My Values ….. not to be compromised.
In the corporate world, should I be expected to compromise on my values? If I’m raised as a child in the so called ‘right’ way, the answer is NEVER! My values should be aligned with any reputable organization’s values, hence no issues.
Well, that’s not always the case. Repeatedly, we are put in situations where we are made to believe that our values are not aligned with the organization. Sad to know, but messenger here is not the person representing the organization, but their own self. They possess the ability to shift their values, when required. They are called ‘value shifters’ and they certainly don’t benefit the organization. They are like the extra fat around the belly that we don’t want, but still carry around. They shift with a breeze and adjust their values to benefit themselves. Organizations aren’t their priority.
Excess of these characters in the organization increase the ‘grey’ volume. Anything asked is answered vaguely and loyalty to the organization is not appreciated, nor is a characteristic for employees who genuinely want to benefit the organization. End result, loyal employees go mute and question themselves if ‘being loyal and aligned with organizational values is the right choice’?
‘Integrity’ is the most important value that builds foundation for reputable organizations. Same is for people. No technology can measure it, as yet. But I’m glad to see that lot of people still have it. And the ones you see to be losing it, challenge them and stand strong against them. Integrity doesn’t reflect on our pay slips, but it should always be more than the amount on it.
Oil & Gas Professional
6 年:).... Organizational behavior