My WAR on CANCER CURE -Support by contributions from self and contacts Plz
If you’ve read enough, you’ll know that cancer is a disease of the whole
body—and I don’t mean it has spread over the whole body—I mean
every part of you is involved in the degeneration that ran down and led
to this condition, even if the tumor is just small and local. In fact, if they
have taken it away with assurances like “We got it all”, this still applies
and your body is still in that bad condition.
If you haven’t understood this yet, you need to read more. You are
missing something important.
Doctors will not tell you this vital health information because they
operate in blind ignorance. I’m a fully trained MD and entitled to make
this criticism. Doctors are taught that cancer is a lump and if they can
stop the lumps spreading, they are controlling the disease.
Not true.
The disease is a health condition and to be safe you need to get out of
that condition. Don’t wait even a day. It is vital you get start on the
Recovery program if you are diagnosed with cancer… or a preventative
Plan to keep it away!
Avoid all manufactured foods because it’s ALL junk.
Keep off these danger foods and be strict. This isn’t a slimming diet
Where you can cheat just a teeny bit. The stakes are now too high.
As you understand better what you are doing, you can selectively reintroduce Certain food items.
- Palm Oil – Palm oil made from the palm kernel is not the same as
red palm oil. When a regular fat like corn, soybean, or palm oil is
blasted with hydrogen and turned into a solid, it becomes a trans
fat. These evil anti-nutrients help packaged foods stay "fresh,"
Meaning that the food can sit on the supermarket shelf for years
With out ever getting stale or rotting.
- Shortening – Unless the shortening is made from lard or tallow,
ditch any food that lists shortening or partially hydrogenated oil
as an ingredient, since these are also evil trans fats.
- White Flour, Rice, Pasta, and Bread - When a whole grain is
refined, most of its nutrients are sucked out in an effort to extend
its shelf life. Both the bran and germ are removed, and therefore
all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They send your blood sugar
and insulin skyrocketing, which can lead to all sorts of problems.
- High Fructose Corn Syrup - The evil king of all refined grains is
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The amount of refined sugar we consume has declined over the past 40 years, but we're consuming almost 20 times as much HFCS.
- Artificial Sweeteners - Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), saccharin
(Sweet'N Low, Sugar Twin), and sucralose (Splenda) may be even
harder on our metabolic systems than plain old sugar.
- Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Benzoate - Benzene is a known
Carcinogen that is also linked with serious thyroid damage.
- Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) - BHA is another potentially
cancer-causing preservative, but it has been deemed safe by the FDA. Its job is to help prevent spoilage and food poisoning, but
it's a major endocrine disruptor and can seriously mess with your
- Sodium Nitrates & Sodium Nitrites - No that's not a typo. These
two different preservatives are found in processed meats like
bacon, lunch meat, and hot dogs. They're some of the worst
offenders, and they're believed to cause colon cancer and
metabolic syndrome, which can lead to diabetes.
- Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow - The artificial colors blue 1 and 2,
green 3, red 3, and yellow 6 have been linked to thyroid, adrenal,
bladder, kidney, and brain cancers.
- MSG - Monosodium glutamate is a processed "flavor enhancer."
While glutamates are present in some natural foods, such as meat
and cheese, the ones exploited by the processed-foods industry
are separated from their host proteins through hydrolysis.
Dr. Hamer, from Germany, called it his “iron rule” of cancer and he has
over 40,000 cases to prove it. In fact Galen, a famous Roman doctor,
2,000 years ago said “Cancer never strikes a happy person”. That may be extreme but you’ve got to take this on board.
Stress, destructive emotions or what I have christened “negative
passions” are hurting you badly. It could be argued they kill us all, in
the end. But why stay passive? You need to rid yourself of these
negative passions.
A docile, complaining woman for instance, who puts her husband and
family before herself, always making sacrifices and “caring about
others” (obsessively) is the classic victim most likely to develop cancer.
Suppressed emotions of this kind are even more toxic than the fiery
extrovert ones. Buried anger and hidden resentment, the kind of
thinking that puts all hopes and dreams onto the back burner, but
secretly blames others for the lost opportunities, is truly deadly. You
need to let go, in order to live. That’s true, incidentally, even if you don’t
have cancer (yet!)
You cannot fight cancer in an emotionally destructive environment.
Face it, it’s probably that environment which brought you down. You
must get out of it as sure as a drowning man or woman must get out of
the water—or perish.
Whether you ever go back is up to you. People can work things out. But
not in a climate of fear or oppression. I wouldn’t call that a relationship,
This is harsh counselling—but you wouldn’t want me to mince words or
gloss over important issues, now would you?
Deep down chemical clean up. Your body is overloaded with chemical filth. Tests show pesticides, PCBs, phthalates and other crazy chemical toxins in everyone’s bodies.
Dr. Bill Rea and his team are doing research into remote lakes all over the world found these poisons in the water supply—and that was back in the 1980s. There is no pure water left on planet Earth.
Nobody is free of chemical pollution.
So, what’s the big deal if everybody is exposed, you want to know?
Some people might be coping (they may just get diagnosed later).
You must fight. You cannot do nothing and wait helplessly.
There is no pure water left on planet Earth.
Clean up everything you can think of in the home. Get rid of 90% of the
stuff you find there, under the sink, in cupboards, in the garage, the
garden shed. Most of it you don’t want. All of it will have found its way
into your tissues.
