My Twenty-Three Conclusions from 2023 for 2024

My Twenty-Three Conclusions from 2023 for 2024

  1. Live beneath your means. Only spend what you make. Before purchasing something, determine whether you need it or want it. Eventually, you'll have the means to buy more of what you want, but initially, live within your means.
  2. Return everything you borrow. If you borrow someone's vehicle, fill up the tank. It's the least you can do. Make the item look better than you received it.
  3. Stop blaming other people. Complaining is draining your energy and those around you. Complaining never solves the problem. Remember it could be worse, and REMEMBER?if you cannot change or control it, do not dwell over it!!!
  4. Admit when you make a mistake. Hiding it is lying to others and yourself. So, remember,?TRUST?is key! Hard to build and hard to keep. Once lost, it is virtually impossible to regain.
  5. Give clothes not worn to charity. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Additionally, many people fall into hard times for one reason or another. It's not for us to judge but to help our fellow mankind. In my experience, vouchers are given to provide these items for free to those in need. Please think of how hard it was to even ask for help. Besides, it's not a shirt off your back, so to speak.
  6. Do something nice and try not to get caught. Karma is real, and good Karma is what you want coming back to you; so, I've set this example many times by paying for a Veteran's meal without them knowing. It's a small token of appreciation to their spouse for caring for the home front so the Veteran can focus on their job since they volunteered to do something bigger than themselves.
  7. Listen more, talk less. Easier said than done, I know. However, I am embarrassed to say that I achieved this more at work than at home. It is a work in progress, and I hope you gain this skill more quickly than I have in life. It will pay huge divided in the end, trust me.
  8. Every day, take a 30-minute walk. While serving, I took advantage of this and achieved this task most days. The benefits have helped me health-wise thus far. I hope you do the same.
  9. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Because perfection is not achievable, and excellence is. If you work hard towards perfection, you'll only find frustration, become discouraged, and quit pursuing your dream. However, if you pursue excellence, your motivation will grow, and you'll strive for high standards that can be met with your efforts, practice, and persistence you can meet. You'll make mistakes along the way that aren't mistaken. They are lessons in pursuit of your dreams. Also, remember to be flexible. There is more than one way to do the task. Finally, value the process and not just the outcome!
  10. Be on time. Don't make excuses. If you're early, you're on time; if you are on time, you're late, period. Before I joined the Army, I cannot remember if this was the principle I lived by. However, this is how it has been for most of my life, and it just feels right. Having people wait on you is rude. However, safety should always be considered, and you should account for this so you can arrive early at events.
  11. Don't argue. Get organized. We've all felt overwhelmed with no clear place to start. In most cases, we all need a few deep breaths and some serious prioritization. Conflict and disorganization create stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, it affects your mental health. Remove the clutter and discover that your mind will pay attention to what you should be focused on.
  12. Be kind to unkind people. Always kill them with kindness. Additionally, it will deflate their cold behavior. Besides, do not let this kind of behavior ruin your day. Also, again, remember that evil Karma will return to unkind people. We might be there to see it. We might not. That's the smile you should be showing them (wink, wink).
  13. Let someone cut ahead of you in line. Again, Karma is honest, and you want good Karma to be the type of Karma that is returned to you in life. It's a small gesture, and it will demonstrate that positive energy is better than the alternative.
  14. Take time to be alone. This is an opportunity to learn about yourself, your likes and dislikes, and discover what makes you happy and what makes you tick! You can do a lot with this information. In my experience, it will help drive you toward your goals and dreams in life.
  15. Cultivate good manners. In my experience, an excellent-mannered, pleasant-natured individual is always sought after and respected by many people, and they are successful in life. Understandably, such people have a magnetic influence over others, and we should practice good manners in our lives if the situation dictates. However, for the most part, say thank you, you're welcome, yes sir, yes ma'am, no sir, and no ma'am.
  16. Be humble. Let your actions speak for themselves. Don't brag about what you have done, what you have. As you've taken the time to be alone, you should have found your self-worth, and as a result, you shouldn't feel the need to think less of anyone. This advice has always been hard for me, but I actively listen to understand others. Appreciate constructive criticism and accept feedback. Assume responsibility and own your part in the mishap. Finally, know yourself and seek self-improvement. Only you truly know what your weaknesses are. To do this, you must be humble and seek those subject matter experts to turn your weaknesses into strengths.
  17. Realize and accept that life isn't fair. If you cannot change it, if you cannot control it, don't dwell over it. The past is where it needs to be, in the past. The future has yet to happen. So, be mindful and concentrate on the present. This will also help you create a beautiful and better future. Additionally, this is a better way to spend your energy instead of feeling helpless and meditating on how life seems "unfair." Life's journey is accepting that you will not always win; you will fail and suffer setbacks. However, you are learning these lessons from your losses, failures, and setbacks to do better the next time.
  18. Know when to keep your mouth shut. When emotions are running high, bite your tongue. When you are angry, bite your tongue. Remember, once you say the words, you can never take them back. So, bite your tongue if you don't have anything productive to offer. Another time to keep your mouth shut is when the conversation turns to gossip. All in all, keep your mouth shut and politely remove yourself from the conversation. It will save you more headaches than it's worth. There's an old Spanish proverb that says:?"Don't speak unless you can improve upon the silence."?It is undoubtedly one of the most important skills you can ever develop. Silence is uncomfortable. Let them feel the pain. It WILL make you own the room and give you the advantage.??
  19. Go an entire day without complaining. Instead of complaining, practice gratitude, praise others, and focus on your success. You should also praise others and focus on the things you have control over. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is let go and trust. Life has a way of working out, and you'll learn so much more when you do. Surrender is the answer.
  20. Learn from the past. Plan for the future. I have spoken to this already. Accept the past, especially when things haven't gone to plan, or challenges have thrown you off course. This is an opportunity for growth, and learning from the past is essential rather than dwelling on it. Spending too much time thinking of the past takes your energy away from the power you could put towards the present that will impact the future. Create a growth mindset and learn from the past to build your future.
  21. Live in the present. I never took the time to smell the roses once I succeeded at something. I should have. Learn to soak in as much of today as possible. Enjoy the day's sights, sounds, smells, and emotions. If you could only live one moment at a time, you might as well make it the present.
  22. Don't sweat the small stuff. Stress causes you to be irritable, angry, impatient, or wound up. I am ashamed to say that in my experience, I would take this out on the ones closest to me, my loved ones. Break the cycle, learn to control your stress, and don't sweat the small stuff. Just breathe! Get the mind right first, and the body will follow. Controlled breathing clears the mind, controls the body, and puts you in a state to make the best decisions.
  23. It's all small stuff. In the end, it's all small stuff when holistically speaking. Learn how to put things in perspective and use it as an opportunity to build character and grow. Every problem is a potential teacher to learn how to improve things on your next attempt. Dust yourself off, keep moving forward, and remember to live in the present moment.


~Lawrence F Lopez


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