My Vision of the World
Jamieson Allen
Independent Executive Advisor & Consultant Foreign Affairs & Disclosure
The 21st Century has arrived and it portends vast differences to the recent past 90+ years of the 20th Century. The World and its dynamic activities have both shrunk, changed and significantly become increasingly more active. Today’s Global activities are current 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year in and year out. As a consequence, an adaptation to the New Frontier of the 21st Century is critical and necessary for the the traditional national structures of financial, political, economic, commercial development of the World’s nations. Power in the 21st Century, whether national, political, economic, commercial or even military, will ultimately be based upon a sharing of the burdens and gains developed from alliances and partnerships that are strategic, tactical, planned and integrated. The critical elements for the Future will be for Domestic and International Developments based upon: Cooperation, Collaboration, and Mutual Consensus Building & Respect.
There is a lot of work to do. As the World is now into the second decade of the 21st Century, an urgency is rising as a consequence of the discord and an erosion of the fundamentals that have brought the World to this point in time. The World’s people cannot afford nor should they ever “rest upon the World’s Laurels”. There is a need to always focus upon the horizon and the Strategic Goals that lead to “that barely visible Point on the Horizon” and to labor smart & hard with the day-to-day Tactical Requirements to achieve those Strategic Goals that are setting the navigation for tomorrow’s Future.
The Future
Today’s World is domestically and internationally discordant and struggling to find equilibrium and new direction. Polarization, hegemony and power shifts are occurring and rattling many of the traditional elements that built the 20th Century. Change is continuing to occur, as it has been proceeding from the effects of the immediate Post Colonial Period, to the Power of Developed Nations, to two World Wars, to Colonial Independence Movements, to the Cold War, to Internationalization, to Terrorist & Asymmetric Engagements, to the rise in Globalization and Transnational Corporations. At this moment, there is a significant International Adaptation shift that is occurring. A shift that is adapting to the new realities of the 21st Century and consequences of the Past.
The basic ingredients that lay upon the horizon of the 21st Century engagements are that they will be Global, Intimate, Open and Interconnected. The Future lies with the interconnected alliances of sovereign nations’ economies - dependent upon the Mutual Agendas of Domestic Development and Strategic Global and Domestic Goals; rather than individual national sovereignty and Power Projections. World Leadership will increasingly be based upon the sharing of risks and benefits between Developed, Lesser Developed and Undeveloped nations and their peoples that will enable “a lifting of All vice a lifting of a FEW”.
The sovereignty of All Nations of the World is based upon the fundamentals of the Rule of Law, Politics, Economics, Commerce, Military, Technology, and Hard & Soft Power. All of these elements emanate from within the domestic activities of each individual nation. The ability of each nation to project upon the World Stage establishes their individual place in the hierarchy of nations. The key for enhancing ALL nations comes from each individual nation’s ability to create, establish and sustain long-term Domestic Developments that enhance that nation’s place in the hierarchy of nations and their contributions to a Greater World Development.
Domestic Developments are essential to a nation’s existence and need continuous investments and successful husbanding. The consequence of successful Domestic Development is that it enables the subsequently domestically produced products to be coupled with the contributions from other members of the Global Community creating an Economic Synergy. This economic synergy, based upon basics of Cooperation, Collaboration and Mutual Consensus Building and Respect amongst nations, creates a sweeping environment for International and Domestic Development that can uplift All Nations.
The Ways and Means for Domestic Development to successfully occur are:
1. Acceptance of the International Rule of Law
2. Fair Trade Policies amongst Allies and Friendly Nations
3. Open Navigation and Access to Sea, Air, and Ground Transportation
4. Near Term/Tactical and Long Term/Strategic Planning and Implementation
5. Flexibility and Agility amongst participants to Plan, Build, Operate and Sustain their Domestic Developments
6. Investments in: Domestic Infrastructures, Innovation, Individuals and the Inclusion of the citizenry
7.. Requirements of Accountability and Respect amongst all Participating Nations and Citizens
The key strategic process for Global Development amongst Nations is the cyclical activities of: Domestic Development leading to International Trade, with International Trade leading to International Investment, with International Investment leading to additional Domestic Development that enhances the additional Domestic Economic Development and Productivity and provides additional support for Global Development.
The Key channels for International Engagement amongst Nations to enable Domestic Development for themselves and others are based upon the fundamental principles of:
1. International Rule of Law
2. International Communication & Peaceful Engagements
3. International Economics
4. International Finance 5. International Commerce
6. International Trade
7. International Logistics, Maintenance, Supply, and Training 8. International. Research & Development
9. International and Domestic Education
10. International Accounting
11. International Marketing
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