Don’t forget the dangers of cosmetics, ladies! The average woman
absorbs about a pound of cosmetic chemicals every year and most of
If you are reluctant to accept this, let me start you out with some
Black and dark brown permanent hair dyes contain numerous ingredients, such as diaminoanisole and FD&C Red 33, recognized as
Carcinogens in experimental animals and the cause of relatively rare
cancers in humans: non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and
multiple myeloma.
Cosmetic grade talc is carcinogenic in experimental animals. Also,
frequent genital dusting with talc, routinely practiced by some 17% of
women, increases risks of ovarian cancer.
A group of widely used preservatives, such as quaternium-15 and
bronopol, widely used in baby products, though not carcinogenic
themselves, break down to release formaldehyde, a potent irritant and
recognized carcinogen.
Commonly used cosmetic detergents and foaming agents, such as
polysorbates and PEG, are usually contaminated with the volatile
carcinogen dioxane.
DEA, another widely used chemical detergent, will combine with nitrite
preservatives or contaminants in cosmetic products to form a highly
carcinogenic nitrosamine. Furthermore, recent government studies
showed that DEA itself is also carcinogenic following application to
mouse skin.
I don’t expect you to know the chemistry of all this stuff. Just to get a
grasp of the scale of the problem. These are a few examples from the
world of cosmetics: stuff we put onto our precious skin everyday and
absorb. Remember our skin is almost porous—why do you think
Hormone patches work?
But then you add cleaners, solvents, paint substances, dry cleaning
fluids, plastics, PVC, aerosols and air “fresheners” (what a con),
toothpaste (almost all of it contains FD & C Blue Dyes 1 & 2 and
sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a toxic degreaser, notorious for damaging
The Cancer Mafia, there are good people out there, looking for real answers. Not every doctor is a crook nor every scientist in the pocket of Big Pharma.
Even so, the words of an orthodox oncologist saying, in effect, cancer biology can be derailed and beaten with a fully-functioning immune system!
Jedd Wolchok of the Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New
York, who led the trial just published—and which will likely set the
medical world ablaze—remarked that these new antibody
therapies treat the patient, not the tumor.
It’s true be have been edging towards this for many years antibody tagged chemo, to get it directly to the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells untouched.
Even the very slickest, fully functioning immune system can be
outfoxed by cancer. That’s because tumor cells find ways to camouflage
themselves from the immune system.
Some of us, aware of what is really going on, have described cancer as
basically a disease of the immune system. The most successful
treatments are those that revive the immune system and boost its
function, NOT those therapies which are described as “holistic” but are
Essentially poisons, deigned to knock out cancer cells.
The trouble has always been that if you try to poison cancer cells, you
are going to poison healthy cells, ESPECIALLY immune system cells.
Taking junk like DCA (dichloracetic acid) or Protocel (Cancel, Jim’s Juice,
etc.), which is a mixture of sulphuric acid and other very nasty
compounds, has never made sense to me. There’s no difference
between that approach and chemo: poison one and try not to poison
the other.
Unfortunately, if it’s done wrong—and everybody is different—then the
patient goes under.
But what this kind of approach to cancer healing shows us, very clearly,
is that if you bolster your immune system, you are going to have the
best possible chance of knocking out cancer—permanently.
The most powerful tools—diet and nutrition, oxygen boosters,
emotional releasing and chemical clean up—are all about that one
thing: reviving a flagging immune system.
While the crackpots and crooks in conventional medicine tell as that
antioxidants, especially vitamins C and E, selenium and beta-carotenes,
are dangerous and “cause” cancer, here’s a refreshing study that shows
without question they are not, do not, and may well reduce the
incidence of deadly pancreatic cancer by TWO THIRDS.
Pancreatic cancer kills more than 250,000 people worldwide each year.
Only 3 percent of people diagnosed with the disease live beyond five
years. So anything with such a sensational effect is welcome. Genes,
smoking and type 2 diabetes are all risk factors, but diet is believed to
play a role as well.
It’s true that conventional researchers are getting on the trail of diet as
a cause of cancer. But they still don’t really get it.
They are thinking in terms of factors in the diet, which are
“carcinogenic” (cancer causing). It’s what is NOT in the diet that’s
carcinogenic! If there are no decent nutrients in the junk diet, how can
the body have a healthy defense system and ward off what is really
quite a common challenge to the body. Cancer cells, we know, are
everywhere but easily mopped up on a daily basis by the immune
Plus we know for sure that antioxidants prevent cancer and help in the
fight against it, once established.
In the new study, researchers led by Dr. Andrew Hart of the University
of East Anglia tracked the long-term health of more than 23,500
people, aged 40 to 74, who entered the study between 1993 and 1997.
Each participant kept a food diary that detailed the types, amount and
method of preparation for every food they ate for seven days.
After 10 years, 49 participants (55 percent of whom were male) had
been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. By 2010, the number of
participants diagnosed with pancreatic cancer increased to 86 (44
percent were men). On average, patients survived six months after
The researchers found that people with the highest dietary intake of
selenium were half as likely to develop pancreatic cancer as those with
the lowest intake. Those who consumed the highest dietary intake of all
three antioxidants — selenium and vitamins C and E — were 67 percent
less likely to develop pancreatic cancer compared to those with the
lowest intake.
Friends I request you all to support my WAR ON CANCER CURE by contributing,getting contributed to make this HUMANITARIAN CAUSE A SUCESS
Jagadish C Narra
Herbs Cure
Friends I need your Support by way of your Own contributions,Your frir