My Wake Up Call
My Wake Up Call

My Wake Up Call

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.”

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I felt inspired to share this opening section of The Vitality Code further to a podcast interview yesterday, in which I was interviewed by a spine surgeon. He's equally invested in the holistic world and I loved our 2 hour conversation - my longest yet. It will be live next week.

Towards the end, I mentioned how everyone I've interviewed (and supported) who has reversed a so-called "incurable" illness (according to one approach to medicine), has been grateful for their diagnosis. This includes those who reversed cancer holistically, who have said: "Cancer saved my life." It's an entirely different perspective to that which we know, via... what he have been led to believe. I mentioned how in many cases, a crisis leads to an Awakening. Which I suggested continues until the day we die. This happened to me, too, and is the inspiration behind my books and work in this world of holistic health (aka health).

I also said something I'd never said before and he made a point of circling back to it, telling me he was going to quote it. I said:

"We have a sick-care system masquerading as healthcare."

Excerpted from The Vitality Code, Chapter 1:

"We are living in revolutionary times, as it is becoming increasingly evident that we humans have more power to heal ourselves than we have ever known. We are also more immune and resilient to anything than we have ever been allowed to believe. Not just that, but we hold what most would refer to as “superpowers” that enable us to do far more than we can imagine.

My desire is to inspire in you new ways to approach your health that will help you to reverse engineer your symptoms, boost your immunity, and awaken an abundance of Life Force energy and Vitality in every area of your life.

Success leaves clues. People around the world are reversing so-called “incurable” illnesses and “genetic” diseases without medical intervention, that the media rarely covers. One must look for them or be told about them through word of mouth. My intent is to unearth, organize and simplify for you, these ground-breaking health clues.??

Everyone in my network of holistic health professionals has received a “wake-up call” that caused an inflection point in their lives and a diversion from their path. In every case this wake-up call led to a positive outcome and a new and truly exciting journey thereon. Honestly, I never planned to work in the health field. My career-passion was always in real estate development!

A wake-up call put me on a whole new life path and opened more doors than I could ever have imagined, without having received it. What I have found is that wake-up calls jolt you so hard out of your existing thinking and beliefs, that you begin to question everything. And I do mean — everything.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” - Albert Einstein

My own suffering revealed opportunities that, prior to “the call," were out of sight. They didn’t even exist. A friend in a breathwork group I lead recently said to me that he considers vanity as the gateway to consciousness. I thought about it and decided to mostly agree and made an adjustment; I consider sickness as a gateway to consciousness. When we receive the wake-up call, and truly hear it, it inspires radical action and change and an up-level of awareness and consciousness. Many hear it, others do not. It is often received yet ignored.

So, what was my wake-up call?

I suffered from eczema for 30 years, since I was a toddler. My mum would put white gloves on me when I went to bed to stop me scratching in my sleep. I wore them until my early teenage years. Often, I’d wake up with holes in bloody gloves. I’d be teased by my friends at school for the eczema on my arms and behind my knees and on my hands and neck.

Some people grow out of it. I did not. It got noticeably worse during times of stress, such as during exam times, particularly around the ages of 16 and 18 (when I was dating girls), when it spread to my back and over most of my body. Whenever I went to the doctor, I’d always be prescribed the same treatments — steroid creams (that have left pigmentations on my skin), harmful prescription moisturizers (with toxic ingredients like parabens), and, for the worst times, antibiotics to ward off infection. Antibiotics harm your gut microbiome. Some functional medicine doctors state that it can take a year to recover gut health. I refer to your gut as the body’s engine. It’s where energy is created in the metabolization process. These short-term solutions can be harmful to the engine of the body and in my case the eczema returned after treatment ended.

I continued to suffer from eczema throughout my twenties. I’ll never forget walking into the office in my late twenties when I saw a friend in the corridor who exclaimed, “Woah! What’s happened to your face?!” I had scratched my face during the night, and I sheepishly joked that I’d been attacked by a wild animal.

You might be thinking, “Well, I guess you started to research eczema so you could get rid of it.” Not quite. It wasn’t until I witnessed my father suffer a life-altering stroke, which shook him and our entire family, that my own recovery began. My intuition told me his stroke was avoidable. I couldn’t explain where this innate “knowing” came from, but I was certain of it.

My new quest was investigating the cause of my father’s stroke. I correlated that the underlying causes of his asthma, high blood pressure, and stroke, were also behind my eczema. I then took action to naturally get rid of the chronic underlying cause, to make the symptom “eczema” disappear.? I cannot say I’m cured of eczema since eczema is a symptom of an underlying cause, and if the underlying cause returns, it’s likely eczema will return.

For some, one massive wake-up call will create a diversion in their lives.? Multiple wake-up calls inspired me to think very differently about the world of Western Medicine and connected systems I will explore in this book. I believe understanding the origins of modern medical systems will reveal what has kept you from a fundamental understanding of the human body, and perhaps your own healing and Vitality.

My previous book, The Vitality Secret (2016), revealed that chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of almost every chronic illness that exists today. Since 2015, I’ve helped my clients reverse a variety of symptoms of chronic inflammation, including, but not limited to, eczema, acne, rosacea, IBS, pre-diabetes, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, gout, migraines, obesity, low testosterone in men, chronic pain, brain fog, and depression.

Chronic Inflammation Underlies All Chronic Symptoms

The Western world has become increasingly toxic, leading us into a pandemic of sickness or, more accurately, a pandemic of chronic inflammation. Not only does chronic inflammation underlie virtually every chronic illness, aka pre-existing conditions,and comorbidities, it accelerates the aging process. It has aptly been dubbed inflammaging.

