My Wife Bores Me To Death (My Wife Is A Boring Person)
My wife bores me to death - My wife is a boring person.
Are you a husband who is constantly thinking my wife bores me, and don't know what to do to turn the marriage around?
Well you're not alone.
The fact is that a lot of men get to a point where they're thinking "I'm bored with my wife"... but there are ways to save a marriage in this circumstance.
What to Do If You're a Man Who is Saying My Wife Bores Me....
One of the things that I've always hated is to hear someone say that a marriage is supposed to get boring after a while. Or that it's normal for a marriage to get boring or even fail. I don't believe that at all that it has to be that way ever.
But that's not saying that it doesn't happen, and that you won't ever end up saying my wife bores me. It does happen but there are things that you can do to fix the marriage rather than let it dwindle because of boredom.
Just as well there are things that you should never do when this happens.
What Never to Do if You're Bored With the Wife and the Marriage...
So you come home from work and you see your wife and it's not that feeling of excitement that you used to have when you saw her. Maybe you know that trouble is going to arise and there's going to be a fight.
Maybe you just don't feel anything so it's like passing your sister in the house. Or maybe you've just given up because you know that there's not even going to be any sex anyways so what the heck is the use.
If you're feeling like this then you might be tempted to make some very drastic decisions that ultimately irreversible! The best marriage advice for a man that I can give you is don't do anything right now out of boredom that will ruin your marriage.
The fact is that the boredom will pass but the things you might do out of boredom likely won't.
It may sound like a given but don't cheat on your wife out of boredom. In fact don't even put yourself in a position that cheating will be an option. Don't flirt with waitresses, don't get close to women at work, none of those shenanigans. A lot of men will try to justify these things and actually blame their wife for their boredom, but the fact is that you're just as responsible for keeping the marriage alive as she is...and you're likely doing some a lot of things that aren't helping the situation.
Also don't go blabbing to people that you're bored with your marriage. If this gets back to your wife then even if you're not even thinking about cheating or messing around outside the marriage, that's exactly what she's going to think. That will just cause a lot of extra strife on the marriage.
So then it goes without saying that you shouldn't tell her either. Again her thoughts will automatically go to your wanting to fool around and get your rocks off.
If you're thinking my wife bores me, my marriage bores me then you have to be extremely careful of the things that you do so that you don't damage your marriage.
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Surefire Ways To Keep The Spark In Your Marriage
It's normal for married couples for feeling low sometimes. With all the stress that work, household chores and parenting responsibilities bring, a husband and wife can feel less inspired in their relationship. What is not good is when this situation stretches for a long time leaving the couple distanced from each other emotionally and physically as well.
But there's always hope. If a couple wants to make their marriage work and make it last for a lifetime, they can find so many ways to spice up their relationship. What's essential is that each of them makes an effort to give inspiration and show more love to each other not necessarily in big ways but even in small ways. Consistency is vital to ensure that the marriage is nurtured moving forward.
One of the must-do for any married couple whether they're newlyweds or have been married for several years now is to set a date night. A date night means a husband and wife going out together with no kids in tow, just the two of them dining in their favorite restaurant, watching a good old movie at the cinema or just strolling at the park and sharing thoughts and dreams for their kids and family. It doesn't have to be done at night only because you can do it daytime such as on a weekend when you're both off from work.
For the techie couples, relationship experts suggest creating a separate email account just for exchanging loving and flirtatious messages. This account needs to be used for that purpose only and therefore not the one you use for communicating with friends and colleagues.
Maintaining and improving your sexual relationship should not be taken for granted. Being busy should not be used as reason to avoid having sex with your partner. In fact, you can actually schedule this say at least once a week just to help you connect physically with each other. Psychologists point out that couples who are able to squeeze this on a weekly basis are more likely to improve their marital relationship and the quality of their life.
If you and your spouse tend to fight on a common issue and this has become a regular occurrence, try to avoid this at all cost and schedule it at a later time. Self control and discipline are essential and if you succeed in this aspect, you will find out later on that it's not really worth fighting particularly when you are able to focus on what you're doing or when you start on a new endeavor.
Sharing household chores is also recommended by marriage therapists. Research has actually shown that couples who find time to do house work together have a better sexual relationship. This is because women are more aroused when they are able to relax and don't experience anxiety. Husbands should take this hint if they want to enjoy better sex with their wives moving onwards.
You may find other ways to maintain that spark in your relationship. Be consistent with it and you'll be sure to stay together for a long time.
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Sales Executive USA
1 年This isn't how I have experienced it. When I tell the wife things I don't like about her and her shortcomings that triggers her to start rubbing my d**k and initiate sex. This advice is terrible.