My Views on Alcohol are changing...

My Views on Alcohol are changing...

“Functioning alcoholic” I genuinely never heard of that term until this year

It was said to me by a coach.

He basically explained that a lot of people in western culture who drink excessively are essentially functioning alcoholics. I did some research into the term

it is someone who drinks excessively but they’re outwardly normal. Work is fine, personal life is fine, but they drink all the time

So it had me questioning, how many people do I know that are functioning alcoholics? I think quite a few

Drinking 3/4x a week

It’s a dangerous game when it comes to health

I’d argue that alcohol is just as bad as any other gateway drug.

And if you’re a man, you run the risk of

? low libido

? decreased testosterone

? excessive dangerous belly fat

? low energy

? poor cognitive function

It’s a shame but our culture doesn’t really support people who choose to not drink or at least keep drinking to a minimal

I only drink on special occasions. This means it’s very easy to control as special occasions don’t happen every week

If you are a man carrying excess body fat, you got man-boobs and a dad bod, and you still drink alcohol - you may SERIOUSLY wanna reconsider

I’m not saying to go t total. But simply by sticking to special occasions only, you can start to reverse the effects of excess body fat

To further support you, I’ve created a free 2 week program here for you: take a look and let me know how it goes

Here it is?

Also…I got something special coming up for Black Friday! Keep your eyes peeled


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