My Version of Realism: Part 2
Axioms are the ultimate ground of all rationality and all systems of logic, certainly including all mathematical logic.
Sound logical inferences are the penultimate ground of all rationality and all systems of logic, certainly including all mathematical logic.
Violation of PNC (principle of non-contradiction) permits that anything can be true, therefore denies that anything can be known with certainty. It would be impossible to sustain a civilization if that were permitted. For instance, fatal logical reification category errors, and fatal logical infinite regress, would be permitted. One instance of both fatal logical errors (simultaneously) is the false metaphysical assumption that the first physical object in the first universe could create itself out of nothing, or alternately egregious, that nothing is actually something that could create a whole universe in 1/1(followed by 43 zeroes) unimaginably infinitesimal fraction of a second! ?
·???????? Everything physical exists with a beginning.
·???????? Everything physical must be caused to begin.
·???????? Nothing physical can cause itself to begin to exist.
There is not a single empirical observation that contradicts any of those axioms (and there never will be in any possible universe).
Sound logical inferences:
·???????? The whole universe is a physical object.
·???????? The whole universe could not create itself out of nothing.
·???????? Nothing is not something, therefore could not cause our whole physical universe to begin to exist.
·???????? It is necessary that something exists without beginning that could cause the first thing that exists with beginning to begin to exist.
·???????? Eternal (by common definition, which is completely rational by the way) is the one and only thing that exists without beginning.
The common inference (= assumption) in physics is that everything physical can be precisely measured to have a specific location or be in motion on a path between two locations. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle reveals that is literally impossible to measure an exact physical (= spatial) location and momentum with a single measurement, or as commonly stated, the more accurately you measure location the less accurately you can measure momentum and vice versa. This hardly seems mysterious since it is simple common sense that if some object is in motion, it will pass through spatial locations but will not come to rest in any of them, and if it does come to rest, it will no longer have momentum. An object at rest, say a building occupying a physical address, permits perfectly accurate measurement of spatial location, precisely because it is at rest, which literally means it has no momentum. The building has no intrinsic momentum, only the momentum supplied by the physical curvilinear orbital rotation momentum of planet Earth. On the other hand, intrinsic Brownian motion (for instance all quantum elementary mass units ceaselessly wiggle) can be measured for quantum mass physical objects without violating the uncertainty principle.
In my version of realism, the immaterial category is real = exists and is true. The immaterial category is not physical, therefore cannot be empirically observed and cannot be measured, defined or explained with any kind of mathematics. For instance, all three forms of consciousness (superconsciousness, witness consciousness and ego consciousness) are instances of the immaterial category, therefore mathematics is useless as a tool to gain knowledge of consciousness. In fact, consciousness is the only object of any possible category of objects that can explain itself. Nevertheless, it is also true that even consciousness must be caused to begin.
Consciousness is the necessary agent-bridge between eternal and physical. Without power of agency = power of immaterial causality = power of genesis-create, nothing physical could exist at all. The path from eternal to physical necessarily passes through immaterial consciousness: eternal (with power of immaterial causality = genesis-emanate) emanates → hypostasis (= beginning of beginning; beginning of the first-first) which is superconsciousness; superconsciousness (with power of immaterial causality = genesis-create) creates the first physical thing in the first universe; ego consciousness (with power of immaterial causality = create-manifest) transforms immaterial abstraction objects (objects that exist only as possible or potential to exist) into something actually physical, as revealed by the commonly empirically observed double-slit experiments of physics, and by the commonly empirically observed application of free will (for instance that consciousness commands physical objects, say to place a TV in the bedroom, without any permission from the TV).
It is ironic that all of mathematics is invented as an abstraction in consciousness, and all abstraction is strictly limited to the immaterial category, for instance all ideas, all thoughts, all imagination, all creativity, etc., are instances of the immaterial category. One sound logical inference we can therefore make about mathematics is that mathematics cannot explain itself, which by consensus, G?del has proven. Mathematics is strictly ontologically limited to describe that which is physical, but is not itself physical. Mathematics is one of the top three kinds of abstraction with which we attempt to know with as much certainty as is possible what is real = exist + true.
In my version of realism axioms are the ultimate source of immaterial knowledge certainty, sound logical inference is the penultimate source, and mathematics is down on the list in third place. For those who doubt the logical certainty power of axioms and sound logical inference, mathematics is the best way they can be convinced about what actually is real = exist + true. Unfortunately, since mathematics can tell us virtually nothing about any objects in the immaterial category, physicists insist that the immaterial category does not even exist, eternal does not exist, and whatever consciousness is, physicists preposterously claim that it is physical, because they, by consensus, embrace the false metaphysical doctrine of physicalism, according to which, everything real is physical and the false metaphysical assumption of physical closure is that physical is necessary and sufficient to explain physical. Furthermore, physics is rapidly being eaten by mathematics, however, it is in logical contradiction of the doctrine of physicalism with physical closure, proven by G?del that mathematics cannot even explain itself, let alone explain everything that could possibly exist or actually does exist.