I have learned not to force things in life. In my life, and through all of the ups and downs of my career as an artist; you look back and observe things from a new perspective. We should always learn from things that have happened to us. This is the only way to power though, and move forward without any regrets. When doing anything in life. We may be eager to push deadlines; sooner. Or finish everything with a big bang. But, as we mature we accept two basic concepts. Some things we have control over. And certain things. We just don't. I learned the music business in a few months. Once inside. I quickly realized that my future would remain in my full independence as an artist. It was not particularly popular during those times. But, I still looked up to those artists; a lot more. I thought about a major label as a business partner; only.
Most artists felt the need to feel special. I never had that problem, as I started as an artist with my own record label. I always looked at my catalog and my roster as leverage against the record labels. Since I started. My concern was an 80%/ 20% split with the record labels as distribution only. I actually wanted 85%. My mind and my heart were set on that amount. I never had any reason to look at this industry any other way. I learned on day one. Trust no one. Do my own thing. No one would care about me and my future like me. With that mentality, I sold my own music, anywhere I found people. With my childhood friends; I built an empire. NO cares. No worries in the world. Just taking things one day at a time. The rest was just experience. Learning from everything; that I could. And learning by studying everything I could learn from other record labels and artists. I respected the talents and the arts. I bought every magazine. I bought every album that I could get my hands on. Just for the sake of learning.
All artists, were focused on signing to a major record label. I only used that only as a weapon in my lyrics. I knew that it was the focus of all other artists. But, deep down inside. That was the thing on my mind. Even as a kid. No one understood what the heck I was saying. Everyone wanted a record deal. I wanted distribution. I pressed up my own compact discs. I had my friends help me with the labels. We got things from office Depot. And similar places. I am not sure if that was the name of the store. But, it was similar. I started by leaving my CD's inside of Bodega's In New York City. On Consignment. I would collect periodically. I never really made any money. When I would collect. I would just drop of more music, at a discounted price. My goal was more and more shelf space. I only wanted more market cap, to expose more and more records.
I pressed up clothing. Before it was even a thing. I started with 100 white hoodies. All were double or triple X. The logo was one sided. Only on the front. The graphics were probably the size of your palm. I really could not afford anything more. My friends all invested $400.00. We may have spent $200.00 on a piano. From there we go a microphone and a basic, plug in mixer for it. Two of my friends luckily were DJ's. They had the real mixers and speakers. They even build their own prototype/ Plexiglas speaker. They called it the BoomBoomBox.
I walked with my friend Bunka from 225th Street. To 125th street. I had a portable file cabinet with the music, the purchase orders and everything else I could think of; just to be professional. It was the least I could do. After all. We had no car. Or money to hop on the bus. The train was no longer an option. It was either walk, and eat two slices of pizza. Or take the train, and still have to walk back! But; just the two of us. I feel like I could not let us down. You know? MY gang. My team. All we had was each other. #DREAMSCOMETRUE
I had no idea that in 2025. I would still be here. I remember the pressure and the feeling. We could not fail. I could not fail them. I wrote for all of my artists. I wrote every single song. I could for myself. But, then I also wrote for everyone else. We were not developed to teach each other. We struggled to make one song. Imagine an album. We found a place to record one professional song. So. We recorded one song. I put one of my singles on the B side. That one was recorded at my other friends house. My first/ original producer. As an artist. I started with two of my friends. My other two friends were my DJ's. From the original two; one was an artists turned producer. The second was an artist, whom became; a producer. Lol. They formed a company. And I was. Out.
Left out.
Music lesson number two.
I had to carry my company; all alone. By myself. They even poached one of my artists. It's a cold world. My other artists eventually quit and gave up. Only one, the most talented one; kept the dream alive. But, most of our other friends, eventually killed his dreams. I kept going. I was at the point of no return since day one. All I could do was, to make sure that my company did not fail. I went on tour in the south, with several groups. That grew to major labels, and major movements. I was by myself. I only had myself on the roster. But. I had no choice. I had to develop my style. I was a fairly young Father. I had to keep going. I started to work with other producers, and artists and labels. But, at that point. No record deal. My record deal with a major lasted two singles. Two songs stolen from me. More people who just came into my life; all gone.
I kept going. By myself.
Everyone put me down. Everyone doubted me. I found myself looking for a home; literally. As an artist, and I was homeless. I was broke and broken hearted. So I went back to the streets. I was always the cool kid, with the fliest girl. But, now desperation started to swell. I became bolder. I messed up. I got in trouble. My life would never be the same. My own family turned their backs on me. Fame had come and Went. What I perceived was Fame; was not as it would be described today. I was big enough to make millions but, too young and immature to capitalize on it. Plus; with society's constant comparisons. The attacks. The abuse. The pressure was to have a music video on television. I could not afford to buy clothes and jewelry, just to appear successful. Which of course is not as important as real success. We were so talented that Driving a Mazda Miata, with the hardtop; looked like we were in a Ferrari.
The Cartier watch lasted every bit of two months. I did not know that those things were rentals. We had luxury cars with 200,000 miles on them. It was just a never ending uphill battle. I flew to Dominican Republic on my first world tour. I bought the Jacob & Co. Five time zones, for $500.00. They were from China Town. They were what is now known as Super Clones. We ran out of money. We must have been down to our last $60.00. We went from planning performances in the city, to what is known as the Campos. Those are the villages in between major places. Our rental cars were Hummers; to us. But they were $25.00/ day Daihatsus.
