My Wife Doesn't Want To Have Sex Anymore (My Wife Doesn't Like Me To Touch Her Anymore)

My wife doesn't want to have sex anymore - My wife doesn't like me to touch her anymore.?

A very common and often unexpressed complaint that married men make is, "my wife doesn't want to make love." We've all been privy to a joke or two about the wife who always had a headache. It's not funny to a man who lives it on a daily basis. Intimacy is an essential part of a healthy, well balanced and loving marriage. When one partner pulls the plug on the intimacy, for whatever reason, it can and often does leave the other feeling disconnected, abandoned and rejected. If your wife has stopped wanting to make love and she has a laundry list of excuses that stretches for miles and miles, you need to intervene. This is not a problem that is going to be fixed unless you put in some effort, and take some compassionate steps towards reconnecting with her.

Your immediate assumption when your wife repeatedly refuses to be intimate may be that she's having an affair. It's understandable why you'd jump to this conclusion given the fact that she's not interested in making love with you so logically it's because she's making love with someone else, right? Surprisingly, many women who are indeed having extramarital affairs will actually engage in intimacy more often with their spouse. It's believed that this occurs because the woman in question wants to ensure her husband never suspects she's cheating. In her mind if she has sex with him often, he'll never suspect. You can take comfort in the fact that it's rare for a woman's disinterest in intimacy to be tied to her having an affair.

It is important, however, that you do try and understand why she's lost interest in intimacy with you. There are a number of reasons why this does sometimes occur in marriages. Some examples are the wife feels her body has changed so significantly that she's embarrassed by it, she feels that her husband doesn't find her attractive because he never makes positive comments anymore, or because of a conflict that was never resolved. If you and your wife have tension between the two of you that is occurring outside the confines of your bedroom walls that is inevitably going to impact what happens inside those walls.

Talking to your wife about the lack of intimacy in your marriage may feel like the right thing to do. Communication is essential to a balanced marriage but this is one area that is tricky from an emotional sense. Depending on how you bring the subject up and the mood your wife is in, she may automatically absorb what you're saying to her as a personal attack. Obviously you're not going to intend it that way, but when something as delicate as intimacy is involved, a discussion on the subject can take a wrong turn very quickly.

It's advisable to ensure she knows you love her regardless of the frequency of the intimacy you two share. You should be viewing this as a temporary issue that you can work together to resolve. In the meantime keep telling her that you're so glad you married her and that you utterly adore her. Your wife needs to know that you love her unconditionally. If she feels that a discussion on intimacy will be much more productive.

It's also very beneficial to spend more time together as a couple. You can do that by planning a date night a few times a month. Many movie theatres have an inexpensive night once a week where you can go with your wife to see a film and hold hands like you used to do in the early days of your marriage. Maybe you both enjoy being outdoors so you can arrange an outing that allows you two to cycle around a park or river valley, if that's possible. The key is to find things to do that will help you reconnect on an emotional level. This is particularly helpful if you do sense there's been stress between you to recently.

Intimacy can begin with just a small touch. Reaching for your wife's hand, kissing her while she's cooking dinner or offering to rub her shoulders after a hard day's work are all things that will help you get in touch with one another again in a physical sense.

By being compassionate, understanding and showing your tender side, you can help your wife open up and want to be intimate with you again. It's important that you take it slowly, be patient and understanding.

Reigniting your wife's desire is important if you want your marriage to be healthy, fulfilling and balanced. You can actually use simple text messages to make her crave you again. Your intimate connection with your wife can be more satisfying now than it's ever been before. Click here to learn how to change the dynamic of your marriage so your wife wants you as much as you want her.

What a Woman Wants Most From Her Husband

What a woman wants is the least expensive, easiest gift a guy hardly ever thinks to give. It is not from the luxury car seller or the jewelry store. It doesn't even involve designer clothes, shoes, or lingerie. And no, it is not about the truffles, chocolate, or cheesecake. What women want the most but get the least from their partners is TIME. It may sound simple but in reality, our lives tend to get so busy with work, children, home maintenance, and commuting, that there are hardly enough hours to get everything finished in the day.

As their kids get older, a married couple would most likely find most of their time focused on how to make their children happy. Before kids, couples often find time to communicate and focus on each others needs. That may become more difficult to do as the children grow older and they need more attention from their parents.

It is easy for married couples to be entangled with their children's lives so much that they no longer find quality time for each other. Before they know it, they start living more like companions than lovers, and they start drifting apart. Men would often spend too much time on their own interests like business and sports, often thinking that they're okay for as long as they provide shopping money to their wives and kids. Sometimes they find out too late that there is never an alternate to the most precious things they can give their wives, which is their time and attention.

Every girl desires to be the center of her guy's interest, just like when they first met. She's aware that it can't be like that every day now that they also have additional responsibilities, but there would always be times when she wonders when she can spend some uninterrupted time with her man again. She probably remembers their dating times before, when they would simply hold hands in the car and talk about even trivial things. She remembers how easy life was back then, and how her partner used to shower her with all the attention she needs.

Sometimes men get confused when girls ask for time. So instead of just telling your man that you need time, you should be specific and tell him up front that you need some quality time like a walk in the beach or at the park or maybe seeing a movie together. He will definitely appreciate if you'll let him know exactly what you want.

Make your times together more enjoyable by planning some private moments with your man. Try to make every moment count and last. Think of your time together as treat that you both deserve.

50% of people divorce. Do not be another statistic. You Can Save Your Marriage. There are powerful techniques that will allow you to trust again and ignite the fire and passion back into your relationship. Click Here to discover how to save your marriage today!

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.


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