My Wife Doesn't Care About My Feelings (I Don't Think My Wife Loves Me Anymore)
My wife doesn't care about my feelings - I don't think my wife loves me anymore.
"Can I make my wife love me again?" This is a common question once a husband determines his marriage is suffering and his wife does not love him anymore. She loved you once, though, so with the right help you can make it happen again.
Winning her love back may be harder than getting her to love you the first time because now you have "history". You have one advantage, though, and you should use it. You know your wife better than ever before.
For the best possibility of success in saving your marriage and making your wife love you again you need to follow a clear game plan and be willing to work for the prize you seek.
Since a step by step approach is the most straightforward, let us begin with these four steps:
The first step is to identify the problem. What has happened to the relationship to put a chill in the relationship and harden your wife's heart toward you?
Do not feel bad or stupid if you do not know, many men are clueless when it comes to what they have done wrong. In fact, some of what you did wrong may only exist in her mind, but nevertheless, it is real to her.
Take responsibility for what you have done wrong and what you could have done better. No one is perfect and there is no shame in having faults.
Next, you need to talk to your wife. This could be the hardest part. Set aside some quiet time in a quiet place to discuss this with her. You may impress her if you bring a notepad and pen to take notes on what you need to change.
Avoid arguing and confrontation; simply ask and listen. Hopefully she will tell you what is wrong and why she does not love you anymore. If she admits she still does love you, then you have your answer to the question "can I make my wife love me again".
One key here is do not promise what you cannot deliver. She will remember what you said (her version, anyway) without a note pad. So be realistic.
The third step is to work on solutions to the problems. After identifying what needs to be done, begin working on it; with her if that is what the problem calls for. She will likely be quite impressed by your efforts to win her love back; most people are flattered by the attention.
Keep in mind that marriage is always a work in progress; never think that you are "done" making her love you.
The final step is to follow up on the progress you make. Have little discussions with your wife as you feel you are making progress in the marriage and make sure she sees it the same way. Make adjustments accordingly.
Maybe something new has developed or maybe something she was not comfortable talking about before she will open up with. Be patient and understanding.
Always look at things from your wife's point of view, which will be very different from your own. You are not trying to win your love, but hers!
Specific things you do and say can compel your spouse to fall in love with you all over again. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause them to feel even more distant from you. If you want your spouse to fall even deeper in love with you now than when you two first married, visit this Helpful Site
The Successful Marriage
I've witnessed many good and bad marriages, including my own, to 2 different ladies. I am a student of human nature and I would be willing to bet that I can predict whether or not you marriage will last. It hinges on two elements; communication and flexibility. Toss everything else out the window. It doesn't matter whether you have the best sex on the planet, the most money since creation, or are the smartest couple in Mensa. Without these two factors your marriage is destined for failure. Why, you many ask?
Well, your sex life, riches, and brains are not enough to get you past the other issues. Let me give you just one example. Say you are Felix and Oscar, the odd couple of Neil Simon fame. In other words, one is a neat-nick and the other a total slob. Eventually, if neither is willing to change, the constant irritation upon one another will result in a major war. And that could lead to divorce. Flexibility is at the heart of the problem, or, more precisely, the lack of flexibility.
The next instance is even more common. The ability to laugh at oneself and each other. We will all make mistakes and that's inevitable. It's how we react that determines our fate. Suppose one person forgets to fill the car's gas tank and you've run out of fuel in the middle of a crowded highway. If this turns into a huge, "he should have, she should have" screaming match, then where is the cooperation and the sharing mode? Conversely, if you make light of the situation while both work together to find a solution (like calling the brother on the cell phone and having him bring over a gallon of gas) then we've got a real cooperative relationship. This behavior under stress is the key to a successful marriage. Stuff will happen. Can we just laugh it off and move forward, or will we continue to bring this bad experience up at every opportunity, just to piss off the spouse?
Keeping the marriage fun, light, humorous, and spontaneous is one of several critical issues. But it's amazing essential, because it keeps us on course and heading in the right direction. If we can laugh and love, that's a powerful combination. Add in the flexibility to adapt to a changing and challenging world and voila! You have an Ozzie and Harriet marriage, without the separate bedrooms. However, if a couple that is newly engaged fails to have either of these traits, then they might want to rethink things before going to the alter. Because this marriage-to-be will be doomed from the start.
Remember that the marriage license and wedding rings change no one and no thing. It simply legalizes the cohabitation. Therefore it won't make things any better with the passage of time. So do I have a point? Certainly, and here it is as a final word of advice. If you are dating and looking for mister or misses right, see if they can make you laugh. Then watch as they cope with stress and duress. This is a sure indicator to what they would be like as a lifelong partner. It's a heck of a lot easier to move past them at this stage than after it's official and binding.
And trust me, you don't want to wake up one morning, look over at your spouse in bed, and begin thinking of the "d" word. And, no, "d" doesn't mean darling.
It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?
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