An embarrassment. But hey. We were young.
Looking back now. I am a living legend in those villages. And not for anything more than the actual music. You know what I can do with that today?
Still had the most beautiful women on planet earth. All Amazon Goddesses. But society back in the States; made us feel like we were nothing and nobody's. I was too naive to understand that we were already superstars. And we were winning. This is when the industry started to decline, to what it eventually; has become today. Everyone was all up in my business, my personal life. My public image. Everything. I had no boundaries set forth for myself. People who I grew up with, were only motivated to compete with me. I literally learned everything on day one. I just had to go through the process. People revealed themselves; one by one.
I would study everything. I remember spending all of my money; collecting magazines. I had nothing else to my name. Only my talent. I did a one hour freestyle. Then I did an hour and a half; Acapella. That's when I knew that I was the best.
This is how I gauged myself against the rest. I knew that nobody could do, what I could do; naturally. Up next. It was the entire music industry. Not a single song was released; that I did not have my own version of. Not a single artist released an album, that I did not make my own version of. I was focused and determined to be the best, in every single category. My family was already shitting on me. Society was shiting on me. Everyone already counted me out. They thought it was a fluke or a fad. A hobby. The Universe came at me with everything. I bought every style of recorder I could find. I recorded anywhere I could. Even outside of my brothers barbershop. I lost it all. Eventually I became chronically homeless. But, I kept developing my skills. I did everything, that everyone in my staff did. I was the artist. The investor. I was the lawyer and I was the manager. I became the negotiator. I never asked for a penny, from what was stolen from me. I only balanced my accounts payable, with my lyrical abilities. I prayed. I suffered. But, I educated myself in the process.
I knew that one day, it would all pay off.
Every recording. I sent as an email. I only had four or five people. That grew to about 20. And I never stopped ever since. I have over 8,000 Songs in my current catalog. In August it will be 3 years. The greatest in my entire career.
And to think. For the last 30 years +. My family and my friends have been trying to retire me.
I have been compared to every artists, every single day of my career. I have faced every single excuse to justify their behaviors of abuse; to just quit or give up. I have been insulted, belittled and sidelined. I have had every major door closed. My closest friends and family have been my most destructive barriers. I just simply never stopped. I never forgot how humble, my beginnings were. Everyone gave up on me. Everyone doubted me. And everyone counted me out. I tried everything I could. I put myself through school. I taught myself the entire business.
I outlasted every critic or critical acclaim. 2025. This is still day one.
I am negotiating venture capital and the actual venue to host my own auction. All of those people are silenced. I may generate $1,000,000,000.00 Billion in one single day +. The bar has been raised to another level. There is very little that they can actually say; today. Canelo is my nearest competitor. He is aiming to generate $2,000,000,000.00 Billion. I am in a completely different league.
Not my family or my childhood friends can ever change that. 8,000 Songs, and I am only negotiating 5,000. What ever the final number is; that will also be auctioned off. Now what? I have nothing to say to any of these people. This auction is, all of my hard work; in a single day. This is my way to say to the entire Universe. I am the Greatest Of All Time.
God Wins. #GODWINS
I can only imagine all of the stories that will develop. I know that Guy ! I remember seeing him; poor, struggling!? He's a billionaire now? He is one of the nicest people you can ever know. He has a beautiful and Kind Soul.
What about all of those who closed doors? I will never even mention any of those people. It never mattered to me. Now what? There is nothing else to say.
I can just buy a Lamborghini for everyone of my loved ones. They all have mansions inside estates. What are they going to do? Apologize? Doesn't matter. I have Grandkids now. Nothing else is important. I just got the estimates on my taxes. I know what my limits are on all charitable donations etc. I just don't see the world the same.
And the music is amazing.
All of my; everything is in there. I plan a few tours; and everything is back to making films. Video games. Series. Comic books. Books. Merchandise. Wearable technologies. You name it. I got my own sneakers. I got my own jewelry. I got my own smart phone. I got my own video game systems.
How many people broke my heart?
All for what?
Everyone of those people feared that I would make it and leave them behind? Farthest thing from the truth inside my heart. Only for me to suffer as they projected all of their insecurities onto; me. My dream was always to make, all of my loved ones dreams come true.
I broke the Guinness World Book Of Records; saying just that inside all of my music, and in my entire catalog.
Five $5,000,000.00 Million Dollar cars; are for my Children. Do you understand? I am still getting used to accepting that. And I have friends; truly wealthy. Past a few Billion dollars. I still want to compete at that Billionaire level. And this is only day one. I love to compete but, that is not the North star of my life.
There is so much more to life. Now that I can potentially Generate $1 to $2,000,000,000.00 Billion Dollars in; less than two hours; I finally understand. Companies call me everyday with lines of credit; and you can finance this. Or you can order that! I am like. I have not even paid my taxes. I am okay.
Not interested.
I never was. This is just a bi-product of all of my hard work. I need time to adjust to all of this. I still have a World Wide Tour to complete. That is before I spend one red penny.
Stay Tuned.
I love you all.
God Bless Everyone.
Your Friendly Neighborhood;