My video "Give My Regards To The Alps" will be presented @ dutch show Pop-Up Wantij, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

My video "Give My Regards To The Alps" will be presented @ dutch show Pop-Up Wantij, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Het werk van Joas Nebe combineert op meesterlijke wijze klassieke en digitale media, waarbij literatuur, natuur en technologie samenkommen in visueel uitdagende en prikkelnee kunst.

Zijn werk verkent zowel persoonlijke, psychologische thema’s zoals bredere maatschappelijke reflecties.

Els stuk dompelt de kijker onder in zijn diverse verhalen, waarbij de kijker wordt uitgedaagd in zijn nieusgierigheid en betrokkenheid.

Joas Nebe is an artist, curator, and academic with a background in psychology, media studies, literature, and theatre from the University of Hamburg. He also trained in traditional art techniques at a private art school. After graduating, Nebe lectured on film analysis at Hamburg University and analyzed election campaigns for Reemtsma. Since 2000, he has worked as an artist and freelance curator, with projects shown in Berlin, Milan, and Tehran. Notable exhibitions include "Climate Change Cartoons" at the 2011 UN Climate Change Conference in Durban and "Machine Fair" at Moscow's Museum of Modern Art in 2012. His films have been featured in international festivals such as Les Instants Video in Cairo, Videoformes Festival, Sustain Our Africa, Madatac in Madrid, and Papy Gyros Nights in Hong Kong. Nebe's work has been shown at the Biblioteca Alexandrina, ART_TECTURE, and SHIFT:ibpcpa's "In 24hours: Future Visions." He has received numerous awards, stipends, and residencies from various countries, contributing to his diverse artistic perspective and body of work.

2024, 26th October, POP-UP WANTIJ ′24: DIALOOG TUSSEN NATUUR EN MENS, curators Buro Grenzenloos, Dordrecht, The Netherlands


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