My views on the Harris-Walz platform
SECTION 1: Lower Costs for Middle-Class Families
CHAPTER 01: Cut Taxes for Working PeopleMiddle-class tax burden is high. The tax credits especially for those with newborn children is a welcome measure.
CHAPTER 02: Lower Food and Grocery CostsIn my 41 years in the USA, I have seen food prices soar to being among the highest. The measures on food supply chain resilience, more competition, and eliminating price gouging are welcome. How about adding a transition to natural, healthy ingredients from unhealthy high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated fats as a preventive for disease and decrease health care utilization?
CHAPTER 03: Lower Health Care CostsHaving worked in the sick care industry in the USA for many years and being faced with astronomical charges like $27k institutional charges + $$$ for professional charges for a 25-hour hospital stay is enough to say that we are prone to diagnoses of Post-Billing Congestive Heart Failure CHF - having a heart attack upon seeing the medical bill! Tax credits, veteran care, and addressing opioid proliferation are good. But what about measures to fix the health care system? The USA has among the highest sick care costs yet has lower outcomes than countries with lower sick care costs. Foreign insurance plans with global coverage have rates for policies that include and exclude USA coverage. How about increasing incentives for natural wellness care as opposed to pharmaceutic-centric care?
CHAPTER 04: Lower Prescription Drug CostsThe insulin cap, Medicare prescription drug negotiations, increased competition, and transparency are good. Other medications, like eye drops, are extremely expensive, much more so than bottled water and fuel. The price is not measured by the gallon but by the drop! The legal drug cartel ring between pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare companies, with physicians as gatekeepers and attorneys as watchdogs, needs to be broken and regulated. After all, what produces physicians who heal are medical schools, not healing schools, and this is where physicians are introduced to pharmaceutics-centric care.
CHAPTER 05: Lower Energy CostsWhile US fuel costs have increased sharply, they are still lower than in some countries like the Philippines. Having a holistic energy strategy is good. But don't call it American energy. Call it USA Energy. Equating America as the USA takes on an attitude of "We are the world" rather than "We are part of a bigger world."
CHAPTER 06: Lower Costs by Protecting Consumers From Fees and FraudThis is an expensive reality for consumers, and addressing all these added charges is very welcome. Also, address local hotel and restaurant taxes. If cities really want to encourage tourism, why put a big tax burden on tourists?
SECTION 2: Build an Opportunity Economy to Help Americans Get Ahead and Build Wealth
CHAPTER 07: Help Americans Buy a Home and Afford RentHousing availability has been a nightmare situation in the USA for a very long time. Our children cannot even afford to buy a home where they grew up! This is insane! Tax incentives and stimulating lower-cost housing are very welcome measures.
CHAPTER 08: Invest in the Small Businesses That Drive Growth, Innovation, and JobsThis is a very welcome initiative to drive the entrepreneurship that has diminished since the Industrial Revolution.
CHAPTER 09: Invest in American Innovation and Industrial Strength Powered by American WorkersThe growth and incentives are good. How about incentives to interest younger generations in manufacturing jobs? We have matriculated from an agrarian to an industrial, and now to an information economy where high-tech is a big attraction to younger workers. We also need them for production. Without a labor supply, reshoring efforts will only result in near-shoring to Mexico. How about unifying efforts with Mexico?
CHAPTER 10: Create Security and Opportunity for Workers and Build a Care EconomyBroader job pathways and strengthening the care economy are welcome initiatives.
CHAPTER 11: Strengthen Opportunity in Communities Across AmericaRevitalizing Rural USA is good. Many graduates from rural areas flock to urban areas for job opportunities.
CHAPTER 12: Protect Americans’ Ability to Retire With DignityStrengthening Social Security and Medicare and lowering prescription drug costs are good measures. How about a standard Senior Discount program of 20%, like in the Philippines, and lowering the senior qualification age to 60 or 55?
CHAPTER 13: Make Our Tax Code More Fair and Promote GrowthShifting more of the tax burden to the wealthy is a welcome initiative because they point out that many wealthy people are in a lower tax bracket than middle-class workers. For USA corporations, how about creating a tiered tax bracket instead of a flat 21% on profits? This will provide more incentives and growth for small businesses.The inevitable questions not covered here are border control and abortion.
Border Control: Harris wants to tighten border control and stop opioids from flowing into the USA. How about reforming immigration policy to bring in more workers who will work the farms and factories and pay income taxes for a larger tax base? It is good to address the opioid trafficking. However, without demand, there won't be a supply. How about addressing the craving for and addiction to opioids? Yes, the suppliers do stimulate demand, but developing the virtues of fortitude and temperance to say NO to these could bring down demand, resulting in decreased supply.
Abortion: The Democrat stance has been pro-choice. Hillary Clinton said in an interview that the fetus does not have constitutional rights because it is unborn. The Constitution needs to be amended then for the protection of human life from inception.
Managing Member - Boanerges Meraki, LLC - Uncovering the Obfuscated
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