My Whole Story now included: “YOU CAN’T OUT GIVE GOD!”
Dr. Sarah Larsen
Medical Intuitive, Executive Producer and New Media Host at Dr. Sarah Larsen | Wellness, Meditation, Holistic Health
Yes, I still tear up when I think of this! Feeling Unstoppable!
The Unstoppable Foundation. You are already unstoppable in every area you truly believe in yourself!
One of the first times I felt unstoppable was in New Orleans when I feed people as a teenager in the French Quarter.
When I was in high school and I gave a lunch bag I had made to an older homeless man, he looked at me with tears.
I had tears too, moved I said, "You cannot out give God! I wanted him to know we all have the same essence and his situation was just circumstances.
First time I said it, I knew it was words "given to me" by something greater than both of us because we were both grateful.
Grateful and unstoppable in helping others. Grateful that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and snack could help so much!
Not many people in my life looked at me with gratitude when I was in high school.
My parents were mad at me because I wasn't an easy teenager. We were immigrants to the United States. I lived on the fence everyday struggling to know who I was, where I fit in, and two very diverse cultures.
As a teenager, (14 years old) I was already secretly married in Pakistan, like my Mom and Grandmothers before me. My arranged marriage husband twice my age husband was really mad at me. Growing up in 2 very different worlds!
My teachers baffled because I was so wounded, lost and unable to explain my circumstances!
My friends not understanding the culture I was part of and my whole story secret, shameful, and hard to explain.
We did the one thing to help me that always brought me comfort, Being of service was the one thing I knew helped me continue to exist. I poured my pain into a situation I could sooth and contribute to.
My whole story now included: "YOU CAN'T OUT GIVE GOD!"
I believe "We" cannot out give the Universe, Oneness, or whatever you may call the God of your Understanding!
I believe "if not for the Grace of God, there go I"!
I could have been that homeless man. I could have been dead. I could have been a village girl with no education.
Education. You have something many do not. I have a lot of education.
You are reading this and you are much more blessed than many of the people born in the village I was born in and two-thirds of the world is born into!
By some miracle, we are here. Together, on this page.
By some miracle, you can become unstoppable, if you aren't already because the Universe gets to give, live, and love through you!
I am unstoppable in my ability to LOVE, FORGIVE, and Make Miracles!
God of my understanding, LOVE, had me be born in a village in Pakistan to a mom who didn't even know she was pregnant with her second child because she was nursing her first born son.
Firstborn sons, old-world wisdom, and young moms need modern Love, resources and you! Every step of my journey has been a Miracle.
Some of my story and miracles: I am a Village Girl from Pakistan severely hurt as a child. Like every woman before me in my family I was a child bride in an arranged marriage. I made sure no woman after me in my family was a child bride. It stopped with me, I made it hard and protested for others. That along with not following customs lead to severe abuse and eventually I survive an honor killing. A Miracle.
Followed by many more Miracles. Even with what we know now as learning disorders, I make it to a prestigious Medical School. My story includes helping those without medicine in the villages of the third world and US. Graduates.
By miraculous circumstances, I meet and marry the Man God intended for me.
As a wife and mother, I shift gears from medical service to working locally in the nonprofit world.
Now is working with NonGovernment Organizations to feed and clothe people!
My early life was filled with feelings of shame, fear, and maybe even self-disgust. I used to hide any of the flaws with extreme perfectionism!
I used to hide my pain and my tears buried in workaholic, over giving, and over committing tendencies! I used to not understand how much I was hurting myself by pretending to be okay. Burst of acting out, pain and rage when I couldn't be strong enough to suppress my pain. Pain inside me would create pain outside me with those I loved most! Then came the compensating -overcompensating behavior or avoidance of my feelings!
Many years in. Many hours of service, many hours of therapy and coaching, Now I feel great joy, great pain and have such gratitude for it all.
Most grateful am I that my parents pushed me into education. From an early age they share stories of how I loved being of service.
