My view on clouds
My view on clouds
Everyone, everywhere in technology is nowadays talking about clouds. But was made these clouds so special? If you are looking from a poor IT sight towards it, it seems not so special. There are still Xeon servers in a data center running and offering virtual services.
Therefore it is important not to focus too much on technology itself. More important is to see the real change behind the cloud hype. It is the change of the user behavior and how the cloud is supporting and enabling this change. Cloud is maybe the final step of real empowering of the user. As the user finally gets the opportunity to get any IT or digital resources, no matter if it is a virtual server or the newest movie on demand and immediately, without taking care about the “how”. It is just, as the real clouds in the sky, there. And as the real clouds and sky, the digital clouds seems to be endless. Nowadays there is so much compute power that all kind of services can run at any time and enables the user to get access to that and try, drive, install, and consume their ideas whenever they arise. The giant compute power that is behind the cloud enables also new services, like intelligent virtual assistance systems with voice interface (e.g. Apple Siri or Amazon Echo) to any time, and thanks to the 4G revolution everywhere and on any device.
And this is the real change, cloud finally grants everyone access to IT. That is the real entrance into a digital area that enables everyone to create something great and all driven by the enabler cloud.