My unique Sales Methodology based on my Creative Writing Major

My unique Sales Methodology based on my Creative Writing Major


Writing has been my passion since childhood. I have always been fascinated with the idea that words can be used to paint a picture, tell a story or evoke emotion. As a kid, I would spend hours reading books and writing poetry about my favorite subjects such as animals and nature. As an adult, these interests in writing were channeled into marketing where I discovered that great copy can build strong customer relationships (and sales!).

I am Goal-oriented Leadership Visionary, who excels at building and motivating dynamic teams. Cultivates a company culture in which staff members feel comfortable voicing questions and concerns, as well as contributing new ideas that drive company growth.

You will be working with a goal-oriented and visionary leader who excels at building and motivating dynamic teams, cultivating a company culture in which staff members feel comfortable voicing questions and concerns, as well as contributing new ideas that drive company growth.

I have been able to achieve this by fostering an environment where acknowledging the strengths of others is encouraged while also holding people accountable for their actions. I believe that there are many ways to accomplish a task, so it is important for us to respect each other’s unique perspectives while supporting one another on projects.

I approach prospects using a model based on the Hero's Journey to build trust, rapport and credibility.

The Hero's Journey is a framework for storytelling that has been used for thousands of years. It's an archetypal story arc that follows the development and growth of its hero:

The call to adventure (the hero is given a task or mission)

Refusal of the call (the hero tries to avoid or ignore his/her mission)

Supernatural aid (the hero receives help from forces beyond human understanding)

Crossing of the first threshold (the hero leaves his/her normal world and enters a new, unknown realm)

Belly of the whale / Death-rebirth experience (the hero confronts their inner demons, fears, doubts and hesitations; they may even die at this point but then rise again with newfound knowledge)

I approach prospects by helping them connect the dots between their business needs and the solution provided by my product.

As a creative writer, I have always been fascinated by the art of storytelling. And it's not just an interest; it's my passion. Today, storytelling is at the heart of everything I do as a sales professional. From the first time you meet me to our first deal closing conversation to even after you've purchased from me, I will be using stories to connect with you on an emotional level in order to build trust and rapport with you in order to achieve your goals together.

To achieve this goal, I use two main tools: one is called the hero's journey model (or monomyth). This approach helps me understand what makes my prospects tick by asking them questions about their lives that get them thinking about where they're trying to go or what they're trying to achieve (their "destiny"), as opposed t just selling or pitching products based on features and benefits alone (which doesn't work). The second tool is value based marketing—a sales methodology that allows me flexibility when creating webinars tailored specifically towards each prospect’s interests so that no one falls through any gaps unnecessarily when we are communicating back and forth about what needs doing for them before we ever make contact

I use value based marketing to create webinars tailored to the interests of each prospect I speak with. The webinars are also repurposed into podcast content. I am an expert in crafting unique events and adding value to Prospect's live as a I treat them as people. Prospects are also encouraged to share their experience with my product through written testimonials

You are a human being with different interests, goals and motivations. You want to be treated like someone who's special and not just another sales lead. One of the ways I do this is through my value-based marketing process.

I use this process by first creating a webinar for each prospect that I speak with, based on their specific needs. The webinar can then be easily repurposed into podcasts or videos and shared across multiple platforms such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp Groups, Slack Communities & more!

This allows me to tailor each experience around what my Prospects want while also making sure they get an amazing experience from start to finish!

I apply the fundamentals of writing such as:

  • Simplicity in language: I use simple words and phrases, which helps the customer to connect with me.
  • Creativity: Creativity has always been one of my strong points. In order for a conversation to be successful, you need to come up with ideas that will make your customer's eyes sparkle and their hearts race as they think about what it would be like if they had purchased your product or service.
  • Narrative structures: You also need to use narrative structures that draw the listener into your story. For example, you could tell them how long you have been doing this work (or whatever field), where you grew up, what kind of life experiences you've had so far (good or bad), and so on. This gives them something interesting without boring them senselessly! Plus once again it makes sure that their interest doesn't wane during any point throughout our conversation together."

Subsection: Simplicity in language

This is the first part of a two-part series where I will be explaining my sales methodology based on my creative writing major.

This article focuses on the importance of simplicity in language and how to achieve it.

It is important to remember that when you’re trying to create an emotion with your words, you need to do so as simply as possible. This doesn’t mean dumbing down your content or using baby talk—simply means that you should use simple language with short sentences and paragraphs. The more complicated you make your sentence structure, the harder it will be for people to understand what point you are trying to make (and therefore for them to feel any type of emotion).

Subsection: Creativity

Creativity is important for any business. Creativity is an essential part of art and design, but it can also be applied to sales, marketing, and customer service.

Creative thinking involves using your imagination to solve problems or come up with new ideas. When you're creative, you're not afraid to take risks or try something new—and in business that's extremely important! In fact, being creative can help you tailor your products or services specifically for individual customers' needs—and make them happy too!

Subsection: Narrative structures

Narrative structures are the building blocks of any story. They are used to tell a story and they are also used to understand data. Narrative structures aren't just limited to fiction though, they can be applied in any field where there is a need for understanding our own lives or those around us.

Subsection: Self-love and meditation creates healthy sales organization with no need for alcohol abuse.

If you're part of a team and you enjoy working with people, I suggest that you start to explore the benefits of self-love and meditation. What does this mean? It means that if your team is not fulfilling its potential due to poor communication or other issues, self-love and meditation can help with this problem by creating a more positive environment for you and your teammates.

The benefits don't stop there though; they also extend into the creative process as well. If your company needs more creativity or innovation in order to compete with your competitors, then introducing these practices into the workplace will only be beneficial for everyone involved. After all, who doesn't want their business to be more successful?

When I write to customers, I ensure that it is as creative, simple and structured like any story. I do this by ensuring I review my copy from the eyes of a fresh reader. Also, I ensure that talking to a potential customer and creating a product requires similar mental agility. I leverage the same resources from the dictionary and google to understand what the customer needs and how to articulate the sales message for product understanding. Ultimately, this is about ensuring that you can get your point across in a creative manner. This ensures that you are able to create interest in your product leading to a sale!

When writing a sales letter, email or product description, the best way to do so is with a unique style of writing that is creative, simple and structured like any story. To do this, I ensure that I review my copy from the eyes of a fresh reader. Also, I ensure that talking to a potential customer and creating a product requires similar mental agility. I leverage the same resources from the dictionary and google to understand what the customer needs and how to articulate the sales message for product understanding. Ultimately, this is about ensuring that you can get your point across in a creative manner. This ensures that you are able to create interest in your product leading to a sale!

Here are some tips on how you can make sure your copywriting skills are top notch:

  • Don't use long words; stick with shorter ones instead (e.g., "will" instead of "shall"). You'll sound smarter without making anyone think they don't know what they're reading!
  • Write naturally - if something feels unnatural or forced then cut it out! It doesn't matter if it's grammatically correct as long as it flows well otherwise people won’t want read through all those words when they could be doing something watching Netflix!


The key takeaway above is that I use my creative writing skills to help create sales messaging. I utilize storytelling techniques such as the hero's journey to tell a compelling story around my product, which helps build rapport and credibility with prospects.


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