My Very Own American Dream - Campus Life, Milestones, and Artfuse
Diethard Struelens
Carbon accounting software for sustainability consultants | Business Development DACH & CEE at Carbon+Alt+Delete | Freelance musician & climate (tech) enthousiast
Blog Post Eighteen
Exactly seventeen weeks ago I started my new blog series. Since my first blog post in this series was on October 19, I realize that lot has happened since. Luckily for me, I have been able to write it down every week, which is a great way for me to be able to look back on the chronology of it all.
Since we are all busy people, I will do my best to keep them as brief and to the point as possible and not to waste anyone's time. I decided to center every blog post in this series around three different topics: Campus Life, Milestones, and Artfuse. And I'll always end with two quotes that inspired me. I hope you'll enjoy reading it!
Campus Life
Heavy snowfall has dominated Syracuse during the past week. Locals still say that this has been a very mild Winter so far, and I believe them, having seen pictures and videos of previous years. It is probably for the best that this season hasn't been too cold and snowy. This way I will always retain a beautiful and positive memory of snowy Syracuse. Still, driving in the snow is an entirely different thing, that requires you to follow totally different sets of rules. While many people start freaking out about driving on a pack of snow, I really enjoy it every time. It makes driving much more interesting by trying to maintain a balance between speed and momentum, and keeping the wheels straight and steady. I never learned how to do it, but my landlord Don has given me a few golden tips based on which I feel very comfortable driving now. I also still ride my bike to campus whenever it is possible. American colleagues and friends have told me I am crazy doing so, but what do they know, they are not Dutch like me; I have to uphold a certain world-know stereotype, since biking is part of our core DNA.
Although this semester still feels like it has just started, midterm exams are getting close. In two weeks, I will have a few exams and assignments for credit. Nothing big to worry about, but it is good to be aware of it and get prepared now. Like I mentioned earlier, this semester is different and the course load has decreased quite a bit. Meanwhile, I have been working on a few major challenges outside of the classroom, which include seeking new ways to progress the company and having conversations about my scholarship and employment, which have taken up a certain amount of time. It all was part of a discovery process that I would not have wanted to miss. Next week I will be able to write about work placement I have managed to cook up behind the scenes. Moving to New York City for part of my time is also still on, but requires a little more planning before implementation.
Yesterday was Valentines Day, and although I am aware of the fact that it is a commercial holiday, Sandra and I like to make it another special occasion to celebrate our relationship. This year we count our 5th edition of February 14th together, which feels like a milestone wrapped as a gift. I can still clearly picture the time we first met, and we have enjoyed all the moments we were able to spent together, even the past months apart. So yesterday, without any form of coordination, Sandra sent me a card and I sent one to her. We opened the cards on Skype, which was a nice moment. Again, I can only vouch for technology when it comes to long-distance relationships. I could not imagine how how our lives would have been without all the resources we have; Gmail, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, FaceTime, flower and card services, etc. Last week, we started an exciting countdown to Spring Break (in March), on which Sandra will fly in to New York City and we will spend a holiday together. Great stuff!
While I am still working at Food Services for another week, I took my frustration about the food waste and channeled it into action. I started conversations with co-workers and managers at the restaurants, as well as faculty. I reached out to established organizations such as the Food Recovery Network, and I am working on getting connected to Food Shelters and Food Banks in the city of Syracuse. My main concerns are the overproduction on a daily basis and the lack of logistical infrastructure to take the leftovers to places where people need them. For now, the food ends up in large trash cans that end up on a compost. Loads of food. It's horrible to see it being thrown out only because no one is able or willing to figure out a better system. This is exactly one of the main reasons why Artfuse needs to move forward fast. Yes, Artfuse. We need to use creativity, cultivation and innovation as assets for a brighter, more honest and more conscious society. Arts, sustainability and innovation go well together in my world. I am very curious what we will be able to accomplish. It's a matter of time.
Maybe you are wondering what happened with the ACC InVenture Prize, for which the Artfuse team applied. Unfortunately I received an email on Wednesday evening stating that Artfuse wasn't selected as one of the seven companies that would go through to the semi-finals on Friday. The reason why was that we didn't have a working prototype yet, which is just bad timing. Instead of being disappointed, I decided to help out during the pitch session on Friday and I took up the role as 'time keeper' for the semi-finals. This way I could follow all 7 pitches and contribute to their successes in the meantime. I have to say that the pitches were all very good; the winning companies were IIID, a 3D printing company founded by architecture student Jack Phillips, and FreshU, a college publishing platform founded by Kate Beckman. Although I would have preferred winning with Artfuse, I enjoyed supporting these amazing student entrepreneurs. After all, there are two other competitions to come, the Panasci Competition and the RvD iPrize, both at the end of March. It gives the Artfuse team the perfect runway to be fully prepared for pitching in one month from now. We still have a lot of work to do, but that's the beauty of it. Please stay tuned!
Maybe it is good to quickly explain what Artfuse is: Artfuse is a young startup that supports emerging and professional artists of all disciplines. We are currently building the prototype for an interactive, recommendation based interface; a social media platform and market place for artists and creatives. Although this might sound heavy, it all boils down to a collaborative community in the creative industries, with the ultimate goal to strengthen the arts by supporting creativity, all to make the world a better place.
On Monday, I attended a private session with a successful entrepreneur who came to speak to a selected group of entrepreneurship students, and I was fortunate enough to be invited and available to join. It was fascinating to listen to his story and for me try to figure out his life path from college to where he is today, working in a creative leadership role for one of the most established companies in the world. Towards the end of the session we had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a passionate conversation.
Meanwhile, Artfuse is growing steadily, using all of the skill sets that our 8 team members bring to the table. We work hard on the project, and I'm sure our efforts will be very rewarding. An overnight success is one of those popular illusions about entrepreneurship and early business development. In real life, building a business is a struggle, and it is a struggle for that one particular type of people that enjoys breaking through challenges every day, passionate enough to live this lifestyle. I am not at all complaining, because it really is what I want to do in life. It's exciting, and I feel that I'm living the dream.. My very own American Dream.
Inspirational Quotes
“A free press must be fortified with greater knowledge of the world and skills in the art of expression.”
Samuel. Irving Newhouse Jr., American Business Magnate and Philanthropist, and namesake of Syracuse University's S. I. Newhouse School
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Hellen Keller, American author, political activist, lecturer and first deaf-blind person to obtain a BA in Arts
Please check out my story on Syracuse University News, read the interview about Artfuse and like Artfuse on Facebook.
See you next week!