My Wife Never Initiates Affection (My Wife Never Initiates Intimacy)

My wife never initiates affection - My wife never initiates intimacy.

Think hard about everything you have been told about how to make your wife want you again. A lot of what you have thought was good advice may in fact either be a trip down "Loss of Dignity Lane" or "Backfire-Alley"! That is why I'm going to show you the golden path to how to make your wife want to have sex with you.

If you are frustrated, I mean going stark-raving crazy because you can't get your wife to have sex with you, then relax, the answer is not as hard as you think! You may be wondering why she is avoiding it, turning your advances down, and giving you excuse after excuse for why she cannot have sex with you. After all, regular sex is one of the perks of marriage... Right?

However, over time something has happened to the sex-life in your marriage that you cannot quite explain. Am I right? You are not alone, many husbands are asking: "How to Make My Wife Want Me." The answer is easier than you may think, and It does not include doing what you may think you would have to do.

Say goodbye to begging, pleading, and missing out on intimacy with your wife. The answer is simply this: Be the relationship key that unlocks the lock to her desire for sex with you.


I will show you how.

There is Hope... and Answers for Your Question of, "How to Make My Wife Want Me?"

Wouldn't it be great if you had a clear path to proving to her that you are a strong, caring, and confident man? I recommend that all husbands admit that there are serious problems causing rifts in the sexual relationship of your marriage. This proves that you have credibility. You want that in place before trying these sex secrets.

These are the sex secrets to making her crazy in love with you, while boosting her libido in your favor? It just so happens that I have put together a check list of sorts that will help you accomplish that very goal.

#1 - Talk to Her for at Least 10 Minutes About How She Is Feeling

Intimacy and relational connection are, "oh so important" to your wife. Women relate and handle things using their emotions. You probably already knew that. However, since you are a guy, it is probably easy to forget that simple fact about your wife. If you remind yourself of that fact and then connect with her emotions... then you have just secured the keys to her sex drive.

10 Minutes of meaningful discussion started by you asking her how she is feeling could be all it takes to make her turn around and come back to you!

#2 - Volunteer to Do One of Her Stressful Activities for Her in Order to Take Away Stress From Her Day

The stress hormone cortisol can lower her libido. If you make it a point to try to take away one stressful activity from her list of responsibilities, you will ensure that you have a grateful wife. You should see a change in the way she sees you. You will accomplish that because you are now showing her how much you care about her.

When you take stress out of the way... you make it possible for her to relax a bit. This will in turn allow her to think and feel more enjoyable feelings about life, you, and your relationship together. Then perhaps sex wouldn't seem like such a chore to her!

#3 - Relax Yourself So You Can Boost Her Confidence That You Are a Smooth, & Cool Operator

OK, so you are now taking a bit of your wife's stress away by helping her out in those things that steal her sex drive. Don't go overboard now! Make sure that you can be relaxed some of the time for yourself. This will help you to be smooth and in control of yourself. It is that kind of attitude and behavior that will boost her confidence in you.

She will be extremely attracted to you, because you will be a smooth guy that can handle things with confidence. Take advantage of your smoothness and set up a romantic spot with fragrant scents, candles, and lotions.

#4 - Make Opportunities to Touch Her in Meaningful Ways

Chances are, your wife, as most women tend to be is stimulated sexually more on a "tactile" and "loving touch" basis than what you may first think. Most likely, your wife has many "erogenous-zones" that you may not have considered touching in the past.

Try flirting with her hair in a way that mimics how you want to caress her body, gently rubbing her neck, nape of her neck, thighs, or any other erogenous zones in order to put her in a sexual frame of mind. Just keep the passion going strong as you massage her so that you do not accidentally put her to sleep.

This attention by you should get her turned on and lead to sensual massage. Sensual massage is one of the last steps that could be considered foreplay, or at least lead to some healthy foreplay. You are almost there my friend! Whisper loving and / or erotic words that she will appreciate.

Gear those words to appeal to her emotional and relational needs. It allows you to help her open up to you emotionally, and it is a great opportunity to touch her in a meaningful, yet healing way.

Sex and massage go hand in hand. Trust me, it works!

If you're serious about making your wife desire sex with you again, then that's the golden path to making that happen. There is nothing confusing about this. So start doing it today, and thank me later.

If you're sick and tired of getting advice that ends up backfiring on you, or worse, makes her take an oath of celibacy then you found the right person. I never try to pass off ego trip advise that will only driver her further away from you... you know, like "Tell her that your happy not having sex with her, and that there are other fish in the sea, and blah blah blah"...

Find out how to get your spouse to go crazy head over heels for you and desire you in a way you have never experienced! You will be amazed at how good it feels to have your spouse's attention and affection again - Learn more here

Specific things you do and say can compel your spouse to fall in love with you all over again. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause them to feel even more distant from you. If you want your spouse to fall even deeper in love with you now than when you two first married, then visit this Helpful site


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