My Truth - Your Truth
Recently, I was watching a web series titled "School of Lies". This web series, its theme and its characters made me ponder on the following questions:
It is not at all necessary that my truth matches your truth in all the aspects of the matter and hence we can agree to disagree with each-other if we are at equal levels of IQ and EQ or having a relationship of equity. The urgent need to lie comes from the situation where the speaker knows the fact that his truth or perspective totally differs from that of the listener. it is in this situation that the speaker decides to save the tie-up or relationship or bonding by telling that which the listener wants to hear. The speaker on the other hand goes through an ecstatic feeling of being a savior of the relationship and never feels that he is a liar who is hiding the truth.
"Paul told me that we should lie when the truth can't help someone."
- from the web series 'A Good Doctor'
The listener on account of being said what he wanted to hear feels that he is right and develops a feeling of being righteous out of sheer agreement of the speaker. The listener of the so called truth which as a matter of fact is a blatant lie just said to save the relationship, position, post, or job. This misunderstanding leads to the listener believe on the saying that "The Boss is always right". This bossism fails to infer that the same speaker is literally telling his truth to someone else behind the listener's back and does not consider it as some kind of backbiting. "Truth prevails or Satya Mev Jayate" as they print it under Ashok Stambh or statue of lady Justicia symbolizing victory of truth or justice.
What an inspiration!
What an irony!
Inspiration, if 'my truth' is hidden willfully, advertently and consciously to save the world of possessiveness and wistful irony, if 'your truth' is spoken in order to honour 'your truth' for time being or for a certain period of time.