My Ultimate Mirror- What’s Possible When We Give Up Trying to Figure It Out and Just Listen!
Lois Barth-ACC
I help teams increase engagement and effectivity through communication and emotional intelligence | Keynote Speaker | ICF Certified Executive & Life Coach | Author & Igniter of Thought-Provoking Conversations
One of my Lois-isms is “Life is Always Talking, Make Sure You’re Listening,” and boy did I get a chance to do that last week, and what a message from the universe!
One of my dear friends was facilitating a full-day workshop on Creativity and Manifestation.
I’m a huge fan of her work but something told me that I needed to stay home and give myself my very own one-day workshop on the same topic. I struggled with momentary FOMO (fear of missing out) getting out of Dodge for the day being with cool folks, and of course her incredible work, but again my instincts said, “Stay home and create one for yourself.”
I got sassy and bought all the fun vision board accouterments; large post board fluorescent oversized sticky pads and of course stickers. I started to work on the different categories of my life, and stumbled upon “Home Sweet Haven,” yes I like to name the different domains in my life.
My goal was to totally declutter and organize my desk and sell my 100-year-old, three-generation family heirloom mirror. I felt sad because I needed to let it go and yet I wanted to hold on to the memories. I wanted it to go to someone who would love it. I had spoken to several people in the antique and design industry and they said, “Not an easy sale, but for the right person you’ll make their day.”
The phone rang. It was a dear friend and neighbor who had a mishap and was asking for a favor. Of course, I told her, c’mon up. She admired my Chinese Red vestibule with a bronze statue and I invited her in. She had never been in my apartment.
She and her friend walked in and saw the mirror leaning against the wall and gasped, “OMG it’s gorgeous, we’re looking for a mirror just like this.” Goosebumps! Gulp. “I can’t believe you’re saying that. I so want to sell this mirror to someone who will love it like I do."
We traded stories about our shared Eastern European roots and how this style depicted that 100-year-old era. She asked me how much I was charging. The numbers were all over the map when I did some research. I said I’d circle back, got quiet and the number $550 came up. I called them and asked if that would work, and they said, “We’d prefer $555 that’s our favorite number?”
Goosebumps #2- That was the number of my family address growing up. Just a few weeks before, on the anniversary of my Mom passing, on December 28th, I looked at her picture and said, “Mom I love the mirror but it’s time for me to let it go, show me a sign I have your blessings.”
You just can’t make this stuff up! I knew it was a message from the other side. I had put off trying to sell this mirror because it was so near and dear to my heart, and filled me with so many memories but was no longer right for my home.
Now I get the best of both worlds, to let it go to its new wonderful home that will be used to help heal and support others in manifesting miracles in their lives (my friend is a healer and spiritual guide), and I get visiting rights whenever I want to.
None of that was possible if I didn’t listen, and follow my guidance plus I wouldn’t have been able to be there for my friend.
When I’m brought in to support teams and leaders to be more connected, engaged, and impactful there are strategies and tools to use, which are important. But, along with what I call the “doing” work, (taking external actions) we must balance it with the “being” work, of listening, of trusting, and coming from service.
That’s when the magic happens!
How does my story resonate with you? I'd love to know.
#leadership development