My Two-Month Experiment: Why I did it & What I Learned
Around two months ago I was doing well; however, I still felt as if I was in some sort of rut. A personal one, maybe I wasn't prioritizing my time correctly, eating as efficiently as possible, hanging around the right people at the right times, you name it. With that being said at around this same time the plan for High-Performance Lifestyle Training was really coming into fruition and I realized I have the power to make a change so lets rock n' roll. I was thinking (something I need to do less of -- which we will discuss in my next article) what can I do to totally epitomize a High-Performance Individual -- I had to switch up my routine, patterns, habits EVERYTHING. So I decided my first step was to unless for family purposes not go out and drink for 2 months, yes I am a junior in college, yes this was hard but it was extremely worth it. I'll explain -- simply put, you find yourself. This forced me to really get to know myself, learn about who I am what I truly love and am passionate about; however, it did instill a feeling of loneliness, curiosity of what I 'should be doing' etc. Here is a list of pro's & con's in which I gained from this experiment.
- Alone time is key - reading, watching/listening to your favorite podcasts can lead to constant motivation.
- Sleep - Eliminating late hours while out guarantees a good night sleep and makes it significantly easier to get up and crush work.
- I have never been in better shape than I have become in the last 2 months. I focused on my mind and body.
- Overthinking - your not sure why/what you should be doing at the moment.
- Too much free time? I am the one to keep myself busy, however, at times you have to be doing nothing but relaxing and too much of that is not good for myself personally.
- Human Interaction is CRUCIAL! You need balance, of course, focus and get after your goals every day. But sometimes grabbing a couple of drinks and kicking it with friends is phenomenal for your mental health.
Thanks For Reading,
Benny 11/30