My Values.
AJ - Alexandra Joy ??GAICD, MBA, MAHRI
Leadership & culture development for advanced, conscious businesses | Leadership coach & author | 10 Degree Shift Podcast?? Non-Executive Director?? Speaker ?? Stand out, apply leverage and step up into leadership.
I’ve been working with some colleagues and a leadership team and some of our discussion yesterday was around team rules and agreements
It all came back to values.
What do you value? What's most important to you? What are the non-negotiables to you and your team?
It got me thinking about my values, did I want to alter them, change them, reaffirm them?
It made me realise my values are still super strong and true for me.
I developed them a long time ago, and they’re set in concrete now for me.
They support my decisions and what I want to do in life. I use them as my guide.?
Mine are truth, compassion, freedom, strength and custodianship, truth, compassion, freedom, strength, and custodianship.
What's most important to you in all that you do? How do you decide what your values are, and how do you use them as a guide?
Quite often we are faced with decisions, we need to decide,”Is this good for me, good for the world? Is this the best value for me to hold or not? Is this decision going to be in my highest order or not?”
We can use our values as guideposts, we can use our values to come back to our decisions.If you're feeling confused about anything and you're not sure which way to go, turn to your values to make the best decision.?
Companies often espouse their values. They write them down, they put them on coffee mugs. But what matters most is how you live them.
How do you show up? How do you demonstrate them?
For me, I demonstrate compassion through how I think, act, behave with other people, with my clients.
For me, custodianship is all about how I plant a tree a day and take care of the land and nurture it. That I am custodian of that, a custodian of relationships with my pets. That I am always thinking about using only what I need and leaving the earth a better place rather than just taking.
You can even think about family values around support and prioritisation, around decisions, and around how you agree to be super, super valuable.?
Our values are worth thinking about.
Listen to the 10 Degree Shift podcast for more tips and ideas to help you make a small shift at work, in your team, in your leadership, and in your life.