My Why

My Why

My why…

Why I chose to get the Covid-19 vaccine

Anton van Zyl, Principal Head: Western Cape

Following on from the #MyWhy stories that my colleagues have shared, I would like to share my reason as to why I chose to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

The decision to get vaccinated is not one that I took lightly, but ultimately after much reflection and consideration it was clear that it was the right thing to do.

Firstly, like so many other people, I witnessed the devastation caused by the loss of team members and close friends’ loved ones, and I cannot think of a better way to show my support and solidarity than to make sure that I am vaccinated.

Secondly, generations before us have been judged, rightly or wrongly on how they have overcome some of the most adverse and impactful events that have shaped history and brought us to where we are today. Our response to the Covid-19 pandemic is what I believe our generation will be remembered for.

I am committed to making sure that our response is a positive one in ensuring that we return the economy to stability and growth, and our nations' future prospects to prosperity and hope. By serving our clients and assuring the safety of our workplaces, we stimulate the economy and secure the futures of our communities, our children, and generations to come.

Finally, I got the Covid-19 vaccine so that my family and I can enjoy being with friends and family, cousins and grandparents, with the peace of mind that we’ve done everything we can to minimise the risk that the pandemic poses.

This white ribbon that I'm wearing is to honour those who have lost their lives to Covid-19.

Here are some of my colleague’s reasons for getting the Covid-19 vaccine.


Lauren Wortmann, Head of Applications: Southern Africa

The past two years have been devastating on so many levels and we all have a role to play in curbing the spread of the virus. I chose to get vaccinated because I believe in science. I chose to do what I can to protect those I love and those around me.

I am vaccinated so that I can watch my children play sport in the not-too-distant future, so that I can hug my family and friends without thinking twice and enjoy the freedoms that we have lost because of Covid-19.

I got the Covid-19 vaccine because I want to protect those that I love and the people around me, and this white ribbon symbolises that. This is #MyWhy.


Marc Jessiman, Principal Head: KwaZulu Natal

My family, in particular my three young children, are my reason for getting vaccinated.

I had Covid-19 in June last year and was fortunate enough to recover quite quickly with fairly few side effects, so initially I was hesitant to get vaccinated. I did however encourage my family members who fell into the higher risk category to get vaccinated and in the process started doing some research on the vaccine.

What I learnt was that being vaccinated significantly reduces our chances of becoming seriously ill and dying from Covid-19.

There are no guarantees in life, but I would like to spend as many years as possible with my children and family, and so getting vaccinated was an easy decision.

I would also like to return to a life where we don’t have to worry about social distancing and wearing masks in public. By getting vaccinated I have decreased my chances of contracting Covid-19 again and passing it on to others, and in doing I've contributed to us all eventually returning to a normal life.

I'm wearing this white ribbon to honour those who lost their lives to Covid-19.


Sarel Hiemstra, Business Services Executive

I'm a numbers person. I look at the facts and I trust the science. Worldwide, there is overwhelming proof that vaccines will keep most of us out of ICU and save lives. If you look at countries that have high vaccination ratios, their mortality rates are low, despite having high infection rates, and their hospitals are coping with fewer admissions.

If less people require extreme medical intervention and there's less pressure on our medical facilities, governments will steadily be able to navigate their way out of this pandemic without being accused of putting peoples' lives at risk. Rather than knee-jerking and panicking, there will be a sense of calm and common sense, when big decisions must be made.

I’m wearing this white ribbon as a beacon of hope that there is a way out of this pandemic, and a light at the end of the tunnel – if we all take vaccinations seriously.


…What is your why?

Take care,

Anton van Zyl

Principal Head: Western Cape


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