Service, extreme experiences and getting more and more education (to be of service) lead me to "Hearing and Connecting" deeply with God. God would help me Make Miracles. "You can't out give God."
Today, I am my elite clients heal their past to be of service to the future we get to create!
We are helping kids all over the world because of creating service, solutions and being the change we wish to see in the world!
Now, I just give from my overflow and co-create for flow, peace, and universal possibilities as God or Oneness would have us create!
You, please have faith in your amazingness!
I used to believe I was unworthy of attention, affection, or good feelings unless I was "giving a gift" or "helping" you somehow.
All of that has changed and continues to change!
It is all for Good, Flow, Oneness, or God. It comes from somewhere outside me and I get to flow it to the highest possibilities!
Do you want to participate in creating Grace, Oneness, and breaking bad thought patterns? Yes!
Let us do this together!
Would you be willing to give from your overflow and that it goes directly to children in Africa because it will change our collective belief!
You giving will activate a flood of goodness in you to receive from strangers and the flow in your life will expand. You will create Miracles because you are being a miracle maker for someone you may never meet.
You will believe that you can ask for help, you are worthy of every wonderful person and opportunity in your life! You will make and receive miracles because you are being a miracle for another!
You are giving money to kids getting educated, building systems to support them and their families in Africa.
You giving to The Unstoppable Foundation is giving to me because I asked. And it is giving to you because realize you are part of the solution to Oneness.
Would you be willing to give me a gift, a miracle, and a personal deeper connection to God?
You have that kind of power. You are a miracle maker. A gift of any amount would help a child in Africa.
A gift would boost so many beautiful possibilities in our world.
Yes to The Unstoppable Foundation and you will give me a knowing I can
1. Ask for help and get it
2. Believe in the kindness of you, our community and strangers.
3. Create bigger miracles by being absolutely transparent in every way.
When I first launched this I had over 100,000 social media friends. I thought if even a few give for my birthday,
I would in no time raise $25,000 for The Unstoppable Foundation. I haven't raised it yet. I want your help!
My hope is that you will donate so that a village will be supported.
If you don't donate now, I know you will when you can.
Donating now is a commitment to knowing you have given to me so much! Thank you!
I used to be scared you might change how you feel about me because I am asking.
When I launched this I had just participated and co-created with Marcia Weider creation for them of over $300,000.00 plus from 600 people.
Of course, the founder of The Unstoppable foundation Cynthia Kersey was there as well so 300K plus was a dream come true for all 600 of us in the room!
Thank you, Universe, God, unfailing supply, and heavenly stranger for helping me raise the funds in a quick, graceful, and perfect way!
Whatever you give you are giving 100% to The Unstoppable Foundation :
Every dollar you donate provides access to education, clean water, food, healthcare and income training to families.
Building a School is Not Enough.
There’s a lot of schools that have been built that are tragically empty today. Without addressing the key obstacles that keep children from attending school, long-lasting solutions are not possible.
The Unstoppable Foundation's proven 5-Pillar model not only builds schools but gives children and their communities access to clean water and sanitation so that the women and girls don’t have to spend their entire day fetching water from a contaminated river.
Every child is assured of daily food and nutrition with a warm school lunch and the entire community gets access to healthcare so that they can become healthy and stay in school.
Every parent receives tools and training for generating an alternative income so that they can afford to keep their kids in school.
Last, but not least, the entire project becomes self-sustaining within 5 years.
I really want you to help me help children. All money goes directly to the foundation.
You will help me personally believe in my personal power to create by asking for your help.
I believe "if not for the Grace of God, there go I"!
Your whole story now included: "YOU CAN'T OUT GIVE GOD!"
I believe we are one and we are being awakened by the extreme circumstances we witness and experience.
This image of a starving child eating scraps got me through medical school.
Every time I struggled and thought I can not do it.
I imagined this kid and the help I could provide with just a little more studying, commitment, and the family this child could have with a little help from the Doctor version of me.
I have seen this image first hand when I was "Doctoring" in NGOs ~Non-government Organizations!