In this book (The Vitality Code), I will present to you a cutting-edge way to approach your health.

Sadly, most people live life sub optimally. Many are dependent on a “sick care” system where aging adults are prescribed a cocktail of life-debilitating, and Vitality-draining medications. The body does not get sick because of a pharmaceutical drug deficiency. While pill cocktails are a social norm, they are absolutely not a biological norm. The body is intelligently designed to heal itself when what stands in the way of good health is removed and we provide it with what it needs.

The conventional norm has very intelligent people popping pills to become slave to a vast and powerful $3.6 trillion medical industrial complex that influences governments and relies on mainstream media to shape the beliefs and behaviors of the vast majority of the population. Most have simply forgotten the sheer power of their own bodies and what they are truly capable of.

I want to remind you of your power.

Success leaves clues — and codes. Over the last eight years, I have developed a formula through passionate research, and commonalities curated from interviewing people who have reversed serious “incurable” illnesses (according to Western medicine). I use this formula every time I coach my private clients and students in my online courses.

I will be sharing this formula, and these codes with you in this book. It is not just about diet and exercise, which are important. I am going to take you on a journey through the Four Pillars of Vitality — Physical, Emotional, Energetic, and Mental. One pillar alone is not normally enough. The holistic approach to health and Vitality means addressing the body as a whole.

As you read this book, I expect you will be increasingly fueled with curiosity and enthusiasm to approach your health in a way that will unleash the true essence of who you are by attending first to the vessel in which you reside — your body.

Too many people suffer unnecessarily from sickness, illness, pain, low energy, depression, life-debilitating conditions, and the side effects of medications. You can escape the pandemic of sickness. You can live a life rich in Vitality and allow your Life Force to flow through you.

Epiphany #1: All Illness Is a Result of a Root Cause

Your body’s ability to heal is greater than you have ever been allowed to believe.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “If they can do it, I can do it”? I take this approach whenever I hear about anyone reversing one of Western Medicine’s “incurable” conditions. People are reversing cancer without a single medical intervention, while others perish with treatments that are known to cause cancer. And people are in remission from Crohn's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, endometriosis, gastroparesis (paralysis of the stomach), lupus and Lyme — without medical intervention. Others with these illnesses take a cocktail of drugs and degenerate slowly, believing they can do nothing about their decline, because they’ve been given a diagnosis and prognosis by a medical professional.

Some hear about accounts of reversing the illness from which they’re suffering, but don’t explore further since their doctor is not familiar with such success, and findings are not supported in clinical trials with hundreds of people. New methods are not regarded as “science” and therefore unworthy of any further attention – to some.

I invite you to suspend all disbelief and consider: If they can do it, I can do it. I’ve spoken about these healing stories on my podcast, which I was inspired to launch when at Burning Man, where I met a wonderful human and friend, Kerri Van Arsdale, who told me of her tremendous success in reversing Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Our interview blew my mind. After this, I began meeting (or attracting) people who had reversed a wide variety of “incurable” illnesses, and I continued to research their tools for success.

If of interest, check out our interview here:

Someone who receives a prognosis of cancer from an oncologist, about having X months to live, may do no research beyond the opinion of one form of medicine. They accept it, and often perish. For her book “Radical Remission,” Dr. Kelly Turner interviewed 100 people who radically reversed Stage 4 cancer without a single medical intervention. She asked each what they believed was the cause of their cancer. It's interesting looking at readers’ comments on Amazon. Some did not like that question. A number of cancer survivors reported, “Cancer saved my life,” and some even say that they would never change it — because of the doors that opened up for them. Isn’t that profound?

Suffering from eczema for thirty years and witnessing my father’s stroke opened doors for me. In a roundabout way, I realized that my father’s stroke was my first wake-up call. Prior to that, eczema was an annoying, incurable “genetic disease.” My dad’s stroke led to “Epiphany #1” — that behind every illness or symptom is an underlying cause, under which are one or more root causes. This knowledge enabled me to heal myself and assist others in healing themselves of eczema and many other symptoms of inflammation.

Vitality Secret #1: Get to the Cause(s), Heal Your Body

I now view eczema as a gift, like a warning light on the car dashboard, telling me my body is out of balance and requires attention. Without the warning light (symptom), my body would be degenerating without my knowing, and I’d likely never be on this incredible path discovering my superhuman abilities and our potential as humans.

For example, I would never know that we can reverse engineer any illness by understanding principles of the body electric. Or that we can heal our bodies with thought and emotion. Or how we can tap into a quantum world to enable rapid healing and even influence our world outside of our physical bodies by understanding energy. That is the exciting part to all of this! It’s almost like a reward!

Many people with eczema take steroid creams, use harmful prescription moisturizers, and consume endless rounds of antibiotics, unknowingly causing more and more harm to their bodies. They might reach the age of 60 having suffered their whole lives. And then for some unknown reason they might sit an ayahuasca ceremony and have an epiphany, or even what feels like an “awakening,” that inspires them to make some radical changes in their life. This enables them to heal from within and eradicate the illness or symptoms. (I’m not suggesting you sit in an ayahuasca ceremony; it was just an example of what can and does often take place.) When you address what is causing your illness, and replenish your body with its essential cell fuels, the body can heal itself. It is always healing and striving for balance – for homeostasis.

Are you ready to address the cause, and to reclaim your Vitality?

Yesterday I launched a brand new Vitality Code Community. I'd love to invite you to join. I will guide you on a journey through the "Four Pillars of Vitality" to assist you in finding, and addressing, the root cause of whatever imbalances you are experiencing, and to reclaim your Vitality.

Sign up here:

Or Learn more here:

And here for my 1st post on it (what you're doing to get):


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