If my twin flame is happily married to another person, my reunion will actually never happen. Is that correct?
Arleen Meyer
Owner at Master's Kennels, Home of Dog University, Awakened DF/TF, Lightworker, Health Advocate
Apple Books Here to share some Love and Light <3Nov 12
I was married when I met my Twin Flame and I stayed married for a while until all the changes that took over my life naturally led to dissolving my marriage amicably.
Here are some facts I learned over the years of separation from my Twin Flame.
Fear and worry that a married Twin Flame will not return are real and true. It is impossible to stay happy when you watch your Twin Flame happy with anyone else even though it is his or her husband. You will always lose the hope at some point because you nothing that happens between you and your Twin Flame is in your control.
Secondly, a married Twin Flame will always miss you as much as you miss him or her. The optics may seem like your Twin Flame is happy with someone else but it is not the truth! He or she misses you as much as you do. They cry themselves to sleep when the pain is unbearable. They think of you constantly. Telepathic communication still goes on whether you acknowledge it or not.
Thirdly, life for a married Twin Flame becomes more complicated after your encounter. It is very difficult to face your Twin Flame encounter head on because you already have a husband or and kids to take care of. A married Twin Flame does not have the liberty to express his or her feelings because you have fears of being judged. I could not articulate to my closest friends what was going on. When I did after a while, some people thought that I was looking for an excuse to leave my marriage. I was afraid of divorcing because I was not sure that my Twin Flame would be there when I became single.
If your Twin Flame is married, you have to be his or her support system. Do not abandon them if life is not working out for both of you.
Have empathy for your Twin Flame. If you stay in his or her life, you are showing a sign of strength. For better or for worse, be there when your Twin Flame needs you.
Do not just stay because things are going well and you disappear the moment you realize that nothing is in your favor.
You have to BELIEVE in love.?Stay Blessed!