at least not for now. From arriving in style to the airport to enjoy a pre-flight beer or a drink, the experience somehow changed to a pre-departure COVID-19 test (and then another after arrival in Dubai and another after coming back to Prague). The anxiety while waiting for the results (will they allow me to fly?) were actually nerve-wracking. And that's not all: the Dubai government approval (mandatory to Dubai residence visa holders), arriving at an empty airport full of plexiglass, wearing a mask at all times, and an overall atmosphere of concern wherever I went. Will I get infected? Shall I touch things? When did I wash my hands last? That's my definition of "not fun." Pre-COVID, I would love the idea of sitting on an empty plane to get more personal space and privacy. This time, sitting on an empty flight, I hoped that flights would get crowded again soon. I wanted all the airlines to survive. I wished for the moment when we can all travel once again. I even wished for a crying baby next to me. That's the magnitude of the feeling.
Some things were like the old days, though. Seeing airline staff happy to be back in the skies, going through the list of movies on the plane, meeting new people while traveling. I managed to meet the President of Czech Business Council Dubai on the flight, which ended in us having dinner together in Dubai the next evening, discussing business with a friend of his, the GM of the first five-star hotel ever built in Dubai.
I must admit that I felt almost happy to see Dubai airport again, and even missed all the things I used to hate about it, such as the neverending queues at arrival and the long walks from the gates. It was refreshing to know that, with masks on and social distancing in place, the airport works again and serves its purpose.
Of course, I booked my favorite hotel in Dubai, which I have visited many times before. I was really curious about what the experience would be like. Apart from the ever-present masks and temperature checks, it was nice to recognize some familiar faces at the reception. Of course, they gave me a great welcome (even though it was 3 am at that time) together with a free room-upgrade. Having been working for hotels for most of my career and loving traveling so much, I really appreciated being back in my favorite hotel and being treated so well by people, the hotel staff, who clearly love hospitality as much as I do, and who had to have a few difficult months. All of us, working in hospitality, probably had.
And you know what? It has been (and still is) challenging for us all, my trip wasn't the most enjoyable one due to COVID, but I did learn a few things:
- People will travel again. Traveling is in our DNA;
- Hospitality is full of great people who enjoy providing good service, for whom hospitality is not just a job, but a personal journey;
- This a good time and opportunity to fast-track innovation in hotel tech to give hotel and hospitality staff more time to take care of their guests.
I want to end my story by saying that I will travel back to Dubai this week, and I can't wait for it. The abovementioned movie, "Up in the Air," ends with a poetic quote that deeply resonates with me, especially now, so I close this story the same way I started it, with the words of Ryan Bingham: "Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids, their spouses will ask about their day, tonight they'll sleep, the stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places, and one of those lights slightly brighter than the rest will be my wing-tail passing over."