Hafsah Suleman
"The Solutionist" : Experienced Legal Advisor and Attorney with a demonstrated history of working in the property, construction and finance industries.
African Media Agency (AMA) announced the second annual Definitive List of Women CEO’s on March 8, 2022, in line with International Women’s Day.?
In short, the list represents the women who run big business in Africa.?All of the women run businesses with revenue of $100 million or more.
The 2022 list features 74 women. 581 companies were reviewed to identify female C-suite executives.”[1]
Right- lets spin this around - Out of 582 reviewed companies, only 72 women are Chief Executive Officers. This means that 510 of the CEO’s in those companies are MEN. Expected right.
Here is the unfortunate truth though.?Females perform better at school and University than males, which means they are smarter or more hardworking or more dedicated or more productive.
"A new study conducted at?Stellenbosch University (SU) appears to support the notion that girls outshine boys academically both at school and at university.
On average girls actually do better than boys. They learn to read much quicker than boys do (which is true of pretty much all middle- and high-income countries). In South Africa girls also perform better in mathematics.?We found strong evidence of a large female advantage that continues to grow at each hurdle of the higher education process. To be specific, relative to their male counterparts we find that there were 27% more females who qualified for university, 34% more who enroll in university, 56% more who complete any undergraduate qualification and 66% more who attain a bachelor’s degree. This despite there being roughly equal numbers of boys and girls at the start of school. [2]
The researchers say they don’t yet know why this is the case but the best international evidence points to the fact that girls perform better when it comes to things such as self-control, self-motivation, dependability, sociability, perceptions of self-worth, locus of control, time-preference and delayed gratification.”[3]
Why are there then so many more male CEO’s than females? Why are there so many more men in positions of economic power than women?
The answer is rather simple - women have many choices to make in life-?the choice to be a wife, a mother, a daughter in- law, a caretaker, a caregiver, a home-teacher, a home-doctor, a home-cleaner, a home-organiser, a cook, etc. etc. etc. Men on the other hand can simply focus on their careers.
Perhaps I am being unfair- my husband is actually very hands-on in the home and is a diverse and unique man in today’s day and age- but the point still is - All that is really expected from men is for them to dabble in the employment realm and enjoy sport.
Without sounding like a broken tape-recorder, women do have so much more on their shoulders- but wait, here’s where I redeem myself- This predicament, we women find ourselves in, IS TRULY OUR OWN FAULT. We want to have our cake and eat it and in so doing, become the sacrificial lamb.?Can we women simply make choices without including the “but”? May we women simply make choices without including the “but”? Oh, the irony!
And now without sounding like a harping hellcat, the other reality is that Men are nasty. Let us just be honest- most Men in the corporate world think of themselves as Gods and have yet to understand Women and their worth.
Hence, we are stuck with hundreds of years of MALE DOMINATION in almost all spheres of life, which can especially be seen in the regimes of male-led monarchy. Such domination has simply been reduced to the undisputable evidence that the World has fucked itself over.?
Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Burkina Faso & The Sahel, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan?and I am going to throw in South Africa for the fun of it (because that is where we are headed) - take your pick.
It’s worth repeating, women have more self-control, self-motivation, dependability, sociability, perceptions of self-worth, but the powers that be, will not permit or tolerate OUR entry into the Kingdom of Kings.
They, (yes men), are afraid of women and know that Women will create a better world, a better life and yes along with it will come tons of bitching. And So what if we bitch- most men too, in power, bitch all the time.
Women are known for their passionate and devilish charm and some us really do get straight to the point- The Queen of Hearts in “Wonderland” is ever- ready to scream, “Off With Her Head!”- but will Women be any better than Men in the management of the economic empire and the sphere of political chess.
Will the statistics relating to studiousness and academic excellence be the key to the world’s success?
There are too many variables and uncertainties simply because we women have yet to be given the opportunity to fully test this theory.
Thought processes and chess games aside, What am I Saying?
It is no fluke that the female species outdoes her male counterparts in School and University. This cannot be some meaningless statistic.
Much, much, much more women MUST be on the economic and political forefronts and more men should become domesticated.
How do we do this? Perhaps an affirmative action measure should be implemented where all worthy and willing women simply take over 50% of all Executive jobs country-wide and occupy 50 % of Parliament. And forget the elections, I am ready to be the first South African Female President. It seems there is no qualifying criteria to run a country, these days.
If life ‘s decisions were determined by the results achieved in University, or better still, the emotional quotient and soft skills of self-control, self-motivation, dependability, sociability, perceptions of self-worth, locus of control, time-preference and delayed gratification, metaphorically?Jane, Mbali and Hafsah , who achieved the top three results in the country, would be placed in positions of?Honourable President, Minister?of Defence and Minister of Finance. Sipho, John and Matthys , who achieved the lowest?Grades can stay at home and make sure that Supper is ready on time.
The Japanese do it . “Many companies in Japan hire through a traditional process known as Shinsotsu. These companies recruit candidates for specialized jobs at the graduate level, hiring them based on ambition, character, and communication skills as soon as they leave prestigious universities”[5]
But men can’t have babies right. So do we women then do what Priyanka Chopra did with her surrogacy route (which was supposedly taken because both husband and wife have very busy schedules).
This is just it- God did not design women to simply bake cake; God designed us for greatness.
A Women brought each of the Prophets into the World,
A women brought Mahatma Ghandi into the World,
A woman brought Jensen Huang – CEO of NVIDIA, into the World ,
A woman brought Reed Hastings – CEO of Netflix , into the World, and
A woman brought Satya Nadella – CEO of Microsoft, into the World.
So, here’s the thing ‘Bastard Male Driven Society’, who have set the rules - If anything, if anything and ?unless you died from Covid-19, you should have learnt by now that you have to change your fucking attitude, change the way you work, change the medieval concept that employees only work if they are present at the office, change your mind set to keep up with the times.
If we are to really treat women equally, after the years of oppression that women have faced and still face, permit us to work from home; permit us to choose when to come into the office; permit us not to be inhibited from having babies due to the fear of not getting paid during the maternity period; or fear that WE will be replaced during that time.?Permit us to give up spending most of our lives at the office – Remember, we have already given up spending most of our time with our children and spouses, for you.
Why do we Women have to sacrifice one thing for the other, why do we have to sacrifice ourselves and our careers- we can still have babies and love them and nurture them to become respectful good human beings whilst still being in Executive Management, whilst being C E O’s, and whilst being leaders.?Why does your career have to become your life- NO, IT MUST BE A PART OF YOUR LIFE.
Allow us this flexibility and THEN WATCH US SOAR.
All you law-makers, scrap your equality provisions as it is evident that you cannot implement them correctly.
All you business owners, I give you the finger, for you will never understand the Heart, the Mind and the Soul of a woman.
Understand this though, we are keener, more dedicated and more poised than you.
So Gentlemen , step-down from your self-made thrones and give us this chance.
[1] The New Dawn Truly Independent, 10 March 2022
[2]As per Drs Nic Spaull and Hendrik van Broekhuizen from the research group on Socio-Economic Policy (ReSEP) in SU’s Department of Economics.