My Voice (#003 from Suffer Well Devotional Series?)
My Voice
(#003 from Suffer Well Devotional Series?)
Oh My little ones, if I gave you a glimpse into My day, you would experience both wonder and conviction. Come with Me for a moment, above the clouds. Look down on humanity with Me; listen with a discerning ear. Can you hear the prayers, the ones that actually get past the clouds? (Lamentations 3:44) Do you hear the prayer prayed most often? “Talk to me Yahweh.” Yes, that one.
“How can this be,” I ask? My word is My voice. My Son is My voice. My voice is written from Genesis to Revelation. The problem is not whether I have spoken; it is the time you spend listening. Such little time you give Me.
Have I not told you the wise man rises before the birds to seek My face? I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me. (Proverbs 8:17) Why, then, do you make your own plans and throw Me in the middle? You extract verses that fit your agenda, and then fall into despair when none of it manifests. Am I here for your amusement and convenience? Or, am I the one who delights in disciplining My sons and daughters in order to perfect them? (Deuteronomy 8:5)
My voice is all around you; have I not written so? But, it is in the silence that My words manifest, not in the chaos, not in the fire, and not in the flesh. I commune using My still small voice within you (1 Kings 19:12). Like a sleeping baby in My arms, I whisper to you. “My loved one, come away with Me; come away with Me; come away with Me.”
Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to Yahweh; Let us lift our hearts and hands to the Mighty One in heaven. (Lamentations 3:40-41)