God bless NGOs like The Unstoppable Foundation.
It hurts to see it in person. I am so blessed to have come from a background that enouraged me to give, grow, and serve! All of that lead me to feeling UnStoppable!
It feels so unstoppable to contribute to the help children like this, their family and a village.
I also believe:
But for the Grace of God, there go I.
I know you can make a difference! Yes to your help!
Together our collective efforts will build and furnish a schoolhouse and give the entire community access to clean water, sanitation, food and nutrition, healthcare and alternative income training for parents.
Together we will help an entire village transform into becoming self-sustaining for generations to come!
Please share this campaign to help raise awareness!
I highly recommend you share with me that you shared this and that you donated!
Get a Session with Dr. Sarah, Yes !
When your donation is over $1000.00 to the link below you will get a session with me!
The unstoppable foundation sends me a note when you donate here:
My team will write an email to you to get you in as soon as possible!
Thank you so much,
Dr. Sarah Larsen
Our angel ambassadors fund our operating costs so that 100% or your donations go directly to Sponsor a Village.
It costs only $1 a day to bring an education to a child through our Sponsor a Village model. Donations received will be pooled together in $25,000 increments. Within 60 days of reaching $25,000, the money will be assigned to a specific village in Sub-Saharan Africa where our partners will begin the implementation of the five pillars.
It takes approximately 2 years to complete a schoolhouse and up to 5 years to implement all five pillars.
We love that you want to get involved in our work.
Unfortunately, we don’t utilize volunteers in the construction of our projects. We work with local implementing partners who have established track records to work with our community members to implement and monitor our projects. This is the most effective way to bring sustainability to the communities we serve.
The Unstoppable Foundation’s role is to raise awareness of this critical need, advocate on behalf of these children, and to raise funds for our projects.
Education for Every Child is the mission of the Unstoppable Foundation.
Education was declared a basic human right for every person in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. By 1990, more than 180 countries signed on to this declaration and put policies in place to ensure that every child, no matter what their circumstances, could have an education.
While a lot of progress has been made in recent decades to get children a primary education, there are still 57 million children not receiving a basic education.
Children are excluded from school for a number of reasons. Millions of children aren’t in school because their families simply can’t afford the school fees or other associated costs of going to school, like uniforms or materials. Other children spend their days working to support their family either at home, on the farm or in factories.
Many children aren’t in school because of illness, HIV, disability, living in an area of conflict, or discrimination because of their background.
While there are complex reasons that keep children out of school, there are also many solutions to the problem.
A lack of global education and extreme poverty puts everyone at risk. When nations deny this basic human right for all children it creates a breeding ground for political unrest, war, terrorism, global epidemics — PROBLEMS THAT ENDANGER ALL OF US.
Ensuring every child receives an education is vitally important to the millions of children surviving an unbearable life of poverty while waiting to receive an education. And it’s important to each and every one of us.
According to the United Nations, EDUCATION reduces poverty and has a larger impact than ANY form of aid we can give.
For every year a child goes to school…
- Income potential increases
- Girls get married later
- Early pregnancy decreases
- HIV rates decrease
- Health and nutrition is elevated for the entire family
Children who go to school are healthier, less vulnerable, and more likely to contribute to the development of society.
For more information on the importance of education see
Cynthia Kersey on Miracle Makers
Studies estimate that it would cost about $15B to educate every child for one year. Sound like a lot? We spent twice that last year on ice cream.
We spent three times that feeding our pets.
We have more than enough resources and we know that people fundamentally care.
We simply need to provide a clear and effective way for everyone to get involved in this critical initiative.
The Unstoppable Foundation’s Sponsor a Village is a powerful and proven solution.
Graduate at Being a Leader Ontological / Phenomenological Model
6 年Dear Dr. Larsen, You are blessed as I am blessed. I am a life participant and Member of The Hunger Project. Your words and actions speak volumes. From my heart to your heart...THANK YOU for dedicating your life to having life evolve far beyond the mainstream ?? God Bless You And Yours, Respectfully, Martin